The 3 Classic False Twin Flame Characteristics You MUST Avoid!

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Hello Twin Flame Lover! So many of us go through the experience of falling in love with someone we think is our ultimate soulmate–it feels thrilling and magical… But then sh$t hits the fan and you’re not so sure this person is the perfect fit anymore! You hear about the term Twin Flame and you’re confused. So what do you do? You scope all the blogs and videos about Twin Flames and you’re still just scratching you’re head effing confused! Well this video is going to teach you the 3 classic telltale Twin Flame Counterfeit (False Twin Flame Signs) that you must avoid to stay out of trouble… Enjoy and share on the comments!

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I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle and this is the Twin Flame Matchmaker series! On Fridays I post a new video every week on Twin Flames and Divine Feminine Sacred Sexuality tips. Then I may post a new experience, insight, or vlog so make sure you subscribe to catch the next one:

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47 thoughts on “The 3 Classic False Twin Flame Characteristics You MUST Avoid!”

  1. Thank you,great video🙏❤👑
    My realizations and lessons for 2017 :
    Focus on yourself
    Know your worth
    Raise your standards
    Love is within you ,not outside of you
    Needing nothing attracts everything
    Be what you want to attract
    Be grateful for everything

  2. Honestly, I was afraid my journey had made me cold instead of strong. I was afraid that my heart closed instead of opening I was afraid that happened to me. I was afraid my heart had changed. And my heart did! I am so greatful today to realize that I haven't become cold. I have just became stronger and love myself enough to set boundaries or let go of what no longer serves me or my vibration. i have learned to feel good with me and enjoy myself, appreciate myself and who I am without worrying about what others think! I learned to do me. I had lost that part of me. That part of me I missed so much and couldn't understood what happened. I am greatful to be back to who I am and the bit of daredevil I am taking chances in my life and believing that everything happens for a reason and we can't just focus on fear or we can miss out on life. Stay safe but if you never take a chance… You will never know what could of been. Pick and chose wisely, never expect anything and count on yourself and your support system. Thank you!

  3. DO not focus on MEN , Women are equally ..if not more Vile and manipulative (only they use their sex and cunning ways) behind the USE THE WORD PERSON…ok?

  4. I have a question:

    What if somebody unexpectedly appears into your life, at the WORST TIME POSSIBLE for twin flame or ANY romantic relationships ( you are not interested or looking, you are actually dying, visiting an emergency room, and struggling to stay alive ) EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE ALWAYS SEARCHING FOR SUCH RELATIONSHIPS IN THE PAST, and never found them.

    So ironically, he NOW approaches you with seemingly perfect intentions, very respectful, giving and generous, kind and promising to stand by you in your ordeal and support you until you get better, never abandoning you, to be your rescuer, your therapist, your healer, your sidekick, the unyielding rock which you can hold onto to be lifted up from the storm waves that are drowning you and many, many other beautiful promises, he claims to be VERY RELIABLE as well BUT does not immediately promise LOVE because he claims to be very traumatized in the past and thus armored, he says he has many walls to keep people away, but he wants to HELP you and see how it goes.

    However something is not right. You can't put your finger on it but you, for some odd reason, just cannot feel certain, 100% safe or happy with this person, because you can't really establish a connection, or commit, mainly because THE TIMING seems AWFUL for you (you have ANOTHER PRIORITY = to resurrect yourself from the grave) and you also feel that you do not have ANY ENERGY AT ALL to invest or offer. Something is awry. Plus you don't feel entirely accepted by him, especially in the AREA MOST IMPORTANT to you = Spirituality, because he is totally cynical and does not believe in spirituality, an atheist and skeptic who does not mock you per se for your choices in life, he respects them, but still DOES NOT SHARE THE SAME INTERESTS and passions at all as far as energy healings, alternative pov etc are concerned. He is playfully sarcastic about them sometimes and this makes you feel as if he DIMINISHES THEIR IMPORTANCE and DEVALUES you.

    So you constantly feel something is MISSING and you cant really FIT with him. He is not enough for you on an energetic-spiritual level. He can't wholy cover you or contain you.

    Moreover you, for some odd reason again, intuition (?), despite his beautiful words, promises, and ACTS, still cannot shake off this feeling that you may be DECEIVED and just CAN'T TRUST HIM 100%. You are afraid that even if he says he is here to SAVE YOU, you'll end up SAVING and healing HIM again, and being used by him (as it has happened in previous relationships). He tells you he is here to rescue you from the "abyss of hell", he'll pull you out, and he won't leave you until it is done, he won't gain strength from you and then abandon you BUT you suspect that the story will have a different ending, even if he has no CONSCIOUS intention of fooling or exploiting you, or taking whatever LITTLE energy you have left to solve his own problem (very low self esteem, victim of bullying, problems with intimacy, isolation, fear of connecting with women, bad self image due to being overweight, feeling hopeless) first and save himself. It will still happen somehow. You'll be victimized again. Self-fulfilling prophecy/fear or Intuition ?

