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I’m posting this because there’s been a big request about twin flames again. Keep in mind : to me “twin flame relationships” are just what usually are considered to be “healthy relationships”.
In a relationship there should always be love, joy and respect, things should be mutual and natural.

Bright blessings to everyone, this is Neyah Tarots. I am a tarot reader and a strong empath.
I like to do readings to give you messages to make your life better and filled with love.

If you want a personal reading please contact me at : miaomia7(at)
I’ll give you all the informations about it!

Reading fees :

– Extended complete love reading regarding Twin Flames / Soulmates : 111€ (Please check currency exchange)

– Extended complete reading regarding your career / life purpose : 111€ (Please check currency exchange)

– In depth Twin Flame report : 111€ (Please check currency exchange)

Payement can be done via PayPal to the same contact email.

The contents of NeyahTarots are supposed to be for entertainment only.
By contacting and requesting a reading You state that You have read this disclaimer and all the terms of service, therefore You agree and accept that :
– I’ve been reading tarots for many years and during this time I learnt how to read a message from the cards, reaching a really high accuracy with spiritual assistance and acknowledgement of situations, although a reading may not be 100% accurate. Once payment is received and service is offered and completed, there’s no room for refunds. Tarot readings should be used as a friendly tool to help You find your way in/out desired situations. Remember that YOU and only You should be in control of your life. These readings are just benevolent acts of entertainment. As a client You consider yourself fully liable of your actions and fully liable for anything You do with the informations provided in here.
I am in no way accountable for whatever manifests in your life.
Clients must be 18 years old or older in order to book/purchase a service.
These services are never to be considered substitutes for professional, financial, legal, medical or psychiatric care services. If You feel You are in need of help don’t be afraid to reach for medical and psychiatric professional services, in order to deal with any difficulty You’re dealing with. Never be afraid to ask for help.

Bright blessings to everyone once again.

Instagram : cleopatrawitch

Check My New Vid :

What Starseed Are You? :

Background Music : Chris Collins,



  1. It seems like you know this in a way more complete way than a lot of other people do! People like to romanticize the hell out of these relationships, since so many are addicted to romance/lust! But sometimes it’s not even a romantic relationship. Thanks for being clear and honest with it!

  2. Is it possible if he is my true TF but now he is on another relationship?

    Everything, core value, past experiences, our perspectives, how we think & see everything are similar. There are many coincidence btw us that is incredibly strange for us. We just met each other but I can be my true self without afraid that he’s not understand me because he’s the same.
    But one thing that i’m not sure he’s my true TF is he’s on another relationship (which his girlfriend’s trait is like my ex) i’m question that ‘this’ is about core choice? He is on another relationship while i’m out of any relationship so it means we don’t have the same core choice or not? So confused😭

  3. I’ve doubted mine is my twin many times. Is that normal? I’m not sure why I feel this way, if it is because I’m trying to detach or am afraid or what. But w this person once we met & would separate it was more painful than anyone before, but also in separation I could somehow know when things were over or not between us. When we would meet up again. And then back in separation. I see so many syncs and have for the year I’ve been on the journey. One of the hugest is their name- everywhere I go people saying it, I read it. All over. I didn’t start to get more into my enhanced abilities until our summer separation when I got into spirituality. I’m just wondering if it is normal for that to be delayed & also if it is normal to doubt so much? I have researched much about karmics & he doesn’t seem to be one, same w a soul mate even though an energy reader I went to said he was (our journey is way too intense and ups and downs to be soulmates lol). I haven’t been able to manifest anything regarding him either, so I always assumed it’s bc he’s my TF & I’m not done w soul work yet. What do you think Neyah? Is it normal to be sure for a while and then detach and question?

  4. I might be running from accepting the fact fully that since my twin flame is 4 years older to me, this might not work out. He feels I am too young and I feel that I am young for him too. Though, I feel that his personality and face is childlike. I am exploring myself right now. Sometimes, I run from my negative thoughts and convert them to positive. He, too, escapes from confronting his negative thoughts. He came into my life when I felt full of love and wanted to share my love with someone. I wanted to talk to a male as a friend because of the sudden void of male friends in my life. I am in separation and I am working on myself.

  5. wow this video was so out of the blue, i wasn't expecting it and now i know that i needed it, you took away from me all the doubts i had within me, thank you 🙏 the mirroring, core values and alignment was so on point, i started to find the answers within myself while i stopped the video, and i figured out that when i asked why my tf connection wasn't happening, why was he running from it, i realized that i was running from myself, when i worked on it, on detachment, everything started to flow, synchronicity started to happen, when i think about him i receive news of him, and of course, when i knew about his existence, was so out of the blue so… unexpected and random but perfect and on point. Thank you for the clarity, wish all the highest vibrations to you, Namaste 🙏

  6. Keep in mind that 1st thing is opposite signs attracts like Taurus/Scorpio, Cancer/Capricorn and you also have to look at other aspects with Moon and Ascendant with close degrees as well.


