This is how you recognize a false Twin Flame.

⭐️ I’m Yvonne, a Twin Flame teacher, and my contact details are: ⭐️, 0041 79 214 53 56 (WhatsApp), (Skype)
(Costs for any sort of twin flame advice: CHF 2.50/Min. – € 2.22/Min.).


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Jeff & Shaleia are my spiritual teachers who taught me everything I know about the Union Consciousness of twin flames. Go to to find out more about Jeff & Shaleia.

And check out ENDLESS free twin flame information on the following YouTube channels:
– Jeff & Shaleia:
– Twin Flames Universe:
– Playlist English videos Twin Flame Spyrit:

Also watch:


Twin Flames are my passion. If you have heard enough of Runners and Chasers and having to dissolve karma of endless number of past lives, then reach out to me and we will work together with an approach that will bring you real results. I’m looking forward to meeting you!


42 thoughts on “This is how you recognize a false Twin Flame.”

  1. True. He was my false twin.
    He a user. Too much anger and abuse together. He was selfish, we were boring together and he only focused on his own development as a person.

  2. I feel like someone came into my life that may be the person who brings me into meeting my twin flame.. I see him around so much and everything he does in his life or how he’s approached me has always brought me to look at myself more, learning more about me and learning to love who I am and see exactly how much I love myself.. he’s cute and everything but I’ve never had someone make me look at myself so much to where I’m starting to love me 🤔 I feel like he’s a “stepping stone” or something..

  3. I watch so many videos- I’m still unsure of the difference between the real twin and false one- would love to know ( it’s so close in definition ya?)

  4. You are doing an excellent job describing things in English. Keep going!!! You are expressing yourself very exactly and I greatly appreciate your perspectives stated here.💖

  5. Its easy to dislike a false soulmate …. I do love him..I never stopped but I realized right away it was for the lesson.. I don't know how or why. I had dreams and signs all over the place. I looked into his eyes and I fell in love…but I soon learned it was not my forever after…lots of healing and self reflection…I understand now.

  6. R3 here your very
    Ture. I just hsd a me
    Many bad days were he was nice he stared becomeong ab bussive with his words then abusive with hia hands i am done i love myself will not put up with that carp.!!!!

  7. So sad, but true. Is this an action of love? This helps a lot to come to my senses when I realize i was deluding myself. The problem is that they lie a lot, and we want to believe the lies because we love.

  8. 2:48……
    Sign number one (only since we're talking about signs) otherwise you could say a few different words like "#1" or "first up" or many different ways. It's cool though we understood what you meant lol. Thanks for the info!!

  9. Absolutely freaking great explanation of THIS….you described my false twin WHOM I discovered last year after five yrs of not seeing he wasn't mine…n not able to see all the exact things you described…the most needful thing is THAT it's true…he WAS there to open my eyes n learn all my WORTH AND to love myself…it WAS thenthat i lost himand quick as he was gone for good my real Twin came in and he's the best version of ME for ME….it's a HARD level with many lessons ONLY if YOU MAKE it that way for u so I'm glad you put these videos out

  10. My Twin flame/ Soulmate was narcissistic.

    Everything you described!!

    He had to go through a Dark night of the Soul to become elevated to a Higher level.
    We have had Several Stages we went through.
    Our Synastry says A Highly Spiritual connection, telepathic and Psychic.
    Lessons to be learned and past life together .
    It was draining and hurt at the core. He was horrible to me but the Synastry also said I owed him something because he was Super nice to me in our other life and he was back for repayment.
    We completed a Cycle and cleared Karmic debts.

    Now, the Energy is light and I can feel he's done the work on himself. Everything is different. He'll always be in my life.

  11. I met a narcissist woman once. One of the worst experiences ever. She was moody, drained me emotionally. She is a public figure, so for her, everything was about her ego, her image. I should have recognized the signs, but I was blinded. I needed the lesson, I guess. I don't have any resentment and I surely don't hate her.

  12. Hi tks for your videos. I didn't understand anything about your subject until I had two false twin flames. They didn't Love me…"it weren't actions of Love!" I am alone and you are right I am now willing only to Love myself and only want my true twin! 🤔🤗

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