Twin Flames: DF: Experiencing The Shift 🙌🤯 Messages From Divine Female 10/29 – 11/04 2023

Twin Flame Playlist:
“Why You Should not Speak About Your Twin Flame”:
“What Are Twin Flames? Science-Based mostly Rationalization”:
WHY do we are saying “Separation” “Union” and “Detaching?” Discover out the TRUE that means of those phrases on this video:

Join the World’s No 1 Twin Flame Teaching System: – OVER 7,000 college students up to now!

Join the Manifest Your Dream Life legislation of attraction program right now and alter your life ceaselessly!
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18 thoughts on “Twin Flames: DF: Experiencing The Shift 🙌🤯 Messages From Divine Female 10/29 – 11/04 2023”

  1. Though it was "painful" I am grateful for this journey. It changed me for the best. Now I understood what all my past experiences served for. There is no one to blame and argue including "me". All was a dream. All were tricks of the mind. Thank you. 💐

  2. I'm on number 4 of Kurt's gold package video, and I'm loving every minute of it!! I've deleted a year long thread of text messages with my twin (not fucking easy), but I did it 🎉 I've blocked him on social media and my phone. We haven't talked in a month and although I miss him, my obsessive thoughts are decreasing and the things that I'm learning are priceless. My ego mind is breaking down even more and I'm really starting to understand the nature of this journey. Don't get me wrong, I have my moments, although the pain decreases as I ascend. As Kurt says, it really is a FORCED spiritual awakening, meaning you can be a hot mess over your twin until you decide to take on the ascension process. I keep saying, I didn't come this far to keep my head stuck in the sand, lol. Thank you guys for everything you do and making it affordable. There's no way I could have paid $400 upfront 💖

  3. I met my twin a few yr back. And at 1st it was amazing. Then it went to hell lol 😆 🤦.. I had the dark knight of the soul that awakening… it sucks… it sucks so bad. I thought about her constantly for months n months Day n night all hours of the day. From the very moment I woke up till I went to bed.. this went on for a hot min.. when I finally stopped she came back.. randomly telling me she was inlove with me she thought about me alot ect.. she wanted to get back together.. we did it lasted 2 months.. and when she left I got thrown right back into it… well the last week I haven't really thought about her much she left in March this last time.. so it took 7 months for the constant thinking missing ect to slow down n now it's once a day if that…. but oddly it's like my soul is blocking her thought out… because if I start to it's for a micro second.. it's like it gets ripped out of my mind.. it's like she is being blocked out of my mind basically.. it feels empty in a way.. and the last 2 times this happened she showed back up out the blue…. and not to long ago a couple weeks back she unblocked me but hadn't said anything yet…. so she unblocked me for a reason… and I know she will show back up… I dunno when but I know she is coming I can feel it… it's crazy how it works

  4. I love your readings. You don't lie about the divine masculine like some of the other tarot readers on youtube. They say the DM is thinking about the DF all the time and is afraid to come forward. NOPE. My DM is living a human experience, begging their toxic partner to stay around to keep them relevant, by being the poor victim. Our soul very much wants to get us on the same wavelength, and it is honestly just as much my fault that we aren't, because he is annoying me so much.

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