Color Therapy & Healing With Light – Atom Bergstrom + Much More!

Color therapy and light therapy? Do colors heal? Can the frequencies and wavelengths of light help to heal the body of disease? Atom Bergstrom talks about how color therapy works as well as light therapy to restore balance to the body.

The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and all these colors carry frequencies. Do these frequencies in color and light restore homeostasis in the body? Atom Bergstrom and I discuss all things color therapy, the dangers of blue light, the benefits of orange and red light along with body dowsing, kinesiology and much more.

Another fascinating show about color therapy with Atom Bergstrom. We also talked about many other alternative and natural healing principles as well.


Justin, Kate, Maggie & Charlee 🙂


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13 thoughts on “Color Therapy & Healing With Light – Atom Bergstrom + Much More!”

  1. Atom mentioned how our grandparents trauma comes down through the dna…I can't use tinge units because the anticipation of the electrical shock gives me high anxiety.  I learned years ago that when my grandmother was young she was given electrical shock treatment.  I always thought that somehow I received my grandmother's traumatic experience.  Atom just confirmed for me.  Thanks!

  2. I just have to tell this story about my experience with color therapy. I have a friend of mine who's mother is really into this therapy, and since in the beginning of this video was talks of a kitten, I am going to share a similar story. My friend had a kitten who was got ran over by a car; not completely, but just enough to do damage, even had tire marks on it's rib area. I went to his house the same day to help him put up a wall mount for his TV and he told me what happen, and around the same time his mother showed up with the color lamp for this kitten since his daughter loved the kitten. This kitten would hunch over and breath very heavy and fast, and then would sit up and have the look of death on it's face, and then would repeat this over and over the whole time I was there which was only about 10 minutes. My friend's mother explained what to do, and what colors too use which is similar to what the gentlemen was explaining at around 10 minutes of this video. I left because of the situation to come over the next day to help with the TV wall mounting. The next day, I went to his house and I swear when I went to his house and saw the cat the next day I was in shock, that kitten was moving around like nothing ever happened, being it's usual self playing around on the furniture and even was chewing on their shoes. LOL. This color therapy is very real and amazing. Great show, and I am now a subscriber. Thanks.

  3. Fantastic show! Wow, I didn't know about this stuff. I have only used an infrared light when I have had a cold or huge pimple. Tell me more about what I should buy to stay healthy. I have a cousin with cancer and her teeth are falling out (bone cancer) what should she do and what color light. Are you guys just talking about red light. I know, I have to listen Gain. Thanks!

  4. Excellent show. Thank you.
    The operation was a success but the patient died.
    First health goal is to avoid contact with the "medical" system.
    State of mind of FREEDOM.

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