Soul Connections in Separation 3/18-3/24 (Twin Flames, Soulmates)

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Decks used in the video in order:

Your Sacred Wealth Code Oracle:
Twin Flame Oracle by Mystic Moon
Twin Flame Journey Tarot by Mystic Moon
Twin Flame Shadows by Mystic Moon
Twin Flame Messages Vol. 2 by Mystic Moon
Twin Flame Message (Red Rose) by Mystic Moon
The Angel Tarot:
Chakra Mindset Balance Oracle:
French Vintage Stamp Love Oracle:
Angels and Ancestors Oracle:
Signs from Spirit Love Oracle by Mystic Moon
Power of Surrender Oracle:

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38 thoughts on “Soul Connections in Separation 3/18-3/24 (Twin Flames, Soulmates)”

  1. Oh my word! This is exactly me! Words linger in my mind! Yes! Ghosted. Yes! No closure! Yes! But, I want my DM to feel safe to come and talk to me. The longer he takes to come and make it right, the further away I will be.

  2. idk if y'all are real people making real comments or algorithms but incase you are "not a robot", I want to break it to y'all n i c e and eeassy and slow (hold your breath) that these readings have nothing to do with another person in your life and how they think or feel, its all about you and those aspects of YOU. I'm compelled to break the news even tho I know it hurts bc these readings can get intense and so spot on YOUR life its freaky and they can really trick you into believing that it often is really about the other person bcheck technology can do anything now days anyways so its not impossible, but given the chance when you ask them.. them lover mans who the armed forces sneaks away from you for long periods at a time then they squiggle back in real quick for a short time then ZAP out like a light and you hear crickets for months. then that damn bird is often outside at night asking you whos on your mind " WOO WOO".. if u ever do ask if when or how they could relate or of their knowledge or involvement they will say "NOPE". and its probably true. they probably really dont. which is fine, bc this is all about you. not them.

  3. We separated on the 22nd of march. I have a tarot deck and would pick the 2 of cups and knew him to be a twin but he being much younger to me doesn't understand all of this. I cannot force him to stay in the relationship anymore.I just need to heal myself now.

  4. Just seeing this reading, after the week has passed. This is 100% truth. Amazingly accurate with every card. Wow! The entire week played out exactly like this. Thank you sharing your gifts.

  5. Wow 😳 definitely resonates with me I'm much stronger and I don't need him I got through the heart ache alone but i won't lie 26 years together we came back from holiday he unpacked and said right I'm leaving I was shocked didn't see it coming at all , never got closure but we are friends still he is my bestfriend I still love him , I can't seem to let him go no matter how I try he is my soulmate and I no he still loves me too no third party for us and still no one else I don't need a man just my soulmate I send love ❤️ thoughts 😇😇😇❤️❤️thank you love and light 💝still healing though and hope he is too 😇😇😇❤️

  6. He ghosted me for a karmic. I was broken inside and devastated but I made it through that dark place and have moved on. I forgive him, wish him well, and don't need or want an apology. I'm focused on creating my own nonprofit organization helping youth in crisis and not looking back.

  7. I blocked him. Deleted all messages. Im done with fly by knight. Secrets lies deceit cheating. Third party situations. Treated me like a piece of garbage. Im fully aware. My self worth self love finally kicked up. I was already feeling alone and now independant. Mind fuckery and feeling like i was unloved and worthless. " i hate you" or " no man will ever want me" words that cut deep. Here to say wrong about no man will want me. A woman can only give and give be accused of being fake or putting on a show. Screw that shit. Opened up my heart fully only to put a sword in it and litterally kicked it in. My swords are out and they have flames on them. Im a gemini with leo cancer cusp. I took my queen of wands and queen of swords combined them im the empress and im not tolerating anymore disrespect in and out bs third party bs ever again. Bye felicia and karmic seriously dying your hair like mine. Would you like my spare set of glasses too? Stop stalking me get a life. Dont need the drama or the immaturity in my life. Dreams very intuitive telepathic and alot of signs and birds bluejays cardinals eagles. Dont ever mind fuck a gemini. Bad move. A gemini only gives so many chances until we say piss off.

  8. Your cats provided some serious healing for me. For hours I've been in a very sad and lonely place and now my vibration has been lifted significantly! Please continue to let them show up how they wish to <33

  9. Namaste Angela!! ✨ My TF and I met in Dec 18 and have gone in cycles of intense several hours together and then we both create space subconsciously to process the energies – which have been 2 cycles of about 3/4 weeks between! I don’t chase him at all – I trust the process and notice the triggers between as my lessons (I’m more ascended and he’s just beginning his ascension) so I understand not pressuring him further – he reached out three days ago and we spent 36 solid hours together. The energy was so strong we connected and talked the entire time non-stop without sleep. Right before he left, he confided in me about an exchange between he and his wife (ex) who was murdered this past September 2018, 3 months before we met. I have never identified as a a person who had abilities to connect with the departed but she talks to me – I have revealed bits and pieces to him and have an immense deep appreciation for her connection in his life for the 17 earthly years and now she supports him from beyond. In June 18, I broke my own heart into a million pieces by setting free an old memory – and it triggered my awakening. I realized when with him a few days ago that his deep loss and grief is an exact mirror of what I experienced – yet my loss was a philosophical death and his was physical. Yin / yang. This experience is the most profound thing I only ever thought was possible in fantasy… I started writing this before watching your message today and everything you say is completely accurate. Angela – please tell me how to connect with you and do you advise / consult? I’ve never met someone who is 101% accurate to my TF journey!!! I’m an old soul but it’s a new earth for me and I’d love you as my advisor! Namaste Soul Fam!! ✨

  10. Thank you very much for your guided messages Angela . Love your cats 🐱 😻💖 cats are beautiful I too have a cat 🐈 who is very loving and expresses unconditional love 🥰 such beautiful energy from your cats too . I have pushed through disturbances this week . Yes Devine and the angels are right we are strong 💪🏾 we are strength! I have been so excited about my creativity this week and I have wonderful opportunities for my creativity. I felt so high vibrational this week and feel so high vibrational when I express my creativity I see that it is also inspiring others … it resonates, and I trust in my connection with my Dm that everything is protected and it’s all going according well to Devine timing . I forgive my beloved for past hurts and I. forgive my self . I have unconditional love for myself and my beloved. Thank you universe 🙏🏽💖✨😇

  11. My current gf/ex fiance is sorry she introduced me to my exs a mutual ex gf and my ex bf/her ex best friend. Both my mutual ex gf and ex bf were emotionally abuse and ex bf was pyschical abuse me.he also shoot me

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