    So you feel as if, EVEN IN YOUR DARKEST, WEAKEST HOUR OF DEATH, you will still end up being "sacrificed", ironically by the one who promises to HELP you, hold you up, and NURTURE you, in order to FEED him energetically !

    You sense or fear that even if you can't give anything anymore, you are empty, IT WILL STILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU, you will somehow be duped and exploited again, INVISIBLY (the energy will be transferred to him even if he is not doing it consciously) and you have no intention of healing him first, YOURSELF IS YOUR PRIORITY this time, you want to take something too AT LAST and give to your own needs, support yourself, heal, nurture, love yourself (and he promises you those things) but you STILL CAN'T TRUST that you will not be taken advantage of again even unwittingly.

    Nonetheless, in your desperation for help and emotional support, you still decide to try and give this relationship a chance, especially because you are all alone (everyone else left you when you lost your energy due to this illness and battle with death) IN A VERY DIFFICULT SITUATION and at your most vulnerable and he promises to give you almost everything you desire and need. Too good to be true but YOU ARE DROWNING and even a leaf, not a life jacket, may seem ok to grab onto for your life at that time !

    You suspect that HE IS NOT QUALIFIED or adequate for such an undertaking but his unbelievable WILLINGNESS and purported dedication coupled with your panic (over your dire situation) and the fact that he is THE ONLY PERSON WHO SEEMED TO CARE, the only option offered, when EVERYONE REJECTED and left YOU, you give in and tell him you will give it a try although you are not at your best. You feel pressured or blackmailed in a way. You really can't fathom what the heck the universe was thinking when it chose this BAD TIMING !

    However, as expected, it is a bumpy ride. You always feel as if you were FORCED into this relationship when you wanted something else instead, like a forced marriage of past eras, You are in need of A TRUE HEALER with skills for example ( not the extra burden of catering to somebody's emotional or sexual needs because you know he will leave you if he is not satisfied NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS !) and he, for some weird reason again, just feels like an "impostor", or INADEQUATE, he does not convince you completely.

    Furthermore, you were not really interested in a sexual relation AT THAT TIME when he popped into your reality. You were fighting DEATH, you were not really available for romance but wanted a supportive, long-lasting friendship. You almost felt like a HOSTAGE or abducted like Persephone by Hades in the underworld during this relationship EVEN IF HE WAS GOOD TO YOU. You also felt as if you did not want to get Stockholm syndrome and fall in love with him, your abductor (if that makes any sense). You were UTTERLY CONFUSED and ambivalent by his presence for sure.

    Finally, after about a year, as things were not working out well, mainly due to your resistance ( not feeling that he is the one ) and his inability to meet your urgent needs for healing – so far at least ( you can't predict if he would succeed if he remained by your side for more time but something is off EVEN IF HE TREATS YOU VERY WELL most of the time) – with him, the progress was very slow and frustrating to you, you felt uneasy and complained, HE ABANDONS YOU because he realizes that he can't offer what he promised and needs to MOVE ON and find new women, now that you made him realize that he is LOVEABLE and desirable (he was a virgin at 36 before he met you, an incel so to speak) and he is not that afraid of them. Women don't seem so out of reach for him. He has SOME CONFIDENCE!!! He is better, stronger, more determined, less shy.

    You, on the other hand, are still at the bottom of the abyss !!! He did not pull you out. You maybe crawled up a few inches. HE forgot about you now that he is out of his hole ( thanks to you, his ladder). He went back on his promises, as you predicted, he instead STEPPED ON YOU TO ESCAPE FROM HIS OWN ABYSS ! Then, he coldheartedly left you behind despite your cries for help and gave you excuses for his dishonorable and UNRELIABLE behavior.

    So was he a FALSE twin flame or was I a false twin flame to him ? I am looking at this experience from both sides. Was I wrong, did I mess up a true twin flame relationship because I just could NOT make myself really need him in my life or appreciate him enough for his efforts or just could NOT feel it with him ?
    I JUST COULD NOT FIGURE HIM OUT, still can't, and what all this was about.

    Thanks A Lot !
    I apologize for the length of the message.

  5. So a twin cant be ego based? What if that's what they need to heal? With my ex everything broke. Over n over. He blamed me n I blamed him. We are both highly energetic water signs. He has narcissistic tendencies but I realized that I do as well from being discarded as children. This is way too big for the average mind to understand. I KNOW that he is my twin. This is actually irresponsible to put out because everyone's dynamic is different. It's best to go into self and meditate and let the Universe reveal it to u n u alone.

