Twin Flames: It's KILLING HIM To Be With out You 😢😭😦 Messages From Divine Female 02/27 – 03/05 2022

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39 thoughts on “Twin Flames: It's KILLING HIM To Be With out You 😢😭😦 Messages From Divine Female 02/27 – 03/05 2022”

  1. That's what I am working on for myself. I have been awaken to this all on my own with reading it , good oh spirit is leading me thur this I'm like , oh yeah I was thinking that hum!!! This is all NEW to me Thanks to the HOLY SPIRIT LEADING ME DRAWING US TOGETHER

  2. When journey gets too heavy I'll come here to relax a bit. I'm really scared of all this lately. So much that i want to move finally with my life away from her. Stay away DM enough pain you caused me!

  3. My experience of late- over the last 4.5 months. My twin flame doesn't text or message me much. But over the last 4.5 months, people will suddenly ask about him, things on tv or movies will remind me of something he did, or we did. I see 11:11, 11:22 or 7:17 a lot more than I usually do. Within 2-3 days of this happening, my twin flame will suddenly appear.

  4. Thank you!! Great information as usual. For a long time I would see angel numbers and his name like crazy. He has a sister with the same name as me. I have a brother with the same name as him. My sister and his daughter have the same birth date and month. My birth date is the 20th his is the 22nd….2022. Since I have detached I don't see angel numbers or his name very often. I have seen his vehicle more but that's it. I do not push or watch tarot readings all day everyday like I use to…I still watch 1 or 2 a day and I use decernment….I watch things that teach/motivate me about me and meditate often …completely concentrate on myself. He contacted me yesterday….

  5. How do u know if it’s actually your twin flame? Like, I seen the ‘sign’ video I definitely resonate with some but idk, I’m usually a very logical analytical thinker and this is just out there but it’s also not me to be like this … hence researching why lol

  6. What a way to look at from the other side!

    This reading wad mind-blowing for me!!
    Exactly my life !!!
    Wow .
    I got angry yesterday about everything wat was happening in my life. While I was cleaning the windows. I realized what I am doing in my life!
    Life is too precious to live like this !
    And treated like this !
    I gave a lot ,make people happy expect me .

    I have a very powerful feeling Thst me and my twinflame are ment to be.
    Today ..
    I turned away ,got detached from my twinflame let even my . telefoon at home ,did some shopping and by the time I got back ,he did send me a text message 😳😀
    I didn't response yet .

    But asome this .
    Gives me hope .❤️ Soul love rules ✌️
    Thanks Kurt !!

    Love Diana

  7. Yesterday was my first time reading anything about twin flame which was sent to me so to speak from my twin flame. Was with him at 14 known him since 8, married , divorced, stayed in touch …I ran basically and then I was pulled to him 7/2020 , it has been so intense I sometimes say I'm in this glorious sadness and I try to pull out and it never lessons the pull I feel. My entire existence needs his presence and I'm saying to myself " I am going crazy " I always have been strong " minded" it has not helped . Yes his energy. Fast forward a year and I am satisfying my soul with just his presence which as I now know from yesterday is because he is my twin flame .this past 18 months we talk without talking I feel him and I know he feels me . 14 is our number 22 is always there . the Past month I am feeling drained weak tired I'm having to push myself. He detached from me fully in Sept. And it's as if it was yesterday cause I hear him I feel him . I dont care about my happiness I only want him to be happy. So when this happened yesterday and I listened to my very first pod cast of any kind it kinda freaked me out , it explained ALOT ! JUST his presence makes me feel like I'm home , not in a material home and I couldn't put my finger on it but such emotions even the sadness is beauty if that makes sense? It's because it's my soul . I'm waiting and waiting for how badly I miss him to diminish and No still miss him as if it's day one. He has always been my hero so you can imagine the hurt and frustration cause I know for a fact he is feeling it . Honestly I'm just as scared as him at sane time I feel
    So thankful to feel such emotion and slowly I'm pushing myself up . Since this is brand new me I hope it gives me clarity , and as today starts he is awake. I can feel him when he sleeps there is a certain calm over me . H is extremely smart and imvsure he has tested this twin theory on me alot and yesterday It blew my mind , so many synchronizati, telepathy, emotional bursts , and to many qoencedensces to even say. I m still going to focus on me cause I Don't know if I can survive any more rejection from my tf . I don't fault him for anything , he to me is so much more important and how I only want him to be happy is so sincere . I know he knows now that we belong together at least I got validation that he to feels the same longing and sadness and I know he misses me I feel it. Thank you for today , it was my first at looking at a card reading. Peace and joy 💛

  8. My feeling same but we can du such a life. My first love my DM he dont want and now you too. I understand you want building family I heart you start….you are my half I love you too but the time help. Dont forget me loving I

  9. Thank you Kurt. I now know my soul purpose. My Waheguru wants me to make reels on teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. He has blessed me with the skills and understanding required. And of course the unconditional love and support of my TF.

