Root Chakra Healing Music || Clear + Unblock Root Chakra with Subtle Seed Mantra Chants

Root Chakra Healing Music || Clear + Unblock Root Chakra with Subtle Seed Mantra Chants – LAM Chanting Meditation

Copyright ⓒ 2018 Meditative Mind. All Rights Reserved.

Healing Music for Meditation & Sleep


25 thoughts on “Root Chakra Healing Music || Clear + Unblock Root Chakra with Subtle Seed Mantra Chants”

  1. I astrotraveled listening to this. At first I didn't know what was happening and was scared shitless.. Pretty sure I would have if I could move my body 😂😂 it wasn't until I was moving through clouds and darkness that I realized my soul left my body.

  2. anyone else feel the bottoms of their feet tingle??! I saw where someone else said that and mine are too!!! GROUNDED!!!!✊🏼 did anyone else see a purple shape when they meditated with this? i laid down on my back and covered my eyes with a towel and did deep breathing with it and i saw a purple shape that got bigger and then went away. Is this my root chakra opening? It was so calming. I just went with it. 🙏🏼

  3. I love this! As someone who is well acquainted with insomnia and spending hours tossing and turning, trying to get to sleep, this is a miracle. I fall asleep quite easily after a few minutes of listening and I wake feeling rested. That is such an incredible relief! Thank you Meditative Mind. 🙂
    Does anyone else have weird dreams listening to this? I know some of you have said you have lucid dreams. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I have odd dreams that seem to touch on very deep, almost hidden fears. They aren't frightening though- like I'm releasing something long buried, but in a safe space so I'm aware of it but not overcome by it.

  4. I think working on the root Chakra is so important. I am trying to work on mine right now as I think my others are quite open but I still have deep fears around basic security, money etc. It seems like the root is a good base from which to open the others but is probably the hardest to open as it means facing our deepest most primal fears.

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