Twin Flame Heart Connection Healing Meditation Music for Mirror Soul

For a better effect listen to this Twin Flame healing music through these magical headphones

Twin Flame Heart Connection Healing Meditation Music for Mirror Soul

Sometimes discussed in terms of a “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. It is theorized that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the soul lands in two different bodies.

If you compare a twin flame vs. soulmate, it’s important to note that a soul mate is someone who is made from the same kind of energy as you, but who has never existed in fusion with you. So, although soul mate connections are highly significant, an encounter with a twin flame is on another level entirely. Usually, this will lead to romance. However, it can also manifest in the form of an intense friendship.

If you have a twin flame, you are fated to meet this person at some point in your life journey. The two of you will be pulled together like magnets! You will know when you’ve connected with this person because you’ll immediately experience a sense of recognition. Many people describe an uncanny sense of having known their twin flame all their lives. When you encounter the person who carries the other half of your energy, it can create a profound and life-altering sense of wholeness.

Your relationship will naturally be extremely intense because twin flames are mirrors of one another. This person will not only provide a sense of wholeness; they will also elevate your self-knowledge, including knowledge of your flaws. Consequently, there’s a potential for conflict as well as happiness. Rest assured that it is possible to have a happy, healthy relationship with your twin flame. However, this is only possible if you can learn to love yourself, as your twin flame is part of you. This love must be honest and unconditional! Otherwise, a part of you will always be driven to reject your twin flame.

Most Common Twin Flame Symptoms

Intuitively knowing what the other person is doing, feeling, or thinking about. Plus, you find that they can detect the same things about you.
Sharing many of the same interests, values, hobbies, and preferences. For example, your twin flame probably has a lot of books in your favorite genre. Similarly, you likely gravitate towards the same food as well.
Often having the same thoughts or emotions at the same time, even if you’re in different places. When you’re together in person, this may result in you saying the same thing at almost the exact same moment.
Feeling a strong physical pull to touch and be close, whether in a romantic or platonic setting.
Having the same dreams at night, and frequently appearing in each other’s dreams. Sometimes your dreams will only overlap in theme, but the core message and feeling will be similar.
Feeling like you can easily communicate without speaking out loud. A simple glance will often be enough to tell you what your twin flame thinks about what’s going on around you.
Understanding complex or hidden parts of each other. This can be uncomfortable and confronting, but it can also be deeply liberating and validating.
Sharing some of the same vulnerabilities and weaknesses. You may see some of your old faults in your twin flame, or have some of your present difficulties highlighted by the way this person behaves.
Feeling like it’s safe and natural to be your authentic self around this person. For example, even if you’re normally shy, a twin flame will quickly make you feel comfortable enough to just be you.

Twin flames miracle manifestation music/healing frequency/ clearing meditation/ 2018/ twin flame healers/ twin flame heart connection meditation / love connection meditation


23 thoughts on “Twin Flame Heart Connection Healing Meditation Music for Mirror Soul”

  1. I love these colors way too much though. 💜,💜
    Even though for some reason these things never really worked on me, not sure if it's just me or something I need to fix. Send help. 🥴 Lmfo.

  2. I’m not human I don’t have a twin flame I am a Sirian Starseed i’m not even from this world I just found out over a year ago I didn’t even know what it meant I didn’t even know that I could incarnate from out there from a star system not too far away off of Orion‘s belt. I don’t think I have a twin flame anymore besides he’s taken and I can’t ever have him.

  3. Twin Flame Journey taught me so much about myself. It’s put me on a beautiful path with the earth and people around me. It’s made me love everything about myself and deeper within my own soul. I’ve met my twin flame and we’re a power couple. It’s possible to be together, just when the universe knows you two are ready. We are met to come together to show the world love and peace, to be awaken to ourselves and everything around us. We’re all part of each other. We show the world and people around us to heal within ourselves. Twin Flames are met to come together to show the earthly world what love and peace can do. We’re healers. We are love. We are tools to awaken the sleepy souls. This meditation opened me to some much love and peace, knowledge and wisdom. Don’t be afraid of the connection we share. Fear is the opposite of love. Embrace the unknown of the connection we have. Life is beautiful. Twin flames are always together. Our souls never left each other. We find peace. We find love. How we treat one other is how we treat ourselves. When you show compassion, you’re never wrong. Enlightened you’re souls. Bloom and be positive in every journey you take on this earth and physical body. Being with you’re twin will strength you in everything possible way. I’ve been with my twin for almost a year. It’s unbelievable, the love and just being with yourself. Enjoy life. Being part of the peace and love. We’re showing earth that love can save. It’s possible. We have to stop believing what others say about the connection of twins. We’re on our own journey. We’re able to birth our own story. Peace and love, never stop showing the love. 🦋✨

  4. Not to step on a fellow twin flame channel's toes at all😅 We all want the same thing. I am happy to report that I'm in union! And I helped some ppl close to me address their situations. Here is a link to my service. I'm not an awesome salesman, just a regular ass person… but what I lack in charisma I make up in results:) Twin flames in separation, talk to me! We'll set the record straight.

  5. I must say this meditation does work healing the connecrion i have with my twin but i also i had to do alot of inner work and forgiveness along with surrundering to divine timing a few days ago i did receive a msg from him. Thanks you bless⭐

  6. This music meditation has brought my twin closer but only in the 5D, I am grateful but then some feel we don't want them closer in the 5D??? because that can block physical union???? I don't feel that it blocks I feel intuitvely it strengthens the bond…whatever the bond is at the particular point you are listening. Also I think its kind of cute (what else is new) because we are not yet clear of relationship obstacles to be in the physical so the only way he can come to me is energetic and he does even more so after I listen to this!!!

  7. Just want to note: if you ever feel discouraged there are plenty youtubers that do twin flame energy readings and in my opinion they are all telling the truth! ALSO you and your twin are neverrrr apart. YOU ARE THE SAME SOUL BUT IN DIFFERENT BODIES. Don’t send love to them send love you yourself. Don’t send them healing send it to yourself. Because it is literally still going to them. All of the readings say very good things just stay positive everyone and focus on yourself!

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