Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation with the Angels | Sarah Hall

Chakra clearing is a cornerstone healing practice for keeping your energy body healthy, balanced and flowing.

Some of the many benefits of Chakra Clearing are:

• An instant mood lift
• Motivation and Inspiration
• Increased physical health and energy
• Deep emotional healing
• Self Understanding
• Psychic Development

This meditation will give you an introduction to working with your chakras, welcoming you into a whole new world of self-understanding and healing.

Remember, it is through your self that you access all the spiritual wisdom and power of the universe. You are your own doorway into the deep, infinite realms of God. Use this meditation to deepen an exciting new relationship with yourself and to uplift and heal just about any matter that you may encounter in life.

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Sending you Love and Angels!



27 thoughts on “Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation with the Angels | Sarah Hall”

  1. Thank you beloved Angel🙏💞I am now asking for deep healing clearing and balancing my root chakra so I can manifest great wealth in my life and open my heart chakra so I can have faith in love God the universe to help me to create and live my dreams and in a state of joyful pure abundance as a child of the beloved. I am ready to release all feelings of lack limitations and poverty consciousness. I desire to live in true abundance always feeling my deep desires are met and I am supported in becoming a movies tar. Amen. 🙏🌸🌈⭐🦄🌟🌍🌹🌸🕊️🌠💞✈️💞

  2. Thankyou. Beloved Angels for this beautiful healing and clearing. Please help me to be gentle and loving and forgiving towards myself. Please archangel Micheal protect me from all evil attacks and negative limiting thoughts. Please send your sword of silver light to cut all cords draining me and banish all evil spirits from my soul. Thankyou. I ask archangel chamuel to fill my heart chakra which is very low with pink love healing energy all day. I need this divine love to heal my heart so it can open to life like a flower and love and accept myself and move into new earth vibration free from the past and all pain in my mental judging body which drains my life force and leaves me feeling alone depressed and hopeless. God promised me a career as a movies tar so please angels open the right doors so I may begin living my dreams soon. Amen. 🙏🦄💞🌠

  3. Thank you archangel Micheal and archangel Raphael for helping me to heal and release all that has been haunting and torturing me for many lifetimes. I am now ready to fully transform into the divine perfection God created me to be as I realise my inner divinity and true limitless presence. I am ready to be fully reborn and receive the miracle heal g I have been praying deeply to God for for over 10 years now. I am coming home to mamma kauai to return to God's arms and be set free to live as a child in pure innocence ofGods garden of love and manifest my hearts true desire after I am forever young. My own sailboat and a sacred treasure map to spend 365 days at sea with God in search of a holy treasure and come to live forever in the way of love with God forever my miraculous home star guide and greatest cheerleader. He wants me to beat the system. Her wants me to k ow that I am miraculous and divine. He wants me to be happy and healthy and sing because that's my gift and to have great friends and live simply always in harmony with nature
    I am fearless free it is done. Home I am Coming. To know God. 🙏💖✨Wingin it as angels do. 👑💎

  4. I did this meditation and found I have clogged chakras so bad that I'm barely able to see their colors. In the past I've been able to see the colors, so I needed to find out why such a downturn. And I wanted to share that my spirit guide, along with the angels, have led me to my answer which is I am living in unhappiness because my eye is always cast to the future..the feeling that happiness and contentment will come "when" I achieve something or other. I'm living in unhappiness because my focus is on the future instead of making a better present. Thank you Sarah Hall for this video and the knowledge it's brought me in order to build a happier "today."

  5. Beautiful meditation! Archangel Michael and Raphael communicated to me additional guidance and recommendations during this meditation. Your words are so pure and high vibratory. My experience with meditation and the psychic realm matches yours very much! Your meditations are crystal clear and authentic, and very very powerful. Thank you for all that you do and blessings to you!

  6. I have to thank you so much for the beautiful guided meditation. About a year ago I started listening to this one a lot and it was always very powerful at grounding me. I had stepped away from it for the past many months, but today I listened to it again and it brought me such a deep comfort. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  7. im always being emotionaly drained in my house which I'm sharing with two other people who are highly toxic and the house is carrying some very heavy and dense sick energys, it has made me very upset and i am being touched in my root chakra by these entities and my backside is being touched by them each time i sit or go to sleep or just try to go around and do my own thing, it has made me extremely angry to the point where ive wanted to eradicate them completely and smash them to pieces, they play on my thoughts and feelings and are empty conscienceless soulless wisps or dark entitys that need dealt with promptly! i am extremely sick and tired of them ruining my health and well being and my happiness and distracting me from my life, it is time they got their judgements! i hope the angel warriors kicks their narrow asses to be quite honest, pardon me but their pathetic, and no one should ever have to go through this alone….NOONE…its disgraceful….God Help me….

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