Twin Flames: Future Calls 👫💖 Messages From Divine Female 03/06 – 03/12 2022

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32 thoughts on “Twin Flames: Future Calls 👫💖 Messages From Divine Female 03/06 – 03/12 2022”

  1. I feel you Kurt, and I totally get it. Soul stuff, power of now, meditation like a monk, living my best life…and guess who’s permanently in my life? I am in romantic committed love partnership with the other physical incarnation of my soul. I still do me first and have firm loving boundaries. I live a life of my design, and my values are solid. ♥️🙏🏻🌹😘😘 Your program works, my fellow Zen master brother 🧘🏻‍♀️🤩💪🏻

  2. Spirit work VERY HARD….long very
    long Until SUCCESS
    @#@Those who do not understand Problems will never find a Salution.
    @#@ ผBuy There is Divine miracle That guides Their learning,and advice That answer every Success.

  3. I am gonna meditate, meditate, meditate. I won't give myself a chance to think. I still am trying to not get anxious about all the challenge stuff lady. I will ignore any ads, or ANYTHING that passes on my reality.

  4. Thank you so much for the wonderful time and I wish you a very awesome night full of peace joy abundance gratitude and I will come back to your channel soon I am guessing if I feel like it of course because you’re awesome but now I’m nervous bye-bye blessings and lots of unconditional love

  5. Yes I have had a lot of things I stood up to. I never have had a “real” job so that part I have always been entrepreneurial, my only real job was being a server and 6 months as a receptionist before I was 21. Since then I have been on my own self employed my whole life. I don’t know how to have a job. I have 4 companies … but Idid start standing up to when peoples stuff isn’t working for me and things my family wants. It feels good. I have made compromises with them that work with my values and it’s relaxing. It felt nice to hear it’s okay to live how I live. What is ironic is I have a friend with the traditional life who is having way more problems with stability and a home and savings than myself who has no real formal education beside some college (mostly tennis, dance and science and scuba credits) I was a drop out PE major. She did tell me however clearly I understand math. Math is life. Lol, bills are work are a math equation …and I get negotiation . I have negotiated enough math to live.

  6. I get that this is about my spiritual awakening. And I am working on just that. However, I filed for divorce and are trying to get a protection order to keep him out of my life, but he’s resisting me trying to stay and keep him out of my life. I am happy with a soulmate and don’t want to get together with this person but I do have to stand up for myself and hold him accountable for his abusive behavior.

  7. I'm married, he's married. I'm exhausted 😩 my mind won't stop racing, he cut me off emotionally. Sometimes it's hard to breathe, I've lost weight, my job sucks. I'm questioning everything about my marriage. I feel like crap everyday. He contacted me 10 months ago!!! And I'm suffering, not him. I'm afraid to believe in this twin flame thing, I've never heard of it until all this started happening to me. Some days, I don't want to get out of the bed, but I tell myself to keep living because that is what I was doing before he contacted me. You are funny Kurt, you help me laugh even though I feel like crap right now. Thank you!!!

  8. Hey Kurt. You are absolutely correct. I have already moved away from DM… without sacrificing my own self. Working towards my growth.. standing myself talk, without getting attached to DM.
    THANKS ❤️

  9. Thank you 🙏 finally someone who understands and can translate the truth about twin flame journey and how it works!! 💯 on point!! So crazy 😂 as you say these things (example meditation, healing, going within) I did it before even knowing all of this 😂 amazing my spirit guides, god etc has had me do this all this on my own ..Then what do u know bang everything started to change, Tf’s are 💯 real. Ur system is truth 🙏 many blessings ♾🙏

  10. This is hard.

    Long, expected story short — our paths crossed. He was engaged, “karmic” w/e bla bla. Year and half of push and pull. He moved across the country to go back to her. I went thru DNOS. Lots of falling a part. Meditation. Accepting separation in an illusion. He comes back. Guys ties. Moves in. We trigger each other constantly. He moved out this weekend. Still involved, not “breaking up” just taking space.

    I feel the worst I’ve ever felt. I lost my job I loved back 2 years ago shortly after we met. I’m struggling to feel purpose. Struggling with “normal” and expectations. Struggling with feeling out of place. Seeing 555 everywhere. Don’t know where to turn or what to do. Feel alone. Feel lost. Feel helpless.

  11. Oh boy! So much is changing! I launched an online wellness coaching business and will release original music this year and I may lose my job due to the jab. Things are changing in my world for sure!!💕

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