48 thoughts on “Twin Flame or Soulmate concept explained – Deepak Chopra, MD”

  1. The Twin flame community is trning into the Vegan community about a decade ago: extremely dogmatic, rigid and with an air of self righteous elitism. Could it just be that he/she is just not that into you 😉 *cue the lynch mob

  2. To be honest, I dont think many people will understand this video (unfortunatelly). Because they didnt wake up to the fact that we are ONE with everyone of everything. As dr. Chopra says-we are PURE consciousness, PURE LOVE, all encompassing…They would rather hold onto the ego concept of separation and limitation to that one special PERSON that they cant live without. And im not saying anyone should go around and change partners or anything even close to that (as only 'highest purity/integrity brings the highest love). However, what Im saying is that your connection with the SOURCE should always be NR.1 priority… As THAT is your heart, THAT is your real Identity and THAT is also the only TRUTH there is. SO are your willing to follow the truth or your own illusory concept on how things are suppose to be according to your smaller mind-self!? Think again, my friends. And greetings to my beautiful spark of light that shines the truth so brightly with this video- mr. Deepak Chopra. Lots of LOVE!!! Tanja

  3. Good day,

    I would appreciate  any support to sell my story or improve technology 

    I was 21 when I jump infront of a train and had major head injuries and if left me paralysed for a few months or soo. I am a 48 year woman who worked for Nebank for 27 years then this traumatic events started . We were moving office from one floor to another and I fell up the stairs with boxes in my arms and aged 22 bumped my head  that time my colleague laughed and said they never heard of a person falling up the stairs but only down the stairs.

    The doctor that time said my tumours is inherit from 3 generations meningioma and malaama passed and is stress related and he suggested that we move out of the residential area. Which we did. But neverless I lost everything my husband my beautifull plot my children my friends all my personal en sentimental belongings due to my personality changes, emotional insecurity, social phobia, memory loss, Nobody understood me not even me do now. I had 4 brain operations due to genetic gene's, over a period of 15 years. The first in 2001 half of my hair was shaved of to open my scalp to remove the tumour, the second 2002 the back of my left ear that leave me partial deaf the 3 rd in 2011 on my frontal right lobe eye what started with losing my eye sight the last in 2015 in my right frontal lobe.. which created a personality change which canot accept nor can my family. Which i am losing my eye sight I think the last one was the most difficult one due to my age and it created a personality change which is difficult to accept by myself and family and I am scared for people that I did not know before the operation. I have no words to explain my condition, I cry every day and is tired and sleep most of the time. I am unbalanced and dizzy if I stand to long I cannot even go shopping. I went through a divorce and into a relationship which made every thing worse as I did not understand why are everybody treating me like a baby.  It felt that all know something but dont want me to know. I believed I was  crazy but my family resued me. Well I believe I am able to cure with professional help / sponsorship or even if reseach is done on me to better technology. I want to be better a person with wealth and health and happiness and success and love than before. I am under 24/7 care but believe I am able to heal 100% with God on my side and professional help. I constantly change living arrangements within the family as they do not know how to handle my moods and cannot live by myself . I have emotional issues as I cry a lot and my family want me save and happy. I have short term and long term memory loss and it seem that no one understand me and I have no reason to live anymore. I was once admitted to Akeso Clinic and one in Randvaal area but I turned out worse and know i am with family in Heidelberg always family with me 24/7 as I get lost and all funny things happen to me. So I am never alone….. I were everywhere with the family Durban Cape town but had no professional help just loving family protecting and caring for me for the past 4 years. 

    The Brackenhurst clinic referred me to Alberton North physo who wanted me go go to Sterkfontein hospital but my family said noooo

    Once a month the family comes together and dress me up and make me beautifull for photos but that makes me even more emotional. They love me soo much and also want to see me as I use to be and I know I am breaking theirs hearts as they see me deteriorating . Please see attached documentation and advise accordingly. Your help will be much appreciated. I am positive that this will be sponsored as I want to heal but the financial is limited from our side . I also believe that a book can be written as this is generic from our past 3 generations as some of my nieces and cousins sit with the same issues but not diagnosed or as severe as mine  This would also make a great testamonial or a motivational speech. . But I do not no where to begin and need professional assistance.

