POWERFUL Throat Chakra Activation and Balancing (15 minute meditation)

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Part of the new “Misty Mountain” Chakra series featuring extended 15 minute Chakra meditations to activate, tune and balance your Chakras. The imagery in this is spectacular and extremely powerful! The soundtrack is “Vishuddha / Throat Chakra” (blue) by Taos Winds extended version and is by far the most powerful frequencies and vibrations to date.

The audio frequencies and colors in this video are for meditating and tuning the Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra (blue or turquoise).

This Throat Chakra is located on the spine in the throat area. It is associated with our ability to communicate, our creativity, right brain activities, speech and hearing. Physically linked to the throat, vocal cords, mouth, teeth, esophagus, thyroid glands and the respiratory system. When unbalanced, it will cause communication problems, the inability to express our feelings and ideas.

Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communication and growth through expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation. Physically, Vishuddha governs communication, emotionally it governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually, it governs a sense of security.

Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communication and growth through expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation. Physically, Vishuddha governs communication, emotionally it governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually, it governs a sense of security.


34 thoughts on “POWERFUL Throat Chakra Activation and Balancing (15 minute meditation)”

  1. I BELIEVE😇 I feel that now that we all are in an ascending process we are not able anymore to swallow words if they are bothering us because our throat chakra will get block. LETS SPEAK OUR OWN TRUTH😇 Blessings🙏

  2. Throat is my weak point. My throat is often irritated, inflamed: it depends upon situations and upon environment. But thanks to videos like that, my throat benefits itself.
    ɴᴀᴍᴀsᴛᴇ 🙏🏻👳🏻💙🕉☯☸卐

  3. I have experienced unbelievable healing from this Throat Chakra Meditation. I felt intense vibrations and motion in my throat followed by an outstanding insight to what was blocking this chakra. It was revealed to me (through my Subconscious Mind) that the cause of my blocked throat chakra (which resulted in getting Hypothyroidism) was due to not speaking up for myself and voicing my emotions as a child when being abused for not being ‘smart enough’ by my father. I visualized myself (older me) in a room in front of my younger self and my father. the words “speak up” filled the room. After that everything disappeared and another intense vibration felt not only in my throat chakra but my whole being. I am now healed from my past and have successfully activated my Throat Chakra.
    Thank you so so much for this great blessing. Lots of love 💕

  4. the air signs should focus more on throat chakra because we have the ability to adapt and go every planet for a visit, this is just a theory after listening to this ❤🙌


  6. The experience I just had was amazing. My throat feels so alive, its tingling and I'm breathing so clearly. I was sitting there closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and suddenly memories of me as a baby/child start flashing before me, myself at 4yrs old looked at me with big green eyes, and said "It's okay, you dont have to be sorry anymore." I began crying and I picked her up, she turned into this glowing giggling white light, and I became one with her. I've struggled for years with speaking my mind. I also have many sinus problems and thyroid issues. I've never experienced anything like this. I'm humbled. Thank you for this video! 💕

  7. Thank you this has helped me with recover from stroke .caused by radiation to neck for lump .burned cartroid arteries to brain .doctor said I never get speech back I can speak now .much grattude🌠🌠 and love 💖💫💖

  8. I was definitely lead here I know that for a fact It started in a reiki session I had just completed I noticed I was coughing and choking then noticed it was throat chakra I needed to work on so I came here and sure enough from the start I was feeling the weight being lifted off I was burping had heartburn coughing but as the mediation kept playing it went away I was able to breathe a lot better my nostrils seemed to open up more it felt good definitely some kind of blockage was lifted thank you so much for this love and light to everyone

  9. After watching this i feel like speaking my truth, i no longer have fear. This is very powerful, thank you Taos. 💙🙏 Almost everyone commented they teared, i just felt peace hahahaha. 😊

  10. I kept feeling the urge to burp. My eyes were tearing up too. Towards the end, I felt a tube going down my throat to my heart chakra, pulling out all negativity, and I feel it while writing this comment as well. The tube feels so real and I can feel the suction as it pulls the bad vibes up and out through my mouth.

  11. I have been having some major blockage in my throat, it was starting to have physical affect on me. When I get mad I got really bad sore throats, and I started to break out on my chin and neck. And it's all just fear of standing up for myself and me thinking something bad might happen. This meditation was like a plunger for my throat I can feel it forcing everything out.

  12. Tbh I was skeptical of these kind of videos at first until I played this one and right away the muscles in my neck and jaw started twitching then towards the end I was breathing easier.

  13. Near the end of this video I felt a really weird feeling in my nose and it was really uncomfortable. Is this related to the throat chakra or something else that happened?

  14. Much love and gratitude for your meditations, my soul family & I use them regularly, so powerful yet relaxing. Much love and light to you beautiful soul 🙏🏼❤️ xxx

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