As my first video, this is a brief introduction to my story and what we are currently experiencing as feminine & masculine twins.

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48 thoughts on “Twin Flames – THE MASCULINE PERSPECTIVE – MY STORY.”

  1. Angel Hugs to You life Your soul and Spirit and Your twin flame praying God brings You together painlessly and that You both be healed of separation enter a place of oness I pray for all twin flames amen and so be this now in true loves name

  2. thank you for sharing your heart and your story with us brother. very inspiring hearing a male twin and his own processes. i hope you do more videos. it's super healing for us all. <3 Blessings

  3. I can totally relate!! I’m going through hell with my child foster mom won’t give him up I’ve battled my demons now facing loosing my child when I have custody of two of my children it’s so damn frustrating! I feel your pain hang in there

  4. Wonderful first video…I was crying…I am a DF and having difficulties with my unawakened DM. I have mentioned some of this to him, but he is a non-believer. He does admit there is a strong connection and I see tears in his eyes also..all the time. He is also married. We have been seeing each other now for 2.5 yrs…..but he is torn and conflicted and doesn’t like the way I make him feel vulnerable. We have discussed all this as we are in our late 50’s. I wonder if I send this to him if he will understand better what he has been going thru……🙏🏼🌈🦋❤️peace, love and light.
    I send him love and light a lot.

  5. The universe sends incredible signs when you’re listening. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this right now thank you for sharing. Bawled my eyes out because this is exactly what’s going on with me at the moment. He is resisting. It’s very hard to be there for him when he is resisting and I’m not there at all. I hope you are in union and you are happy!

  6. Thank you for sharing this🙏🌻. May the light brighten up your way and guide you to the journey that you are seeking for. Sending you with ease and joy and abundance. I bless you with pure love and light and I bless you with pure source energy!

  7. Wow!!! I like to know more about it and talk about it. I met my twin flame 2018 oct and it’s roller coaster ride. I think I woke up late in 2015 or 2016. He woke up before me I guess. Anyways We are not together but the movement of our meeting is just so phenomenal. As if…Idk just crazy. first I was a chaser and he was a runner now I don’t want to be with him. It’s too much energy to invest and taking a toll on me. I feel I am more spiritually evolved than he is. I wanna move on. But now he is chasing and am running. I don’t understand this. I’m just hurt and crazy… I can’t even begin to explain how it feels!😭

  8. Hey this video been over a year still receiving comments. So I'd share how I recognize my twin. I have zero knowledge about TF when we first met.

    When I first saw him, he was a real magnetic pull which is unexplainable. In my heart I just know I need to get to him but I dunno why. After we known each other, I cant forget how stunning it felt like I have known him all my life. Like we have met before. He mirrors every single trait in me. Our energy is exactly the same, Certain thoughts on my mind, he would tell me the same exact thing which can get spooky at times.

    At the time of separation, our energy was reversed, he was in feminine. While I was highly masculine. I believed this created the huge imbalance which accelerated our separation.

  9. I am sorry but can someone tell me what seeing the number 11,111,1111,222,22,33,333,44 and 444 means? It seems that these number slowly came before I met my TF and I just can’t figure out why they keep showing up. As a man I woke up first and I feel your experience fit mine well because throughout I feel we switched rolls from masculine to feminine

  10. Yes, I have Such a HARD TIME SURRENDERING ( Letting GO/ Of CONTROL / The iLLUSION Of Control ), but I'm trying.. 😭😭😭😭😭 It FEELS Like the End Scene of The President Show ( Comedy Central ), episode when Pres. Trump Visits a Elementry School & then has to leave the Fun Place & SCREAMS : NOOOOOOOOOOOO, I DON'T WANNA GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When his Assistent Drags him Out Of The Classroom 😂😂😂😂😂 #BestSceneEver 😂😂😂😂

  11. Thank you for this video and your vulnerability. So glad I found this and I greatly appreciate the male perspective/experience. I have so much more compassion for my twin flame. God Bless, much love.

  12. i think you are misinformed as to what divine masculine and divine feminine energy really is due to modern psychic trends bullshit. divine feminine does not mean mushy and emotional and divine masculine does not mean authoritative.

  13. I just want to send an abundance of LOVE AND LIGHT to all twin flames I know our journeys aren’t easy but remember we chose this and if we stick together as a collective we can continue to help one another STAY STRONG AND SPREAD POSITIVITY

  14. Any resistance to love causes pain and separation. Release all ego and ask the universe to support you both in your healing. All Twin Flanes activate and implode at some point. Recognize it as a powerful part of the journey. Do not stay in separation, stay in love. All else will heal when there is only love.

  15. My Feminine Energy and Masculine Energy have finally started to balance out. I’m able to manifest things easier and faster due to maintaining a higher vibration. This journey has been rough, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and no longer feel alone and crazy haha. We truly all are blessed to experience an awakening in such a powerful way. Recognizing this partner ship, helps keep me motivated in all areas of my life 💗 I’m stronger and wiser now which Is a nice break from the tears and heartache!

  16. Watching your video on 1/1, you have 11k likes, and the post below me right now says it was posted 11 hours ago. Talk about twin flame synchronicity, hello!!! Thanks for this. Appreciate your raw and heartfelt honesty. So healing to hear the divine masculine's perspective. I wish more would speak up.

  17. High-five? I'm actually experiencing the exact same length as you. I think i'm a little higher than you…or is it cause I'm in my ego.

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