Extremely Powerful | HEART CHAKRA OPENING VIBRATIONS | (1 Hour Version)

Extremely Powerful Heart Chakra Opening Vibrations
Also known as the 4th or Heart Chakra, the Anahata is our energy center from which love, joy, happiness and compassion emanate from. It also allows us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger, and lust, all of which are feelings of the lower heart chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may over-come them and move to the Higher Heart, where Pure, Unconditional Love exists.

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46 thoughts on “Extremely Powerful | HEART CHAKRA OPENING VIBRATIONS | (1 Hour Version)”

  1. First time with this for me beautiful experience ! At first my eyes flicked open and I saw the 2 patterns on the screen not one then I experienced floating head over heels weightlessly through a six sided tunnel after that my legs started vibrating followed by a sense of being under water and looking up into water when the sunlight hits it!
    Have no idea what and if this means anything but it felt very peaceful and relaxing!

  2. First 5 seconds and I started to smile slowly like the Grinch from Ear to ear. My ears have had their first eargasm today! Yay me!!! Amazing stuff. Thank you so much
    Love and Light to all my brothers and sisters! <3

  3. I saw 1.11.11 then immediately clicked. My apartment building's first floor are labeled with gate numbers which are all 111H, 111I , 111J and so on. I NEVER REALY NOTICED THEM BEFORE. Now I see them every day when I go to work.

  4. Meditative Mind, can you please answer my questions? Is headphones necessary for listening to this recording? It was not mentioned in the introduction. Also, there are no binaural beats in it, right? Some listeners think there is. PLEASE clarify this for me. Thank you. NAMASTE

  5. always i have unwanted thoughts my heart chakra will balance with music ?
    how does it feel when your heart chakra healing ? did i will love what i hate
    also the bad things dont do good?

    thank you

  6. I used to doubt these videos but I realize all these sounds are, are simply the sounds of vibrations they are not made up it’s just frequencies… love you guys for this… planets have vibration sounds too which is weird but cool except for Saturn it has creepy vibes like people screaming

  7. I have something very important to say to the makers. This video here has changed my life drastically. I don’t know what have you done here but I have solved the puzzle of my research finally. For 1st 2 days of doing this meditation I cried my eyes out releasing loads of past memories and making peace with them. Then for next few days I simply listened to this and guidance came in through various articles and visuals for Me. Finally while I have studied about 5D Manifestation before but it did not make much sense. Somehow meditating on this masterpiece everything makes sense. I love this and please tell me where can I download it because I don’t want to convert to mp3 and ruin its quality. Also i want to request a 2 hours version of this same. Take a bow and Thank a Ton. Stay Blessed.

  8. Staram się każdego dnia trzymać cię w polu mojego serca. Chcę, aby moja miłość do ciebie H była jak tarcza, która cię chroni przed wszystkim co złe. Nie chcę byś cierpiał, nie chcę byś się kiedykolwiek zmieniał. Chce widzieć radość w twoich oczach i twój promienny uśmiech, jesteś potrzebny tak wielu ludziom. Chcę, aby osoby które kochasz uszczęśliwiały cię nadal, aby dawały ci to paliwo, które sprawia, że czujesz radość życia i jesteś tak niepowtarzalny. Jeśli ja piszę coś niemiłego to po prostu olej to i nie czytaj, ja mam czasem gorszy dzień i w ogóle się tym nie przejmuj. Nic nie zmieni mojego wielkiego uczucia do ciebie. Kiedyś zastanawiałam się wielokrotnie nad tym jaki jest sens mojego istnienia nie rozumiałam, ale kiedy zobaczyłam ciebie po raz pierwszy od razu wiedziałam.

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