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What is a false Twin Flame? Would you like to know whether they are a false Twin Flame or your True Twin Flame? This video – 8 Signs of a False Twin Flame Union- will show you clearly whether they are your True Twin Flame, or a false Twin Flame. Do they pull away? Prevent you from going deeper with them? Do they not share the same values? Could be a false Twin Flame. This video is an excerpt from our book “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover” which is available here: http://tiny.cc/nntg9x



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This book is designed to show you how, and what to do when you are united with your Twin Flame.

“TWIN FLAMES: DREAMS COMING TRUE”~ Guaranteed from separation into harmonious union~


“TWIN FLAMES: ROMANCE ATTRACTION”~ Attract and create lifelong love and romance ~

Welcome To Twin Flames: Romance Attraction

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Thank you for watching and may your Twin Flame Union thrive and be forever blessed. xo


50 thoughts on “8 SIGNS of a FALSE TWIN FLAME”

  1. My Twin has been the opposite of all these signs. For all the times we hurt each other; he expressed deep remorse that I got hurt and often the issue was more poor communication and a lack of being authentic selves (big areas I've been working on within myself). There was always deep love, caring and an expressed desire to always be in each other's lives.

  2. is this true if my tf is in an open marriage…and being unable to share certain feelings and time that goes against his agreement with his wife?

  3. I don't believe in the false flame therory I personally believe it's a catalyst in preparation for a twin flame your speaking of but that's my theory. Love & Light.. keep shining your magnificent lights..🙏💖✨

  4. Could we falsely accuse someone of being a narcissist because we
    (the runner) haven't loved ourselves, yet? I've left him twice before and now he wants me to come back. I've been gone 11 months this time…. 😵

    We live 27 hours apart and I don't want to go all the way back again only to find things are the same.
    I do realize that my energy could have been off as well, because I didn't love myself yet and I can't help but worry that I might be a hopeless romantic, too 😢 I really need your advice, please and thank you for making these videos🙏 #yourloveissobeautiful 💗

  5. I just ended one. Oh that was a rollercoaster ride! Lies, lies ,lies. Drama, lots of baggage…I was trying to manifest my twin flame, got him instead….no thanks…I'm good with just a me.

  6. I meet a false twin 5 months ago who is a covert narcissist. I did truly love him and though he was the real deal.But I soon found out that he was just mirroring me without empathising with me and merely pretended to share the same values.But his true colors came to surface soon enough and I have gone no contact.

  7. Am glad I found this vid my twin is also false he never really tries to get to know me better but he is a very communicative person talks to everyone except me only hi hi hi hiii hiiiii hiiiiii fakeeee !

  8. This is a bit harshly said but it’s very true and the sooner you realise it in yourself the better. I was with a false twin flame on and off for 3 years (including smaller and longer pauses) and this is where I believe I discovered true love in myself. Eventually, life parted us and I happened to move countries and meet a soulmate there. While I was with the soulmate, healing from the past and finally receiving love,I met my true twin flame. This was just another level and I had a deep feeling of connection and mutual love regardless of the arguments all the time at the start and loads of ups and downs and separations.

  9. You are so correct. I’ve always been able to be myself with people in my trusted inner circle. I revealed my laundry…. I was treated as if I was weak and stupid. He actually called me stupid, verbally. I showed who I was from day 1. I gave up so much to be with an individual just shy of losing everything in my life to better their life. I had goals and dreams, this person jeered at them, no real support given to them. I was lied to about a relationship he had for months….it was a one sided relationship, your Twin loves you too much to do these things to you.

  10. I am sorry, I got really mad when you all pointed out about the one i was with was not my twin. I had to go through the tough phases because i was blindly in love with my bubble. My bubble pricked, I fell

  11. My ex boyfriend just broke up with me. He is still mad and unforgiving towards me but unconditionally forgives people who treat him like he is less than scum. I try to see the good in him and others just to be treated horribly. I thought that he was a loving, intelligent, gifted and talented, and beautiful person. I gave him unconditional love that was going to last way past an eternity. He claims that he was falsely accused of rape. He is definitely not my twin flame.

  12. Hi.!We need to scrutinized very well through his spoken words,behaviour,attitudes,intuition,guts feeling if it is false twin flame and seek and ask the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer and through our dreams he will show us To Be Very Careful and Don't Trust..And Truth Will All Set Us Free From Known and Unknown Sins.Amen.To God All Be Glory Forever.Amen.All Well and Good.08/Nov/2017.
    God Bless To Everybody.!☆★☆★☆★★★☆

  13. Hi..A very nice message or signs of False Twin Flame which is easily seen and detected very well.Thanks…And God Bless To Everybody Here Now And Then Forever.To God All Be Glory.Amen.All Well And Good.Cheers To All.!★♣☆★♧★♣♧☆

  14. Thank you! Wonderful. 4.44 showed up on the clock the very minute the video ended. I have no idea what this means, not do I know what the pain is about wondering if this person is the right or wrong one. He texted too at 4.44. Its an obsessive hurdle wondering if the relationship is on or off. Heartbroken if its off, ecstatic and overwhelmed if its on. He is not clear, one day he lives me, another day he wants no relationship. I'm in the cracks. I opened myself to divine love recently and thought he was a gift.

  15. mmmm i heard your twin flame is supposed to be the total opposite of you. both future goals are supposed to different so you can work throw it and make something better that you never thought of and they give you a hard time so you can better yourself and they ignore you cause they have issues they need to deal with before giving you their all. my ex did all that listen,shared my values,same goals ect ect but in the end he wasnt for me

  16. False twins won't bother to tell you they love the same things you love. They won't be inclined towards spirituality. And they crave to boost their egos. If they happen to be in a relationship, they're perfectly fine provoking you to feel a deep connection with them even though it doesn't exist. The reason for this is that they have the same core wounds but go about different ways of healing. A true twin heals with unconditional love, spirituality, selflessness and passivity and seeks this in a similar person. A false twin try to heal by being a energy vampire i.e. boosting their egos, attention seeking, emotional gain, material gain. If you happen to be the victim twin ,the false twin will masquerade as wanting the same things and hide their true selfs.

  17. She not false for sure. I'm so awake now that I feel her and all my heart wants for her to the happiest girl in my world. Some powers higher pointed me in you direction and I am truly grateful to. I've wasn't spiritual a month ago but now I'm almost fully awake. Let's do what we are supposed to indigo babies let's fix this world.

  18. So is it normal that my real twin flame looks VERY similar to my false twin flame that I dated years ago? Everything the false twin did, the real twin didn't do. They were complete opposites spiritually and emotionally. Just wondering since my tf is in the running stage right now 🙁

  19. What if u are scared of your twin flame and u know it's your real Twin but not wanting to go to that sensitive place in your heart cause u never new love like that excited and it's just them being scared of true love if you always had bad relationships and u are broken a Lil and this new experience of feelings or person comes along out of now where and makes u vulnerable in a good way and u like it but u don't understand it cause it new or is it a false flame ?

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