      As I know I won't ever be able to work due to this condition i have. I have both short and long term memory loss. I mix my words and numbers and are a threat to myself at home when left alone as i forget to put off the stove and to close the bath tap and forget who is who i drink the wrong tablets etc. I need my family or fiance to give it to me on regular basis I think it could be the beginning of altzheimer or something that is similar.. I do not want to be a burden to my family and want to know if  there ever be a possibility that I can live a normal life again . I come out of a loving family with Christian upbrings and they support me 100% If not can you direct me in the right direction please.  I am sooo scared and cannot go on this way of living I beg you out of my deepest heart to help to be a normal happy person again.

    I know I look normal but the problem is inside my confusing head and I cannot think as I used to think and do not remember what and when I do what and forget what I wanted to say someting.

    The knowledge I havr cannot be tsken away from me but My brain have difficulty to accept new information…

    Nedbank authorised me to apply for a disability grant at Sassa 

    Jimmy Abbotte referred me to Nasa Smartmind in Heidelberg who is doing case studies on me currrently.. as I have breakdowns and loose count of 4 or 5 days at a time.. I know i am high maintenance but do not want to be a burden or a laughing joke to anybody.

    God is good….. All the time…. 

     I cannot go on living this confusing,depressed, joint stiffness,scary,trustless, helpless, suspicious, emotional, anxious, panicfull, frustrating, irrational, dizzy, impatient, way.

    [02/28, 10:48] ICAS also referred me to Sanca in Heidelberg who said they will refer me to someone else. I am still waiting for their call…

    [02/28, 10:55] Vic: Icas reference me to Sanca in Heidelberg again 27/02/2018 and their response was the same as the last time.  They cannot help me as my case is to complicated with my brain tumour and injury and with my long term memory and short term memory loss. But they gave me 2 numbers for dr in Vereeniging and in Alberton which my fiancee must phone for help.

    He did phone but one is over seas and the other one works on a cash basis which I cannot afford. 

    Currently I am on prolax and epynoutin  from  the  gov hospital in Heidelberg, Gauteng. 

    I buy  solal amino acid naturally high now, I used hpt5 before 

     And i also drink IPS energy tablets. 

    Please help me with correct health supplements  to become a normal me again. ..

    I have recurring genetic multipule meningioma tumours and malamoma skin cancer inherent from 3 generations passed accordingly dr Snyckers,dr zorio and dr Torres-Holmes  from Milpark.  And they also said my brain do not produce serotonin any more.  

    My  name is AV TROLLIP and my date of birth is 18/06/1968. I live in South Africa. 

    I got your info from the Internet

    I am busy writing my story for 3 years now…

     The dr said I must write everything down, and I am 50 years old now and I think I am getting better as I am starting to accept my personality changes and God knows what He has planned for me…

    I meditate every night and listen to sounds to rewire my subconscious mind….i believe I am in a awakening stage but still very confused ..

    I know get my meds from Heidelberg gov hospital . The dr psychic at Heidelberg referred me to the Psychiatrist in  Ratanda dr Thoka who want to atmit me to Tara in Sandton but must first have a panel interview with various drs at Sandton and a discussion with my family…..

    I also try to live in the moment every day….i am a new me and want to grow further please help me as i need help to improve faster in my subconscious mind

    I am starting to accept the other me and must adjust to it.  I want to grow further and improve my condition and knowledge of the consious and sub co nsious mind.

    My mental disorder can also be caused  by my previous narcissistic marriages or child hood beliefs.  I believe reseach could be done on my brain

     Altough I have both short and long term memory loss and know I won't ever be able to work in the open or public market as I am scared for people which I don't know or any other person from my previous life. I believe God is working within me giving me wisdom to heal


  4. Those who are confused if they are in a twin flame relationship often go to guru type personalities. They don't know. If you want a guru type person to explain read about Elizabeth Claire Prophet. Her last name came from her marriage to her twin flame. God bless.

  5. Twin flames are bonded by God and only God can sever this union. Twins share the same soul. It’s the same soul cut in half. Once the soul merges with itself. No matter how hard you try to separate in physical world it will not happen. Eventually the soul always wins. This man has 0 concept on what the source is, what collective contribution of twins is. He has defrauded millions of people with the use of clever words. Words are the lowest form of communication. Listen to your hearts. If you have to question something, if it doesn’t feel entirely true then it isn’t.

  6. I have been so blessed to manifest my ideal twin flame, my soulmate. I felt wholeheartedly he is my yang . We meet on a dating app, three years ago. Yet never spoke beside a hello. He is 24 hours older to me. We have had parallel lives we even live 45 mins apart. I happen to remember seeing him once in a store as if I needed to go and say hello, my karma and his have melted us together. God and positive manifestation work..

