What are chakras?

What are chakras and how they work: Human body energy centers connected to the etheric body. www.templeofgaia.com


21 thoughts on “What are chakras?”

  1. True indeed, Agreed. But where can I find the best resources for info on Jesus' early teenage years? Is there any solid evidence of what Jesus did during His early years?

  2. The Bible is what it is. It is the primary frame for spiritual guidance for soothing a majority of humanity that doesn't want a complicated process for being faithful to the place we all go to after we pass from the plane. Take what is within as the only thing necessary for that path of Spirit. 🙂

  3. Kevin, I agree with what you're saying, It explains A LOT. Thank you so much for uploading.My question to you is this: We know that Jesus' sayings are a huge mystery in some sense, and that the other parts of the new testament don't align with what Jesus said (for some parts), but could you please tell me, what happened to the story of Jesus when He was in His TEENAGE years??? The authors had the resources to write about His early childhood, but couldn't even tell us what He did in the teenage?

  4. can you pl tell me how to visualise a chakra?i know chakra means wheel but should i visulise a wheel in position as it is fixed in a bike OR a wheel lying on a ground. i hope you understand what i mean.

  5. I am going through Yoga teacher training and learning how much more Yoga is than just postures, some of it I knew, but have never had a teacher get into it much in a class. I decided to be open to listen to a psychic's interpretation plus one of the first things being heaven (I am an Atheist) and I am glad I did. Thanks for the explanation. I have noticed myself the what you are focusing on and thinking about you bring it to yourself. Being an atheist I almost feel like I am talking "magic"

  6. @FlowerJutsu Hello, Flower…go to your bookstore, Library, Amazon online, or Google the questions you have about Chakras. There is much to know about chakras and it is as lifetime of study.

  7. @spiritchannel its terrible.. honestly. its pointless.. these are definitely not the basics is what im referring to, someone new to this would definitely get lost more then anything.

  8. @ellebeesee God doesn't look like anything. Our need to translate things into something we can understand is what give us images of stuff. For instance (not stating facts, just a point of view ). There is a demention we will go to when we die. It is not physical and can't be seen by normal people. But we need something we can look at and understand, so we look up at the clouds and call it heaven. Angels don't have to walk so caveman thinking gave them wings to indicate this.

  9. @ellebeesee Take it easy on F' they are using a language they only know how to communicate with. Let the angry people present their angry faces, because they feel it makes them feel valid.

  10. @1000creation You are ill equiped to measure what is valid. Your role in this lifetime may be one where you are here to buy things and pay taxes. Guiding others how to be or how not to be. If this is true, there are more of your like than there is of ours Everyone, we are here to suffer through the lessons from those who teach us how not to be.

  11. If you want to learn more about chakras, i dedicated a lesson of "Spirit Science" to explaining and teaching what they do, and how they affect you. watch?v=ppTq5XRk35g

  12. @TempleOfGaia I agree. Jesus knew that the body was just spirit and flesh combined. The more real is the spirit. Jesus lived knowing that, that's what made him so special.

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