Why Is My Twin Flame Such a Jerk?!

Why do our twin flames act like jerks? And what can we do about it? In this video, Jill and Remi discuss the underlying causes of twin flame jerkiness, how we can respond, how we may be acting like a jerk too without realizing it, and how to heal all of this within and between us.

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All our love,

Jill & Remi


48 thoughts on “Why Is My Twin Flame Such a Jerk?!”

  1. I would never call my Twin Flame a jerk. He's a human – just as I am – with some very difficult lessons to learn. He struggles because he doesn't have the same outlook as females do, and we shouldn't expect him to. Surely we should honour and support him in what he is trying to do – just because it's not how we would do it doesn't make it wrong. In fact it's probably very right for him. We should take things less personally, it's a difficult enough journey as it is sorting out and releasing what to let go of. We all know the main reason for a Twin Flame relationship is to trigger us so we can understsnd what we need to let go of as we try and move towards the goal of unconditional love. It's a very special relationship with a very special goal – it's not like a normal 3D relationship and should not be treated as if it is and certainly not seen in the same light. Its a unique journey for each couple which has its own challenges. Love you all and I wish you strength and compassion for yourselves and your counterpart.

  2. This is SO spot on. I’m totally blown away with how articulate you convey the process. It’s true. It’s really really true. I’m going through it now and it’s like you’re describing it spot on. Whew… it’s intense. Time will tell for him. In the meantime I’m in a really healthy place and so much more at peace without communication with my twin. Of course I think about him, every day. I find myself saying his name over and over in my head. I know we are still attached through synchronicity and his blocked “no caller ID” calls that he calls me with. I wish the best for him. I need him to find his peace and joy within if I am to ever trust him enough to reunite again (for the 50th time)… I know people reading this will probably resonate on some level. I’m at a point of calm surrender. Even to the point of “if we don’t reunite for good in this life, I’m grateful for the time we spent (even if it was heaven and hell), but I’ll be just fine with someone new if it comes down to that.”

  3. My twin flame is a famous musician and right now he's going through the destroyer aspect of this relationship. I don't think he understands why these things are happening at the moment. I also think his image is something he's desperately holding on to. I'm clearing energies daily which helps a lot. This process is something to be thankful for. Namaste everyone.

  4. This resonates so deeply. I started learning about Shiva and Vishnu and seeing pictures of them right before my twin flame activated journey began, or, before I was awakened to it. It has forced me into opening up and being vulnerable about myself and with others, in ways I never would have imagined. We all say things we don’t mean because we are acting out of old templates and fears, amazing. Going to watch Looney Tunes and get in touch with my inner child 😆

  5. We have both been massive 'jerks' to each other. Taking turns to try and heal each other and refusing it, probably knowing deep in our hearts that true transformation comes from within. With that came lots of feelings of hurt and confusion. Like: 'If you really loved me, you would change.'
    We can indeed assist each other on this journey with love but never force. I've learned that I need to trust and let go of control and not take things personally. And look within. My intuition tells me to be compassionate.

  6. You guys are so amazing. Both your knowledge, healings and also how you work with eachother transparently to inspire. I had this vdo popping up in me feed for 2 months, and so happy I was finally ready to watch it and learn ~ .
    Thank you beyond limits ❤ Namaste 🙏

  7. Who is this Krishna ? To my understanding Twin flames & all souls are created by God! So I always ask God for cleaning of any negative energies or blockages! I also hear you asking all these other beings in some of your clearings! Are these Buddhist clearings? Just curious!!! 🙂

  8. Hey guys, what's your take on what happened to Jenna Forrest? I was shocked to see her about-face into exclusionary Christianity. (Like Doreen Virtue, and she supposedly had all kinds of psychic gifts.) I come from that tradition and left it behind, but I never started experiencing overtly spiritual mystical things until I met my beloved, who happens to be completely tangled up in it.

  9. I love the Lord Shiva between you. He danced the world into creation and drank the ocean to save us. Every woman who has The Lord awkened in her is Shakti 💙💚💛💜

  10. thank you for your video , 10 years ago I was in a relationship (with my twin flame)which ended cause I had to move cities. years later I I started a new relationship which I'm now in for 8 years. my tf kept going in and out my life , he would be concerned if I ate or if am in good health. i been going through hard times his like , if you need somewhere to go come live with me. we can figure this out together.

  11. Im soaking up all the info I can esp from you guys I jus found ur channel thanks. One? though I am Awakened and I passed sum info along to my twin from fb indirectly, but knowing her she is soo stubborn n cowardly I seriously doubt, (though i dont want too) that she will do any Innerwork, she has alot of past junk she has dealt w and she Always Runs away, is there still hope despite a stubborn bullheaded twin?

  12. Twenty years back! my kundilini was awaken,but when I met my twin, evolving happened more faster, kundilini just burns the past negative stuff,wow!!!my twin have heavy stuff but she evolve in a sort space…then there is a phase were u feel that u want to mature more, but if she not there,I have to carry the light alone.

  13. Thank you so much for creating this video, I am gunna share it with my twin flame :)We are transmuting energy from F.E.A.R to LOVE and it is changing the world! Look at Harvey Weinstein… the house of cards is commin' down through the power of unconditional love! peace 🙂

  14. Wow, true to the teeth! Everything that you are saying is so truee, it may sound insane, but it is exactly like that, yes, the power of Shiva transform us through such experiences. I feel at times that I had died and come back again.

  15. Is he my twinflame/soulmate if he doesn't have love feelings for me yet? I am more spirital connected than him, and I felt a very strong connection between us when we were together and when we looked into each others eyes. I told him how I felt, but he said he hadn't get those feelings yet, and I've got heartbroken and feeling that I'm not ever going to love someone like that again. Can he still be my twin flame, but he's just not ready? Or is he not the one?
    Thank you!

  16. Yes my tf turned into a monster! He was battling substance abuse problem which highly contributed to this…I thank God we have dealt with those issues and that part is over!

  17. You two are great! I have a question…
    Do you think it's a good move for me to let my Twin Flame know we are Twins? I have a message all typed up and I want to send it…but I don't want to do more harm than good. What do you think about that?

  18. My TF never really said why he discarded me. How about Saying "Hi, Sweetie, how are you,?" I try to be sickening sweet and cute, I forgive him.So that is why I try to be gentle. Yea hold him up. How about when I told someone else about him about himself.

  19. Mine is my mate now he is rude a jerk beyond measures hurting my feelings he is not caring about my feelings just dont get it this is crazy for me im crying like crazy he is mean has been for 5 years i am just tryin to understand. He is being insensitive just heartbreaking we are together just make me feel he is not loving me idk..tears

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