Twin Flame Running – Major Mistakes To Avoid, Plus Solutions (Video)

Did You Know Many Twins Actually Push Their Counterpart Further Away? 3 Major Mistakes – And 6 Powerful Methods To Bring You Twin Back… Plus, Download My Free Twin Flame Help Kit:

The Complete Harmony Healing Session for Twin Flames:


50 thoughts on “Twin Flame Running – Major Mistakes To Avoid, Plus Solutions (Video)”

  1. I confirmed through meditation that the love situation is in fact my twin. I am very intuitive, but I didn’t know much about twin flames and when I read that the chaser must surrender, I felt that for some situations like mine, it would be harmful. Him and I had a twin flame intimate connection again 3 weeks ago, but then I mentioned living together. Instant fear and became distant. Once again we are back to square one -_-

  2. I unfortunately am a runner, my twin flame has manifested several months ago after I got over my narcissistic ex wife of 7 years…this video is 100% spot on as I'm running from my inner fears because whenever I have opened up to someone in the past..has always caused me emotional pain.

    I'm glad I came across this video since it has helped me identify why I run and to work on overcoming my issues, true unconditional love is chasing me and I want to embrace every bit of it. Synchronicity is everywhere…watch what the universe is telling you 🙏

  3. I found two that i love, when one is running the other picks me up. The younger guy that's a year older than me, made me laugh when I was thinking about mom who sadly passed away before I got to know them four year earlier. We a age gape on both ends I'm 19 the one that's making me laugh is 20, the other is 22, I'm so grateful for finding them both🖤 Right now they're only making me smile. I can't wait to meet them both, I feel like it's coming soon!!!!

  4. A few days ago, I was with who I think is my tf. We had a great time as I was laying down beside him I freaked out, he ask me to stay over but I had to leave I was overwhelmed with emotions and fear. So I ran… He seemed disappointed and confused I haven't seen him since.

  5. Im a runner💔🔥

    The truth- My feelings are too strong for him i love him even more now but i stopped talking to him i regret it so much i hope we can talk again and at least be friends

    But im really hoping we can date,get married and so on

  6. Ive had a huge awakening in me after our recent separation. I want to be back with her but I know I am not prepared, I need to clear and focus on myself now first, I am worried I do not have enough time, as she ran into someone else's arms. Who also just so happened to have left his relationship to see things through with her. Right when we were finally seeking union, and now this other person seeks marriage as well. I spend all my free time now focusing on learning how to connect with myself again, to tap into my higher self that is finally being unlocked, my divine feminine energy, that had been lost to me since meeting my twin. Now, I feel I engulf it moreso than ever, and I see it in her, how she has engulfed a masculine energy that Ive only come to recognize as a mirror.

  7. She running. She just moved without saying a word. Im lost but it aint so painful. Its strange. Im a little offended but im just looking forward to her reasoning cuz i know its a good reason why she left. Thats her style , its no excuse but she has her reasons. i want to believe im strong enough and have the courage to do my part. She did reply to my text and asked for some time. Lmao , le ther become that buetiful butterfly. I cant wait to see her again. Amen

  8. I realized with this video that we both associated being very close and comfortable with pain. We went trough many traumas with abandonments. That's why we are afraid. However He goes with karmic women that hurts him again and again and I don't know how to broken this. It's a lesson he has to learn alone.

  9. I'm a DF surrendering into that Union <3 And as I do, I'm stepping into "mission" (my life purpose) of helping other Twins go through at least the things I've been able to overcome so far in my channel, along with collective energy readings. Im looking to grow my audience and reach more twins <3 So feel free to explore my channel and this week's reading if you're interested and resonating here: "DM Trying to Distract DF, DF Getting Tons of Downloads | March 11-17"

  10. I'm the runner. 16 years of this cycle. We have a 13yrold son. We have been a good space for 2years now. We will physically reunite in a few months. I'm preparing for the emotions. Our love has grown stronger. We met in our 20's we are both more mature now. We feel each other strongly. I'm back in the states raising our son he is in the Carribean. To all twin flames love yourself first. Your equal will find you once you heal. You complete each other.

  11. It's crazy because one minute he is the chaser and I'm the runner and when I stop running he runs and then I feel like I'm the chaser and then he runs. How is this ever going to work?

  12. Are there any longitudal studies that follow people over the course of 20-50 years? I would be curious to find out how many twin flames who are currently in separation actually end up reuniting eventually. Or if they stay in separation for life. It doesn't seem like there are many twin flames who are actually together. And if that's the case, then most people have wasted their whole life hanging on to 'one' person! Sad really….

  13. Awwwwwww i understand that. That's why i wont to find out what do to heal us because we were both raised without a father. I know we were both scared but i felt we love each other. Ive been doing your ralaxing but i will keep doing that. Thanks. I dont agree with letting go of my twin

  14. Not interested in drunk cowards.
    He can run right into his wife's arms. He will ever demean again. This flame u in is over.
    My flame wanted a wife and an office wife. Not in this life time ass!