  10. Synchronicity, his name his face on other people waking up sweating when i used to talk to him i can feel his childhood trama in me without him telling me.

  11. Thank you Kurt for a lovely reading. Needed this today. It’s very strange as I was thinking back to how me and DM met and questioning whether we are twins. Then guided to watch this video.
    So numbers 1111 only came a thing when he walked into my life. We would point them out together but I thought nothing of it and just thought coincidence. Other numbers started appearing namely 10, 11, 53 and 1153…. The later referring to him. The rest is history …. The usual we have an affair it’s magical and too good to be true and he then fucking runs. I’m devastated and in my pain tell his wife and it all blows up. He was always holding the bomb and I just lit it. He’s my perfect match and we even look the same. He’s chosen to stay in his 3d life. And it’s been 2 years. Yet I get such strange synchronicities. We get out together out of no where in a job. He cancelled the day. His name appears everywhere and at times takes my breath away in how it may appear. His wife’s name has been appearing lately it’s an unusual name and I’m questioning why. Then I feel we get thrown together all the time…. I recently had to deal with some paperwork of his and had to email him. On unit heard anything. We work for the same company but haven’t load eyes on him for 2 years. Originally when we met I got thrown into his department. Now I’m a supervisor and has to email him about a job he did. Yet I think he’s happy I his 3d life with karmic and their new home. That’s all I know. I assume he’s happy. Love to you all and thanks for reading of you have. Me I don’t really care about him or have detached but I at times wake up sad like i miss him.

  12. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 🙋🏽‍♀️ I had no clue I was minding my business 😂💃🏽🤗 then boooooommm your channel popped up 😁👀 🤔 and your DOPE bro 😎 🔥

    This is amazing I’m definitely returning 🏃🏽‍♀️🤗

    😂😂😂 Staying up all night to watch your channel #Fascinating

  13. Hey K-dog much love,
    2021 spent Xmas and new year with a French false twin flame in Noosa, then felt longing for true tf in late 2021. I got in car and drove across country in 24hrs, and I advertise for house mate a French DF gets the spot, signs include;
    She works in restaurant where I worked before with a friend, I then see shooting star, we both vegans, Botha have hand of rings and so many aligning values. We had 6 weeks before we trigger the fuck out of each other then one night I come home at 5am with another girl and that night I get home and she’s moved out! Running! Then I ask her to come back she does then triggers me I block her then I message her she says “take some time to do you” it’s been two weeks nothing? The painful longing stopped last week and after Kurt’s vids I took the attention off and now awaiting if she will contact me! It’s only been few days! But I just got a text fuck me Kurt you rock! “Can I call you tonight” fm

  14. I’ll share my story of synchronicities. The synchronicities I experience would make the average person lose their mind lol. I was already deeply spiritual before Kurt’s class and this took me deeper.

    I see number synchronicities all the time. It took me a year to do Kurt’s teachings the right way.

    February 1st of this year, the day after my TF birthday, I blocked him. Blocked his number. Blocked him on social media and his email. I also deleted every picture and video. And I threw away all the gifts he ever gave me into the dumpster. A year ago I was struggling, sad, crying and not able to do it. I stayed in the dark night of the soul a whole year. These are just some of my synchronicities.

    Now I’m like this is about me and no one else! Fuck this unnecessary suffering I wanna be free and happy and fuck this mental prison!

    Since I blocked him the number synchronicities are ALL FUCKING DAY. He’s in my dreams. I had stopped watching Kurt’s tarot readings until this week. Then 3 weeks after blocking him I saw on a show I’m currently binge watching a guy who looked exactly like my twin flame! The only difference was the guy on the show was half Asian half black instead of all black. I sent a picture of the guy to my best friend who is also on the twin flame journey asking if I’m losing my mind and she said no that man looks exactly like your twin flame.

    The more I pull away the more synchronicities I experience. The more I focus on me the more synchronicities. I’m going back to no readings and focusing on myself. I’m not falling back into the dark night of the soul ever again. Watching a tarot reading was my sign to check myself. And I am checking myself.

    I honestly don’t care about Union anymore I care more about myself, my happiness and my life. If it happens it was meant to but I refuse to go back to suffering. My focus is me.

    Take the damn class!!

  15. Literally always seeing 1111 and many number synchronicities also his name is everywhere or words close to it even was at work and a guy that literally looks so similar to him was there every time I try to forget I constantly get reminded or get some weird life synchronicities with even friends it’s so weird

  16. It's been over a year now since we've been together and the last time we texted each other, he said he will never come back to me. We are over!!! He said he is enjoying his life without me. Told me I need to find someone else. He said that he didn't care if we worked out or not but we obviously didn't so I need to move on. And I still feel empty inside without him. I am not interested in being with anyone else. I fill my time with my job and have recently started volunteering at an animal shelter. But I have detached from my mind for the most part. I just find myself once in a while thinking about him or feeling his energy around me.

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