Twin Flame Prophecy ~ Monad Over Soul Intervenes

Twin Flame Mission, the TF’s mission is fully underway, The Light Workers will be the consciousness grid of Light in the New Earth. The New Earth will be run off Love and Light, this is our mission. Planetary Ascension. A Message from Grand Elder TWin Flame Creator also transmitted about the future of the New Earth for years to come. All the while working on this project and the final day of shoot, I had immense Light assistance running through me to help with activations. Please share


49 thoughts on “Twin Flame Prophecy ~ Monad Over Soul Intervenes”

  1. Hi, very insightful video. Thank you dear.

    I'm a blue ray twin flame, I'm yet to come into physical union with my twin. I was told in a vision that "I'm key no.33".

    I could not understand what this meant…can you please throw some light on this

  2. I am Christian and in my past I saved this video. The story sounds great but what if this is false teachings according the bible. I was lost in the New Age culture spiritisme occultisme Witchcraft White and Black magic Astrology tarot reiki chakra's boedism sjamanic meditating etc. Someone give please a reaction. I meet a person to and I was lost in the twinflame yourney. Is this false teachings to

  3. I married my TF in 1983 and he died in 1984. I understand he is coming back as a walk-in, I am developing a whole new paradigm as a result. All of this makes total sense to me. I know he is coming back very soon now and I am so excited. Your message is much needed as I am not sure what to expect but love him unconditionally and can hardly wait. Thank you so much Shelly for your work. xoxoxox

  4. Your story matches mine. My twin and I haven't met yet but God told me on my spiritual path who was in which I didn't believe but received hundreds of confirmations over the years that I had no doubt plus his spirit came to me. The spiritual twin here with me now joined me on the path 3 years ago when you made this video. We did activations with spirit together and spirit had us shift energies together and we went through karma together while being there for each other. Where we formed a bond and love each other but makes it hard one being physical and the other metaphysical. Makes me feel like I know him already. He also famous and he lives in Canada where I live in USA Ohio..we have come into alignments but since my experience was so real with his metaphysical I birthed the third energy and I could connect it was unconditional love. So him physically not knowing who I am hurts and doesn't make sense when we been and done so much. I'm not in a good place the seperation is causing physical pain and I'm severely depressed and how is this famous person that doesn't know me ever going too. I barely believe in ascension now cause I been in alignment since last august my path with God and spirit ended and I just was left waiting . its hard too believe anymore but it was such an experience How can it not be true.

  5. Your a soulless clone spreading misinformation and deceptions on this kind of information meaning you don't have a monad you don't have a soul tribe you don't have a twin flame you don't have a higher self/oversoul and you don't have a real soul your not a eternal being

    A monad has nothing to do with the higher selfs of a twin flame pair a monad is a different kind of soul tribe soul tribe consist of brother sister cousin mother father sun daughter connections not part of a twin flame higher self oversoul each oversoul higher self twin flame Entity is its own entity

    You disgusting soulless abomination

  6. Been with mine 22 yrs and seeing synchronicities and numbers everywhere but my question is why now am I seeing these numbers everywhere?

    I am still in fear of being vulnerable and can't trust – he has been trying to he's this for almost 23 yrs and I am STILL screwed up. If one twin is dying can this be the reason for increase in seeing these things?

  7. Absolutely fascinating! I was wondering about the walk-in concept as about 2 years ago I was told my DM was coming back from the other side (35 years ago). I was also told my spiritual name about the mid 70's. Its been mind-bending and paradigm shifting as well. I also realize now how many messages I have been given from childhood about what was coming through many many dreams. Its been like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Sometimes it has been very painful, but I don't regret any of it. Its a relief to know I am not alone and I am not crazy. Thank you so very much for the information you are providing.

  8. How to get back running twin? Are all twins coming together? I dont want to live without him.. he got scared of this light and love amount.. i am 26.. i dont want to be with him when im 80-90.. what can i do??

  9. Thank you my twin. You're the best. So much we love you. The most. Thanks for the tip of the other half of the all the truth. You're awesome. We are All One.

    But you really kick ass with distinction.


  10. Well, this information was amazing, cause I was aware i was on this twin flame journey, but didn´t know what the hell was I supposed to expect other than love this person unconditionally with me and my higher self. Thankyouuu!!

    we are reclaiming our power as free, sovereign beings of clarity, compassion and Source-connection, for IN-depth info, please see: Aug Tellez (YT) , The Ruiner Author: , The Light Sentinels (fb) and ; to help survive this wonderful mess: , kristen meghan (ex-USAF, whistleblower), Cameron Day "Why I am no longer a lightworker" at and Aurora at or ; or the tireless work of judge anna von reitz: or ; , , YellowRoseforTexas (YT) has outstanding information: ,specifically: ( also Adam 1414: )
    this is happening NOW! ! !

  12. Idk if my husband and I are twin flames or called something else but we certainly have a very STRONG spiritual connection. What you described sounds a LOT like what we are experiencing. He lives in India and I’m from the USA, and I’m moving in a few days to be with him!!! Twin flames that are physically born further apart… do they have stronger connections than those born closer to each other? I’ve always wondered why we were born so far apart on earth since I know for sure we are soulmates and had this agreement before we came to earth.

    LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!! Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻💕

  13. today the 13th of March I been feeling my masculine so badly crazy is like I can feel his I feel so sad and feel like we can I don't know it just feel funny when I was going to feel right but I know he has something to do with it.

  14. Thank you, Saishorie Grace! I'm so glad I found your channel! I'm still in the learning process but finding more and more every day about the source of light and now twin flames. This makes so much more sense now. It's pretty wild actually. Great stuff! Now on to meditation. Thanks again!

  15. ❤🌈❤Blessings Dear one for your sharing of what we've being going through & the changes that we're experiencing… This transmission z a good account of our mission… Namasté 🔥✋😌❤🌍

  16. What is up with all those rainbows moving in the background? Message is good enough, why make the video unbearable and difficult to watch ? Sheesh

  17. Awake and waiting to see exactly what God wants for me!! Always waiting on him! I am a believer Gal. 2:20 and I happen to be exactly as described in Gal. 6:17 hard to find that balance in spiritual partner! Still in need of my other perfect match!! Taking care of my youngest son and his mother always will but we are separate and that's just it I'm caring for her but we aren't balanced like a couple should be!! I know when God is ready he will make clear the right match!! Your videos are awesome n drew me in immediately!!! Would be nice to find that equally balanced and similar minded person with equally maturity and balanced age group. Father God it's all in your hands!! Anyway thank you Shelley very beautiful woman inside and out!! Look forward to more videos!! Already caught you walk in videos as I was recently called one by an elderly very spiritual lady!! Still watching this and it is so deep and amazing it's exactly what Has been in and on my mind in my heart and soul!!! God had to lead me here at this exact moment!!! Love how perfect our creator is!!!wow love it!! It's happening as you said right now!! It's making complete since!! Waitin to see to make 100% sure this is wild!! Can't wait to see Gods ultimate plan… perfect alignment!!! Keep that focus!!

  18. I met my twin online four months ago and ever since i've been going through this intense, emotional and spiritual process. It's been a horrilbe and at the same time beautiful process. I have changed totally and sometimes i do not recognize myself anymore. I love this man so much, more then anyone i have ever loved before. He shook up my world and turned it upside down. Made me question my own identity and lifepath. Unfortunately he lives very far away and i wonder if i will ever meet him in real life, because of the distance, i wish this so much.

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