  7. Not sure what twin flames are but just because you meet somebody that you connect with totally completely doesn't mean you'll be together but vice versa

  8. How about breaking down the word that you're trying to express yourself with in a simple way thay can understand without beating up your ego lol but ant nuthin funny

  9. deppak chopra said 100% true ….

    Regardless of of the twin union. We all come to learn to be one with God. God whom is within and ultimately we dont need anyone to complete us as we are all connected. We are pure love as chopra says.

    The twin flame concept is freedom from co dependency .. expectations and false illusion of separation.

    We are all connected. And your partner is to mirror that which is needed for you to work on within yourself.

    There is No separation. Twin flame is just another way of helping you to evolve into your true identity.

  10. He has a tendancy to reductionist logic bound up nicely with some existentialist theory. Just talking about twin flames because this phenominon occurring now in history is critical in terms of acsention and the end of a 2000 year bad patch in the Age of Pisces for humanity. It's not only Physics that evidences Acsention it is the New Age and other spiritual movements. That being said I think most people like to discredit this kind of perspective, that is New Age thought. Science backs it up so, I think the salient point is Twin Flames are here now to help through the example of unconditional love the rest of (us) to acsend to evolve. The true objective in this talk was hermatage.

  11. Brilliant, spot-on, excellent understanding of the evolution of this concept, of which the essence has been corrupted by too many codependent types that can’t disengage from the fantasy long enough to discover the reality. Thank you for this.

  12. I love & respect Mr. Deepak Chopra. He is a very wise and treasured Soul. On the Twin Flame matter, however, I don't feel his interpretation is exactly accurate. You cannot know what a Twin Flame is unless you are actually a Twin Flame. The experience is very complicated and cannot be fully explained or understood unless you actually live the experience yourself.

    Soulmates and Twin Flames are different in that we all have many Soulmates, but NOT everyone has a Twin Flame. A Twin Flame is also a Soulmate to their counterpart and can be a Soulmate for others, but a Twin Flame only has ONE other Twin. We are the other's exact equal, the same, and the opposite. Yin and Yang. Night and day. Sun and moon. etc.

    Soulmates work to make each other's lives easy, while the Twin Flame can turn your entire world inside out and upside down in an instant and leave — most of the time. A twin Flames shows up just when you think you are settled in life, and even when you are in a marriage with a Karmic Soulmate. Then the Twin Flame remind you, there is something else you should be doing. The Twin Flames push you to be your best. The Twin Flame reminds you of your higher self and your Soul's true purpose. You may fear your Twin Flame more than you fear any other person, just as you may desire and love your Twin Flame more than you can love any other person. Like I said… Complicated.

    If you are a Twin Flame, you will just know it. You will “KNOW” without question — the experience is not all romantic or easy. It is a very challenging blessing, & one that many wish they could get out of for most of the experience. But we cannot dissolve, modify, or cancel this contract like we can with other "spiritual contracts." This contract is not Karmic; this contract is of divine nature for a divine purpose — written, signed, and sealed — and is between the Twin Flame Souls and the Almighty, pre-incarnation. This contract is final.

    Yes, there is that thing called "free will." Free will applies to all humans including Twin Flames. This is part of universal law. Twin Flame members are free to choose just like everyone else, except free will does not apply to the Twin Flame contract. When it comes to the Twin Flame contract, this only means, Twin Flame members get to choose the easy way or the hard way. Twin Flames can choose to go left or right. Ultimately, in the end, they will end up in the same destination, which was already predetermined in the contract.

    Some say they would not wish the Twin Flame experience on their worst enemy, which is ironic, because as a Twin Flame, you are not permitted any negativity or "dark feelings" towards others such as anger or hate, and therefore cannot have enemies. Twin Flames are about the service of others in peace, harmony, and love. We forgive what is unforgivable, and we replace all negative energies and vibrations with love and light. This is how we ultimately find the perfect balance within ourselves — the masculine and feminine.

    Twin Flame is about “True Love” in love's highest divine form. Twin Flames are “complete” individually, and do not need the other to live, or to be happy. Complete alone… And together, the power of love doubles. The light of Twin Flames in the union is twice as powerful, and the healing and love is the highest level and highest positive vibration. All for the service of humanity. Once this is realized and practiced, we find our other half and come into "union" for love, but more importantly, for the good and service of all humanity. This is our promise and a responsibility we agreed to when we accepted our mission from God, or the "Universe," one and the same.