  15. They are running from themselves., Stay calm. They are running from fears. Unconscious. , unworthy. Remove the deep triggers,. Clear fear. Go to inner peace. Nourish love. Engage with soul. Shift,send love. Create love with your TwinFlame., don't read the negativity. Calm mind. Remove blocks.

  16. A friend recently told me about this flame ideology. I'm religious and spiritual and thought this was nonsense, but watching this woman's videos I'm amazed how accurate it is.
    I met a girl on Bumble Dec 2017 visiting my family 1200 miles away. I was not looking for love, just a friend. I was drawn to a specific girl. We fell in love with two weeks of talking. We flew to visit each other often. I could often sense her emotions and called her and she was always amazed I knew what she was feeling at that moment. We could talk for hours. We spent full days together and it was never boring. We had a connection unlike anything I've ever felt. 95% of her video about 30 signs you've met your flame applied to us! My jaw dropped through the basement I was so in shock how many fit us.
    Regarding this video, six months into our relationship she was begging me to marry her. I was so hesitant because it seemed so fast. I finally consented we should find a way, and shortly after she was gone. Reading books and articles about this hurtful behavior I realized she was scared and ran. The pain was so intense I wanted to send her a message telling her what an awful human she was, but I always felt that was wrong just when my nasty note to her was ready. I just let her go.
    I burned some of her items so my brain and heart could move on. She finally seemed to be gone, until Thanksgiving when the top video in my YouTube feed was discussing, 'she made a mistake and wants you back'. I had a feeling enter my feet all the way to my head, and I was tingly for about ten minutes. Ever since then I've felt such amazing, positive energy again. I can feel her thoughts, and I have felt repeatedly she wants me but she is scared I'll reject her and that I hate her. I dream about her again. She did have lots of issues and troubles, and this video nails everything I've realized about her through my own thoughts and feelings, so there might be something to this flame business.
    I'm going to read more on your website. Thank you for making beautiful videos. I feel a powerful feeling on every one I've seen. I know she's special in my life. I just don't know when she'll come back, but I just know she will. I've never felt this about any women with whom I broke up. My connection with her is indescribable, and I know it's controlled by forces I cannot see.

  17. I recently met my twin flame – online no less – and we spend months talking and falling in love – recognizing the love and incredible similarities between us = from the start I felt unconditional love for him – could not hurt him if I wanted to – he told me of a devastating past relationship that "broke" him – and when our relationship became intense – he pulled way back. However, I continue t love him unconditionally – want to help heal him but know he has to do it on his own – he is not awakened at all to my knowledge – calls himself "morose" – I send him unconditional love and caress his body through telepathy daily – he told me once he could feel it – part of loving is letting the other work out their pain, knowing you are there if they reach out-

  18. She brought out my jealousy I was never aware of and now after all.the healing I've done she brought it out again and now I'm working on getting rid of jealousy

  19. I am a TF runner and going crazy. I cant seem to let go of my karmic partner cuz 1 i do love her and we have kids together. I still try to stay in contact together with my twin flame but right now she doesnt qant to speak with me unless we are together. She has told me she is done and moving on. I am respecting her wishes to leave her alone because i understand her hurt and i feel it all. It isnt fair to her to have to wait for me and i would never expect her to do that. I know she is my TF, yet i cant bring myself at this time to walk away from my childrens mother. I am trying to do everythimg from a loving perspective for all involved. I am hurting both woman including myself and it feels so selfish and i don't want to be that person. I literally feel like im going crazy sometimes. Ultimately i just want God and the universe to make her happy. She deserves the best and right now im not that for her.

  20. I have spent this year running and everything said in this video has been so true for me. I was never running from him. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced, and honestly, I didn't know that it was possible to experience such beauty on this plane of existence and that's what scares me. These are profound and cosmic feelings and they become quite overwhelming because, in my experience, there tend to be no appropriate words to qualify them (and I happen to have a proclivity for language). The experience is almost like getting to see a new color that was previously beyond your means of perception or something. Because of the profundity of the beauty of these kinds of unions, it's easy for us "runners" to become discouraged and feel as though our personal demons might taint the beauty of our newfound paradise. I say all this to say please don't give up on us or take our skittishness personally. It's paradoxical, but we feel inclined to run because we love so much, and maybe want to protect you from ourselves. It can be uncomfortable, but I am confident that such things are just a part of the journey of self-discovery and learning to understand oneself, so please don't lose heart. You have become two halves of a beautiful whole and I sincerely believe that we twins are never truly separated from each other. We just have to dust out all the emotional cobwebs or baggage, so to speak, and when that happens, the resulting beauty and fulfillment will be well worth the work you both put forth. I love you all and wish you the deepest love, companionship, intimacy and understanding. Namaste ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  21. I really needed this video. Its brought me to a better understanding of what is going on with my DM. I've been in such a negative mindspace for over a year now. It's time to cleanse and heal. ❤

  22. I was thinking about someone last night who I had not seen in a very long time, I imagined I was around her, touching her hand and listening to her. I felt her presence in my mind. told her I loved her and blessed her. the very next day I saw her at the grocery shop after a couple of years of not seeing her… was totally shocked. is that the law of attraction?

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