Twin Flames Magnetic Attraction -Longing and Pull

This video describes the magnetic connection between twins.Which creates the intense
longing and pull between them.This would also apply to soulmates but to a lesser degree


25 thoughts on “Twin Flames Magnetic Attraction -Longing and Pull”

  1. Thank you, Mel, for this video and the others you've created regarding the topic of Twin Flames. I've watched about nine or ten of your videos so far and have found them very interesting, thought provoking and informative. They are also a refreshing change from the usual love/ romance/ passion themed messages that normally pervade the online 'literature' and YouTube videos of Twin Flames and Soulmates. Whatever Twin Flames and Soulmates are – or are NOT – I'm just taking in your information right now, and comparing/ contrasting it to the other information I've read and gathered over roughly the past ten or so years. It's nice to 'hear' a voice of logic and reason on this topic, regardless as to what my personal belief systems may be. I don't comment very often on YouTube videos, but this was worth the time for me, and I sent you an e-mail yesterday with a topic I'm hoping you'll address in the future. Thank you again! Sincerely, C.Lozano

  2. Talk about magnetic, my twin, who is not quite red pilled, but does not disagree with my findings, HE is the one who pointed out that we end up in the same exact spot of the house at the same time ALOT. We just grabitate toward each other that way.

  3. I need help… I'm going through such a powerful moment right now. I'm with someone at the moment, however over the past couple of days I have felt this MASSIVE energy coming from someone else who's out there… it's an energy so powerful that it has caused a couple of huge waves of emotion that set on suddenly then goes away. I feel like they're screaming out to me, like a spiritual beckoning. It's caused me to believe that I'm in a karmic relationship as of right now. I'm pretty intuitive and this feeling/energy I have feels very real and unusual. It's to the point that I feel like I can pin point it's location, I've also had dreams of this person, she always looks the same…jet black/brunette hair, and blue eyes. (Also, this is a reoccurring thing, this instance just happens to be way more powerful than the times before.)

  4. I will share what we experienced when we met in this lifetime. From the moment we met, it was as if we had just stepped into a gigantic, warm sea of love. It was as if we were just suddenly in Divinity. I don't know how else to explain it. From that point on, we have felt "bonded" for want of a better term. We are extremely tuned in to each others feelings and thoughts. We say the same thing at the same time OFTEN. The feeling is that we are two puzzle pieces that have come together in a perfect fit. That does not mean we are exactly the SAME. In fact, we are polar opposites, but for some reason, together, we are very one and very in-tuned. Also, when we came together, our energies shifted hugely, became much larger and much higher. We are very happy and peaceful together, and our focus is always about love. Whenever life "issues" arise, we just address it using all that love, and we are always just left feeling even closer, though that seems almost impossible. It is not difficult. We do have difficulty being apart physically, but that is not our focus, because we are just too "together" in every other way. This has been an amazing experience. It does have a strong romantic aspect to it, that has always flowed very naturally, but that is really not our focus. We just live in love. It's all about BEING love. We did not create this. I agree. It is not a "relationship". We just ARE it. Now, I began to research after we met to try to find out what was happening. I came to the conclusion that we are "twin flames", but what we call it really is not important to us. It very much is what it is. ЁЯШЙ To us, this feels/seems like total unconditional love. Other people who are around us at times, pick up on our energies. They even talk to us about it. We seem to effect others in a very positive way… just by being us. That makes us very happy. We feel a desire to share our love in whatever way we are able. Anyway, thank you for this video…all of them. They are helpful to me in understanding this experience we are having. And yes, I agree. There is a lot of silly, romantic stuff on the internet that is not about us.

  5. I had the longing in the pulling of the heart then after 3 months it stopped higher self told me it was cause are bond was the. Solid again and reconnected completely .and after over a year ago I was told by my higher self we were merging soon then after that my. Crown chakra was ignited with Extreme flow of energy's I thought my skull was gonna crack … That lasted about three months now is just very light

  6. I just need one of you spiritual teachers to tell me I'm not crazy. Please!!! ЁЯТФ Painful attraction towards a women I've never even met I've felt like this since high school and we're 30 and 29 now our lives mirror one another if I'm walking downtown and turn the corner she's there, a night club, jail, traffic lights etc and I can feel if she's gonna be their or not so I'll get extra sexy and she'll be there I can feel when she's in trouble I'm about to transition to be Male(HORMONES) I already look like s Male aways have since I was a kid .. She's super straight but never has a man and I catch her admiring me all the time she was my waited once and we couldn't even make eye contact with each other so I let her talk to my cousin the energy felt like I was about to leave my body if I looked at her I tell myself if she was ever mine I would have no other propose on earth and would have not desire to love ANYBODY else is DIE for her tonight and she ain't mine yet I just want to torture her and it was like this since we looked eyes in 11 grade love at first site.. A painful curse that give me the motivation to move forwarded.. Love is an understatement .. Party of me believes once I transition she'll see me as who I feel myself to me my side of your soul manifested physically .. One cut said so two twin connections are the same .. Nobody can tell me this isn't real because our chromosomes made the same decision physically Our souls can't be TWIN inner outy makes the difference ??? I am the same sex but not the same gender as HER my love there's so much more smh we bump into each other and we're both afraid like GOD is getting frustrated with us!!! lol they say in Dec 2015 twins are connecting ? Funny because her blood brother/damn near twin/best friend added me on Facebook a week ago he's drawn to me too so like everybody's playing their position in destiny I think he's here to help us.. WHAT IS THIS??? WE BOTH ARIES APR, 11 & 14 ON THE clock ALWAYS 11:11 , OR 4:11

  7. Kinda monotone and slow so my ADD seemed to have kept me not following what you were saying exactly
    So I have to go back and listen again…

    But some of it makes sense.
    What surprised me was that twin flames don't necessarily have to be lovers..?
    I thought they were everything both lovers and friends together.
    But twin flames can be just friends and not lovers??

  8. my twin flame is a horrible boyfriend, he's brought nothing but turmoil into my life. but he keeps coming back and everytime before he comes i can feel it and i know. i just want to disconnect completely. this man doesnt deserve my love.

  9. Thank you so much for your excellent teachings. Only found you just recently. Feel as though I had met my twin flame recently but he has run. Funny that after just a few days noticing some many similarities even down to both of us being very sensitive, being the second to the last in birth order & so much more, I was thinking to myself what are we twins? It wasn't till just a few days ago that I thought to look up twin flames. Missing him like crazy.┬а

    In grateful appreciation for all you do & are.
    Love & Blessings,

  10. In order to lower one's frequency to separate from either source or one's self, other half, one may (or did in my case) take on the belief of extreme separation from source, which can manifest as 'desire', 'needs', 'longing', or 'lack', in certain areas of life, as to need something means you think you don't already have it, or don't deserve it, which will create that energy and push things, people, etc away, including a partner. ┬аScorpio energy (still, deep, water) can turn to ice, cold, hard, and be as blocks in the heart and other areas as well and this further compounds the problem, or is another way of looking at it… ┬аI think, twin flames (along with everybody else) are always moving towards unity, or expansion, so it gets better with 'time'.┬а

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