POWERFUL Heart Chakra Activation and Balancing (15 minute meditation)

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Part of the new “Misty Mountain” Chakra series featuring extended 15 minute Chakra meditations to activate, tune and balance your Chakras. The imagery in this is spectacular and extremely powerful! The soundtrack is “Anahata / Throat Chakra” (green) by Taos Winds extended version and is by far the most powerful frequencies and vibrations to date.

The audio frequencies and colors in this video are for meditating and tuning the Anahata or the Heart Chakra (green). The Heart Chakra is located on the spine in the area of the heart. It is associated with our ability to give and receive love, feel compassion and to reach out to others. It is the center of the Chakras, balancing the seven energy centers. Physically linked to heart, circulatory system, and immune system. Very important healing area. When out of balance, you may feel closed off to others, lack of self esteem, insecure, jealous, unloved and filled with self doubt.

Anahata is related to the thymus, located in the chest. The thymus is an element of the immune system as well as being part of the endocrine system. It is the site of maturation of the T cells responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely affected by stress. Anahata is related to the color green. Key issues involving Anahata involve complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well-being. Physically Anahata governs circulation, emotionally it governs unconditional love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it governs devotion.


36 thoughts on “POWERFUL Heart Chakra Activation and Balancing (15 minute meditation)”

  1. My birthday is 9/9 so I am highly in touch with my spirit. I was immediately enlightened and by the end of the video, my heart beat was radiating the center of my chest. I believe 100% this video will help me with my emotions and relationships with others. Thank you!

  2. I've tried many but this one was absolutely phenomenal. Feel happy and great. People forget heart chakra. It's important to dedicate time to balance entire chakra system. Thanks. Subscribed

  3. Thank you thank you thank you, this meditation has absolutely changed my world. I use it every morning for my own personal goals, I have used it for many different things and channelled different emotions & results! THIS IS SO POWERFUL. I am so happy to have found this, I felt unbelievably powerful feelings of happiness & understanding of the universe. I saw a bright white healing light.. so much more I could say.. to anyone wanting to start meditation..do it! Its life changing & this 15 min meditation is remarkable! x

  4. I saw a lot of snakes, alligators and turtles and a bunch of fireflies…the green colour is probably what suggested these images to me, along with the sound of spring peepers in the audio.

  5. I am totally new to chakra balancing meditation … Just listened to this music while viewing the imagery and all I could see was a few animals, a couple of Hindu deities, some creatures that looked like ET beings/aliens, I also could see the face of an infant somewhere which made me feel so good…. I don't know what all this means but it definitely felt connected to the heart! Thanks 🙏

  6. Long story short, this works!!!! I would recommend everyone to give themselves permission to “go there” with this meditation. If you genuinely love yourself, it’s worth gifting YOUrself 15 minutes of divine time. It will greatly benefit you and those connected to you.

    My experience as I meditated: I saw myself having been dropped off on some bare plain, where it was so cold that I could see cold air blowing as I breathed. I had on thin white clothing, but used the power of my mind to warm me. As I sat there, I saw thoughts that had created feelings that were harbored in my heart, escaping through the top of my head in the form of memory energy… as the thoughts/emotions drifted further and further away from where I could only faintly see my physical body at this point, tears started pouring. I’m still crying as I type… Yet, it’s a great feeling of RELEASE. Apparently, I’ve had issues with attachment and holding things hostage in my heart that I wasn’t aware of. Thank you kindly (with IMMENSE gratitude) for this video. I’m doing this with my daughter for one of her homeschooling lessons this morning. We are both appreciative.

    Peace & Blessings
    Light & Love 💕

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