Dark Side of the Moon, Number 13, Color Therapy

Podcast for January 5, 2018

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34 thoughts on “Dark Side of the Moon, Number 13, Color Therapy”

  1. I love you both and you don't know. I know everything and I would love to meet Stewart and that's you. I live in Stein , Germany.My father was a Dänischen Irland und Deutsche und mein Mutter was Sud Koreanisch und Japanische.I am a creative Vikings dummies with Sumeri,,, my mother was the only okhi Christensen on this planet 😂✌️ take care and I wish you all the best 🌊🐬🎵🎶

  2. I noticed you seem to be reading some type of headlines or something from some paper, would you please state where you’re finding your sources so the viewing audience can research for themselves

  3. So incase you didn’t know the United Kingdom is locking people up and violating freedom of speech, so maybe that’s why they made the list … And their detaining people at the border for their political beliefs! So maybe just maybe that’s why.

  4. Stewert … Did you Notice the NYC times square ball drop this year?? I think something happens when the ball was dropping???? Your thoughts please? Your best fan!!

  5. ON A DOCTORATE LEVEL🌹. According to the most ancient texts including the Nag Hammadi scriptures, For the last 150,000, to 200,000 years humans have been manipulated and knocked down from their intelligence and enlightenment by these so-called gods you believe in. Yet, according to the ancient Gnostic knowledge, there is only a Creator consciousness fractal field of information that acts like it is aware of itself.( subtle energy,& double slit experiment). I only feel compassion for Humanity by their depleted consciousness, instinct, health, intelligence, spirit, and Light body. These so-called Zionist, fake Jews?, hiding under Neath the protection of religion, have one thing in mind, money, power, and The Taking of way of your rights and land, and money. Mossad, translates to= Through Deception, Thou Shalt Do War. Look what is happening in the United States right now, you can now lose your job if you speak negative about Israel or #BDS ISRAEL. That is unconstitutional, or are you too blind to see that. For those who have not learned. through history, you will repeat it. Please get healthier, get smarter, and get involved.🌹

  6. okay, no fair if you're hoping for serious comments about your news—with your ADORABLE new furry babies distracting the heck out of this viewer.  Not that I ever have anything very in depth to share in any event.  Although I found the Taiwan report interesting since my nephew got married to a young woman from Taiwan last summer.  It's great to meet your beautiful dogs in this podcast.  Janet I agree with your take on all of the gender issues. I meet each individual in life as just that, an individual. I've known plenty of gay men, lesbian woman, and a few trans-ish folks too. But why hormones? why surgery? My view is that if we are here in a human body, whatever our issues might be, whether they are health related, mental, or any category, the task is still to make the most of whatever it is you've got, respect others, prosper (hopefully) and learn how to be the best you can be.  From the heart. From the soul. If a person does their best to be authentic, then love and sex and relationships will come along too…no matter how 'different' you might feel yourself to be.  Happy New Year.

  7. Stuart I would love it if you would check out a YouTube Channel called The Diehold Institute. He has some wonderful research on the Hebrew language, and a Nova cycle of our sun. I promice you will find it worth looking at. You might already know some of the information he is providing.

  8. You got puppies and did not show them to us!!??? 😮

    Someone here has a part wolf white one too. So smart. The dog gets on the bus and lays down neatly under the seats. Looks just like your pups.

    See Amazing Polly on YT regarding foundations.

    I am sure the Muslims are being remotely mind controlled by the Talmudic communist traitors.

  9. Lovely huskies … I love huskies so Much ..congrats Stewart and Jane ..very good idea and please let us enjoy with your huskies weekly.. they are so lovely and both of you are so happy to have them .. great 2019… greetings from Madrid Spain.. I follow both of you for more than 5 years.. and I agree with the way you analyze life and society… to hear your comments help me accept life as it is… thank you !

  10. that Chinese landing is BS……Fourth Reich would never let a craft into that area…..plus….human spacecrafts are so obsolete…..that the van allen belt would neutralize the metal and all the electronics on it.

  11. The USA also issued a travel warning for 🇲🇽 Mexico. Tourists have been dying from poisoning at inclusive resorts in Cancun, as well as from the shootings at malls. Mexico Vacation Awareness dot com.

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