The Chakras Explained & How to Balance Them


The 7 chakras are the main energy centers of the body. These energy centers or spinning vortexes of energy that run from the base of your spine up to the top of the head.

Your spirit body is made of energy and it moves and connects to your mental body and your physical body. I am sure you have heard of the phrase mind/body/spirit. You have a mental body, a physical body, and a spirit or etheric body. They all connect.

The 7 chakras can get blocked by physical mental or spiritual problems. Like trauma, negativity in life, or other people’ energy. Let’s talk about each of these 7 chakras and how you can unblock them yourself. It will require both mental & physical effort on your part. This process of unblocking needs to be worked on over your lifetime to keep the energies flowing. Do these exercises daily or at least as often as you can.

Stay Connected:

7 Chakras | Seven Chakras | Chakra Balancing | Chakra Healing | Chakras Explained | Chakras for Beginners | Chakra Meditation | Chakra Colors


41 thoughts on “The Chakras Explained & How to Balance Them”

  1. It’s going to take me years to unblock this shit! 😭😞 Pray for me you guys that the universe allows my chakras to be aligned as they should be . I want to be able to train people to open them one day ❤️

  2. Thank you very much for such an informative and concise video. There are so many similar videos on YouTube but this one I enjoyed the most.

  3. Chakra Unblocking:

    Red: Proper Food, Sleep, Survival, imagine red ball of energy bouncing back from the front to the back of the body sounding “Uhhhh” “I am a divine being and am safe protected and supported”. Food, Rest, Exercise, Survival.

    Orange: Sexuality, Connecting with Others. Imagine orange ball bouncing back and forth near the bladder “Oooo” “I am creative, connected and loved”.

    Yellow: Power Centre, Trust in Self, Will, Internal Rage,
    Imagine yellow ball bouncing in front of the lower ziphoid processor “Ohhhh” “I trust my own guidance and excited to be on my path”

    Green: Love, Intuition, Compassion, imagine green ball bouncing back and forth near heart “Ahhhh”
    “I am love, love is everywhere, love is everything”

    Blue: Communication, Truth, Expressing, Listening,
    Imagine light blue ball bouncing back and forth in front of throat “Eeee” “I communicate clearly with love”

    Indigo: Psychic, Third Eye. Imagine dark blue indigo ball bouncing back and forth in front of third eye “Mmmm” “I am open to visions, of the imagination and unconscious realm to flow freely in a positive and vibrant light”

    Crown: Connection with infinite. Imagine purple ball in front of top of head “Ayyy” “I connect easily with infinity”

  4. Thank you Brady Joy.You have brought to me clarity and simplicity in understanding my innerself .The Ancient Sacsctits spoke about chackras but I didn't fully understand because of the language barriers. Yet, you have explained it in a simplistic form .I do feel though that I tend to be blocked somehow, in some areas or the others in each chakras and by following your exercises I will learn to unblock my chackras so I live a much happier, and balanced life which is I do understand a life long journey..I think life's lessons are to be learnt by unlocking the chackras..THSNK YOU AND TO ALL WHO CAN WATCH THIS VALUABLE VIDEO AND GAIN PERSPECTIVES ON THEMSELVES TOO,

  5. Its really pitiful that you would attribute mental health disorders to making mad decisions in life, thus screwing up the chakra. Its billions of people that struggle with those disorders, and people like you will be the cause of them committing suicide as they will think they are their own problem and refuse to seek help. Ultimately, they'll realize no matter what they do they cant get rid of the disorder which will make them think they're just horrible and want to die. Dont speak on mental health if you arent a professional or dont suffer from one.

  6. I understand that this is the spiritual body but how did you know the color of these chakras. I'm now just learning about all chakras. Interesting video.👍

  7. I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone would dislike this video. She's clear and concise! Am I missing something? Is some of the information incorrect? Please let me know if anyone knows. Thank you!

    Edit: I just realized that religious people believe this is satanic. Lol

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