Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras (Original)

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Hello there! We’re back to share the original episode of chakras is back, after it was taken down a few months ago for a copyrighted song. There were a lot of requests for it, and so we wanted to honour you guys and make sure you had all of the episodes available!

With that said, we are working on a remaster of the original episodes 1 and 2, and so stay tuned in the coming months for that, along with all of our other new videos which we discuss in the first bit of this episode!

Chakras are important because they reflect a pattern that all of reality moves through, these 7 colours, also reflected in the 7 notes of a piano, describe an essential movement of energy or shift in frequency that is relative to all of us, and by understanding chakras – we come to experience that same movement within us.

The most common Chakra system is the basic seven, known as: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

These seven are also referred to by their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna and Sahasrara.

Chakras are both non-physical, energetic openings on our body, and physical representation of different aspects of our life.


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22 thoughts on “Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras (Original)”

  1. You guys are a cult. Practically all your "facts" are wrong and your videos are just full of baseless conjecture and half truths. All wrapped up in bullshit woo woo.

  2. Id love to see a video about throat singing and its affects on the body. Its almost everywhere around the world and was commonly used to help bring one self closer to nature . The resonance creates a harmonic overtone. A mystical note that no individual sings but rather, it is the result of the sound waves converging together creating a sound usually 2 actives above the intended note. The interesting thing is instead of it being quieter or more subtle the noise can be felt strongly throughout the body of the individual and those hearing.

  3. Would it best to work in order, or just do the ones you feel is unbalanced. For the longest I thought if yoy worked in the last chakra, the crown… it would balance the rest below. Is that false?

  4. I'm going to Rassenshuriken this channel with my chakra then place everyone in Infinite Tsukuyomi since chakra is all the sudden real. Then I'm going to tap into my God Ki and Hakai this whole planet into non existence since this channel is a actual thing. Oh wait chakra and God Ki aren't real so I guess everyone is safe…. for now lolol

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