  8. When I met my twin flame I had no idea he was such. I just new he would be important to me. We both sparked a deep healing in each other and were both frightened by our connection despite the fact we were both very detached from one another. Lots of number synchronicities kept happening and I assumed it was just my need for angelic guidance. Then I started seeing stuff about twin flames. For the longest time I ignored it. Then a reading lead me to look further into it. It was clear that I had found my twin flame. The feeling like we were never apart despite we were more apart than together and I had said he was the male version of me made me realise we really were twins. What u have said in this video is exactly how I feel. There is so much misinformation about twins. So funny that from all the exercise clips this twin flame video came up.

  9. Divine Source is the only one who can give me truth and clarity guidance with confirmation and revelation throughout this journey and life….other than that I agree with your 3 points…

  10. Neyah Visions: What you explained from clips 1:40 to 2:07 is exactly what i experienced
    including the synchronicity's. I also experienced what you explain from clips 5:28 to 
    5:59. Is there any videos you have uploaded that explain what you specifically did in order
    to move on from those experiences spoken of in the clips i pointed out? The whole
    experience is a crash course for me because i wasn't aware of the twin flame/soul concept
    up until like 3 yrs ago and the situation was pretty intense. I never went through anything like
    that prior with any of the women i was involved with in my past and then for it to be opposite
    of what i was looking for even to the differences in beliefs and yet i was still drawn to her and
    had a strong telepathic link and the like as you explained you experienced is baffling to say
    the least. Thanx for sharing i really appreciate it. I just hope i can one day before i croak find 
    out if there is someone out there that is my 100% twin flame.

  11. I wasn't honest about my core values even though they were exactly what he wanted. I kept saying I wanted the opposite. That didn't help with the current situation. Didn't think I'd ever get what I wanted or that I was good enough so I kept trying to run.

  12. This whole is so true, even if we have culture difference our core values match. And mirroring even before I knew about this twinflame thing and that he was my twinflame I would always wonder why does he go through same thing like I am or I'd see his social media he would be in sort of same vibrations as I would be

  13. I met my twin flame 26 years ago. Instantly when our eyes met I knew. I was 13, he was 15. It has been a very long and an emotional journey. I seriously could write a book on our experience. Currently in separation because of life choices. I am the chaser as he is to the runner. It has taken me until now to fully understand and grasp our union. To just relax and trust the journey. 💜

  14. This was the most beneficial reading I found a committed after five years to marry and move it’s someone to find out that what we want and it was different and I really wasn’t welcome there and was rejected and the damage was intense- almost broke me panic attacks everything because I didn’t see it coming that I am in a mindset of moving on and I have better opportunities now than I did with him to own my own house I don’t even want him to come around because I never want to see his face again I don’t want to talk I just want learn so I can prevent this in the future and be happy then I can accomplish my dreams without someone who wanted to control manipulate and put me down…

  15. that's why I never had a dispute with my twin flame. His core values and core choices (most especially the core choices) always match with mine 110%. I didn't even know the meaning of twin flame before knowing that he is indeed my twin flame. Passed all of the signs. I knew that he is my TF from someone else. I didn't even know the meaning of twin flame before knowing that he is my twin flame.

  16. Wow. I never thought I could have a connection to another person like this. I met my twin flame about 8 or 9 years ago. We had an instant connection. We were best friends. Then one day he ghosted me. Just disappeared from my life. Then out of no where he showed back up after 4 or 5 years passed. During the years he was gone, I hit rock bottom, then worked on myself. His reappearance was shocking and sudden. We have really weird similar personalities. It's like we think the same way… One really weird "coincidence"… I have this silver bracelet that I wear every day with a broken clasp. It's a mans bracelet. He owns the exact same bracelet that he wears every day… But it's the female version of the bracelet, also with a broken clasp. Our birthdays are on the same day, 8 years apart. It's scary, and intense, but interesting too.

  17. i was the chaser we are in separation now about 4 month now is see her every where on the street in the store i was shocked i walk away and hiding my self every time when i saw her i dont want to face her! she need to apologize me! via facebook or whatsupp i dont want talk to her like this suddenly in the street or in the store.

  18. It’s true we have telepathy with others, children, friends, parents, boy/girlfriends ….
    But telepathy with our TF is totally different.
    This is what my experience taught me. It’s like we get to decisions without saying a word. We agrre on the decision, the decision just pops out naturally, as if we’d had a long conversation on the subject and we haven’t.
    It’s not only about getting the other person’s thoughts/feelings. It’s about having theses thoughts/feelings as yours.
    It’s soooooo different!!!!!!

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