Twin Flames Part 1: What Are They?

We all know what a soulmate is but what are “twin flames”? I compare the soulmate and twin flame connections and share some unique characteristics of the twin flame relationship. After this video, you’ll be able to discern if you’ve met your twin flame or not.

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Musical Credits:
Sergey Cheremisinov-


30 thoughts on “Twin Flames Part 1: What Are They?”

  1. Has anyone else met their Twin Flame? When I met mine I seriously never wanted to have sex with someone so bad. Then when we fucked it was like my soul remembered him.. and this overwhelming feeling of love rushed over me… like I’m not a bitch who cries over anything but was histercally crying happy tears… and I just met this guy… and then it freaked him out… lol but now weve hung out like a little bit but he’s annoying and an asshole… like you gotta think it’s your complete opposite… but after the initial first couple encounters I haven’t really felt anything for him again… it actually freaks me out kinda. Is this normal?

  2. I'm not into new age stuff, but I am spiritual. I believe your God ordained spouse can be your soul mate, and you can have a twin flame whom your connected to even stronger but it not be sexual.

  3. I feel like I met my twin flame a few months ago, we met at a local bar. We kept making eyes at each other for months and she finally approached me . We hit it off fast and fierce, I can say she had strong feelings sooner than I did but we quickly fell in love with each other after only a few weeks. Unfortunately we only burned for about 5 weeks before I got too attached and repeled her away and didn’t give her the proper space. The feelings were real and she told me she loved in less than 3 weeks seeing each other. I believe my vibration was higher because I been practicing semen retention and my masculine and sexual energy rose and attracted her like intense magnetism. Unfortunately she had her own personal issues and some mistakes on my part and she has moved away to a different city across the state. I still have feelings for her and hope we cross paths again.

  4. I met mine and I thought I knew him but we were from different provinces. I really thought about that and one day he said while drunk my scars are as deep as his in the life and the next. It is very unconventional I look younger than him yet he is 7 years younger than me, we speak different languages and in our country the ethnic difference was taboo but becoming accepting.
    There is a big problem with us, he’s addicted to drugs and he’s scared for me to see him this way. So I’ve learnt that the irony is I need to heal myself in order to stand a chance. I just wish I could fast track this healing.

  5. First time I’ve heard this term.

    Greetings from Ireland.

    I must prefer your hair style in this video, more motherly and gentle. Not that your 2019 hairstyle isn’t nice 👍

  6. I only met my twin flame about 8 months ago. He is nearly 9 years younger than me and everything I know that is not good for me…the attraction is frustrating. I am 49… please universe dont make this journey long and painful.

  7. Where was this video during my 7 year repelling and rejoining and repelling stage!!! It was soul wrenching and soul changing but we have both come together now and it is true we both were whole when it happened!!!

  8. Oh oh.. I met my twin flame.. Same age, same town, since we where children I could feel this connexion.. but is going very hard for us.. we are fighting with our ego and emotions.. He is not spiritual at all, I am. We're the same and the opposite at the same time. Is a constant challenge.. we are not in a romantic relationship but everybody tell me that we look great together.. we'll see
    Thanks for the information😊

  9. Wow!…"unconventional" establishing a paradigm of what relationships are, intensity & purpose, mission & work in this incarnation. I tell u my Sister you are very helpful. Ty. Seems I can really comprehend fully when you speak&explain from your experiences. It's just easier with ease. I'm very happy about this, in glad I found ur Channel

  10. This vid was absolutely helpful. I am okay being single for the moment, but now, I'm happy and hopeful. All this work I'm am doing on abandonment and past trauma, Is because The Sophia is preparing me for my next relationship. It won't be my twin flame, I already know he is on the other side of the veil guiding me. What I do know is that my next relationship will be a Similar flame to him. I know that sounds weird. My Angel says it is something along the lines of, Soul mates do not mean sexual relationships. Soul mates can a person who is split from or cloned from the same living entity but be wholly different from that other. Whilst Twin flames are two full soul (ed) living entities that share a (promised passion/). (now, I don't understand what the hell that means. I just nod and go with it. Translation is odd.) I get it. It will be okay if nobody else does.

  11. Your energy and presentation, authentic and truly beautiful.
    Thank you for a definitive response to the questions that arise on the realization that this is a twin flame.

  12. Does God who created this kind of relationship connection ? And does every people will experience this twin flame relationship or only the chosen one ? So complicated for those who only want a simple relationship. Or it just spiritually people who created this ? How if the people who need to go through this phase and doesn't spiritually understand about the twin flame will understand. Because the separation with our twin flame is really deep heart breaking for me. I'm in my spiritual awakening after the break up and I just knew about this after. And the process is really hurtful and exhausted and just want to end the pain. I know that this is for my higher good and my spiritual growth.

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