  6. Thank God for this video!! Im screaming. I was looking for info as to why my energy is always switching, my intuition was telling me my FTF is in and out of my energy. Im new to this so i didnt know where to start. But i came to this to make sure, double check if he truly is my Ftf… lol 🤦🏽‍♀️.. well, the narcissist bit nailed the casket because it is e x a c t l y what happened. And look at me, here trying to reconfirm if he is false or true. Lawd. Well thank goodness i continued watching cause you then discussed 'energy chord!'… which is what this whole search was for.
    Im soooo thankful there are information available for what im experience cause otherwise id either die or go insane. Thank you!!!💕

  7. Is there a meaning in the color of the energetic cord cause I happened to have seen one and after so much deception I'm really asking myself about the truth of this connection

  8. Wow thank you, yeah all that, it was gross, all the other women, so grateful I grew past and out of him a total narcissist. I was really messy, I was vomiting from stress. He didn't care at all.

  9. Thanks sis. I just got of out my false twin flame girl relationship. And I have decided to move on. She was all things you said your own false twin flame was. You have been amazing! You have given me clarity! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help.

  10. I find you quite confident, i wouldn't be brave enough to share what you do in this video >>> Irrationality emphasizes by the name you have kept secret ? and to be sure is it a false twin, instead or karmic or contract… to irrational for me but i understand you.

  11. Yeah,but what if you're an empath and just enjoy healing and see happy the people you love and are this way with everyone regardless if he's or not your tf?

  12. Some of these resonate for me but not all- but we are also very young for twins (20 & 21 ) & he is also in that experimental part of life & been hurt from past relationships & didn’t plan on dating for a long time when we met about 2 years ago. We were also never in an official relationship despite being involved on and off for a year (been in more or less no communication except for small bits in the last year). He never used me or would want to hurt me on purpose I know & I sense he has a good heart just was wounded. I see signs of his name & things that remind me of him everywhere from the universe in such a ridiculous way. Even my soul sister sees his name everywhere. But I still worry he is a false twin or karmic & not come back for sure. Since I was always the chaser & a few other things. What do you think?

  13. What if you give to the other person but you suffer from depression and anxiety. I was in a narcissist relationship and I know that’s holding me back in my new current one. I do still have codependency tendencies but also care deeply for this new man and want to build him up but am anxious a lot and feel like I’m over sharing my negative feelings. He helps me feel better and loved where my other partner wasn’t even around physically to even talk to about my feelings. I feel like I should be able to share these things with someone who wants something long term and desires to know my deeply. I feel like I can’t with anyone else. But he just listens and gets me. He doesn’t try to fix it and tells me he can’t. I tell him I don’t expect him to. His listening and care is more than enough. I’m scared I may push him away. Im scared to reveal my real self but if I can’t than why be in the relationship at all. I don’t wanna play small like I have everything together when I don’t. It hasn’t been long since my last breakup and complete meltdown with a narcissist who is still finding ways to manipulate me and infuse his energy into my life from 700 miles away. I’ve warned the new man in my life of my past and my insecurities over and over giving him many outs but he stays. Which I love him for that.

  14. New it fucken Covert Narc 😂😂

    this other feeling I am having is still a pull feeling but not to him something much bigger once I started feeling this inner not sure if it’s intuition or what it was like a switch turned on, that’s when I got my devalue and then discarded..

    I always look at the stars and moon and feel connected to someone or something already since I was a child, no matter where my other sole is I think we are both feeling a little happier with out these extra strings draining us 😂😂 if they can feel me or not ❤️

  15. I love you Amanda !!! Thank you for your great videos and for your time taking to make this videos . much love and light and all the best 💗💗💗💗💗💗 sendind love from Romania

  16. The more I center myself, the less I even care about the label. The question just elicits a quiet, peaceful, almost indifferent "yes". "Yes, he's my twin, but does it even matter?" The connection has accelerated my growth. My work is in front of me, and I'm focused on doing it. The light is within me. I trust that it will work out as it should, for both our highest good, even if we never speak again.

  17. very helpful information delivered in loving way. …you've given me confirmation that I have another cord to remove. …I recently discovered that he and a parent were narcissists the day after a cord removal. curiously, the cord was is the location of the cancer, and curiously, the narcissist arrived in my life a few weeks before the diagnosis; it does all feel like divine intervention. the cancer and the narcissist both gave me the opportunity to heal, to learn to trust my intuition, to focus on me. …but, I am still ruminating about the narcissist; I also see I need to be more gentle with myself for that to dissolve… thank you Amanda.

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