    Twin Flames do not know their fate because union depends on both Twin Flames realizing their truth at the same time, and Twin Flames must be equally balanced at the same time in order to reunite. “Unions” typically take many lifetimes. Do your own research, there is a lot more to the Twin Flame experience or experiment… There is a multitude of information available online. You will know what rings true versus false. If any of the above resonates with you, and if you are a Twin Flame, you will “know” your truth. In the end, it comes down to whatever you believe, you believe…

    Here is a helpful link:

    Peace and Love to All,


  13. Hi Deepak!
    Please can you help me…
    Its been many years now that i see on clocks numbers like this: 11-11;02-02;05-05;12-12;20-20;00-00… Not the same hours but that kind of repetition of numbers.wish to know what it means.
    Moreover since i told my partner that i'm experiencing this,he has started to see it also.it is not all the time but when it is the period,its all day long.i'm a black woman of 35.
    Thanks a lot!
    Really expecting you to respond please.

  14. I met mine at work and hes younger then me. Ever since ive been awakened and doing my duty in life more strongly. Its been extremely painful and stressful because i could not enjoy him yet we are doing everything important separately for now. We will sync when were done enough lol and enjoy a relationship that all will benefit from. We will be our best selves still learning but being authentic itleast. Which is what i want now.

  15. Let me get this: a karmic relationship is an abusive one or based on lies, a soul mate relationship is one that heals and a twin flame relationship is highly evolved, one that vibrates on a higher frequency than the other two after healing?

    Someone can you tell me if I'm right or wrong?

  16. From what I have learned from the twin flame community and my personal experience, it is obvious you do not understand the concept of twin flames.You are simply talking about "relationship" in general, not twin flame which is a unique experience.

  17. I met mines nd she don’t know we have this very powerful connection it kind of freaked her out when I tried to explain it to her so I went to God about it and he said we are one of the most powerful couple in the world fact our bounding will healed the world but I don’t know how to tell her without her thinking I’m crazy and infact my life and the world hasn’t been the same since can somebody explain this

  18. Here is the Problem! RETITLE THE VIDEO CLIP! This is giving viewers seeking the understanding ,and instead getting a break down of whom you are responding to – their breakdown of their twin flame moment of explaination by way of their concerns!

    The explaination WHICH ARE NOTED ,GIVEN is pretty much expressed to explain how those who comment ( via email ) mentioned were at THEIR POINTS AND WHERE IT SHOULD, WOULD AND MAY TRANSCEND TO…..But, the title of the video doesn't denote that's what is the focus! So , the confusion on what is to be addressed is lost in WHAT IS BEING ANSWERED in the email responses!…which this is leaving people here to believe the understand clear to the TELLER – and isn't there and/or lost in some choppy explaination!

    Truly, it isn't! I listened again! Realising the focus isn't on a universal explaination , but of those that were chosen ( via email) to help answer on a larger forum for masses! Which JUST GIVES WAY TO more criticism! Because of the information and in its delivery based on the mixed and unclear details! Which doesn't actually paint a broader understanding of TF LOVE

    Yes! Those who KNOW TOO WELL THE FEELINGS AND THE BIZARRE CONNECTION are totally aware! So they see the message as spotty and missing proper context of details! …the message wasn't for us but for those whom were in the video as they got answers to their response.

    People ! Just take the time to cherry pick what the master cleanse of details which are noted to add to your already existence! Make the circumstance read within your on tale if the ones noted don't resonate.

    Again! Retitle the video!000h 444😨

  19. I love his common sense approach to the idea surrounding the "twin flame" and "soul mate" dynamic. I don't think he's 100% right, but he's not 100% wrong either and neither are any of the scholars in the comments under this video, on any other YouTube video, or through a Google search. Everyone always has a different definition, what the signs are, and differing opinions on the matter. Since the energy you put out into the world determines what you receive from day to day, I just do not understand why people think because they attracted someone (or people) they had a strong connection to that was "unexplainable" just HAD to be a twin flame. This is the type of nonsensical thinking that makes people spend/waste time waiting around for someone who never returns or better yet, forgetting to love themselves first.

  20. TwinFlame is your mirror that once you met him and had the awakening, not even the smartest Psychologist can perform psychotherapy to reset your amygdala and forget about him/her. Therapy can help you forget everything in your life, like the traumas and move on from it. But not your twin flame, it wasn't possible. God given, both blessing and tough road. I have met mine and we were together for years and I didn't know this concept until it was the perfect time. Your twin brings out the best in you and the worst for healing. TwinFlame there is only 1, soulmate there are a lot of them.

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