Male twin flame runner who’s married explains his journey half 1 of 4

Male twin flame runner who’s married explains his journey half 1 of 4
My starting of getting a mistress
Electronic mail me if in case you have questions or want to talk

Edit Feb 28, 2020
I took down these movies for a protracted very long time as a result of I used to be in a really damaged place. And I used to be misplaced and damaged. Lastly I bought my marriage and my thoughts again so as. My Spouse and I will probably be posting our Journey collectively and the way I over got here my mistress or twin flame we wish to name it.


38 thoughts on “Male twin flame runner who’s married explains his journey half 1 of 4”

  1. I’m confused (and tbh triggered and angry but don’t worry, I will fully explore that on my own)… You asked the universe to send you someone who’s a better vibrational match, the universe sent you exactly what you asked for, and yet you refused to make the necessary changes in your life to fully commit to spending the rest of this incarnation with her? You seem fully cognizant of the spiritual 5D connection yet won’t make the physical 3D changes to engage in a union that increases not only your own vibrational energy but also the vibrational energy of the planet? Your union has a much deeper purpose than romantic fulfillment yet you seem so unwilling to accept that you have a physical, magnetic desire to be with her (comparing it to an addiction, something you can’t control that is detrimental to your health and well-being). Committing to your twin soul is committing to the embodiment of love and again, has a greater purpose than just a romantic relationship. This is selfish and short-sighted on so many levels. I wish you luck on your journey but it appears that you’ve got all the information you need and are just unwilling to take the necessary steps for your ultimate happiness and earth’s ascension.

  2. A feeling of home. Our TFS are us. I felt that way too about my TF, I wanted to be a better person and I never give up on mastering myself. We've never fought either. Being our authentic selves i think because we can see through each other, no facades.

  3. Facts my twin flame literally told me It was weird and he cnt believe that nd to never ever say no weird stuff again and make me feel like I’m crazy bc he just stopped talking to me a few days ago but this connection is so strong I know I’m not crazy. Smh it’s like a real addiction 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

  4. I'm 30 years old. I met my twin when I was 13 and he 15. I didn't know who he was at the time but I knew that he was the one for me. His eyes to me, are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I could gaze at him all the time. When he was near me, my whole body felt like it was vibrating. To this day, after we've been been in no contact for 9 years, I still love him very much. I'm glad I know now what we are, as before (and still sometimes now) I felt so friggin crazy. I was thinking of going to therapy in my attempt to forget him and even considered being hypnotised to remove the memories as it is so painful. It really is the most beautiful thing to experience but sometimes, I wish I hadn't signed up for this.

  5. Choosing to engage in 3rd party is self harm. No one engaging in this behavior is happy until they end it. You can paint a pretty picture all you want but the real is that it is low vibrational and something to grow out of. Something you will not be proud of later in life.

  6. That’s the issue you know your soul is calling to your twin flame but your denying the freedom to allow it 100% be by staying In a commitment just because of the label husband and wife you have to let go of one permanently or you will continue to confuse the energy instead amplify it
    I believe what you are saying but you will deplete it towards soul karma you can never go from twin flame to open relationship and ok with it but you can stay as soul tides decide now what you will create and you except it

  7. As an authentic TF this seems more soulmate to me? What part of runner energy was there? I’m hearing all about the bliss?? How about the dark night of the soul? Falling to ur knees every night crying over the person cuz ur hearts ripped out of ur chest!? The ascension symptoms and kundalini spiritual awakening? Telepathic connections? Blocking and unblocking? Running into the person a million times around town? What else besides bubble love is there in this story?

  8. I can’t explain how it was with my TF either. I met him in gym. The very first time he touched me, I felt like I was zapped 🤣. And that very moment he looked me in the eyes, in my head I was like “whoa, who are you?!?”

  9. Hi Relationship Help I resonate with your story. I meet my person 3yrs ago and it been a beautiful journey I ever experienced. Be blessed and take care of yourself KING

  10. I haven’t had a chance to listen to any of your other YouTube videos yet but I do wonder if this ever potentially compromised in your head your relationship with your wife?

  11. Thank you sooooo much for sharing!!! The TF journey redefines relationships and it truly is a journey towards yourself whether you end up married to each other or someone else.

  12. GOD gave you signs about who you should be with but instead you chose not to follow your intuition. Really what is the point of marriage if your going to have an open relationship. Why not make your life simple and be with the person who fulfills all your needs. It sounds like your wife is a karmic who can be controlling, manipulative and the person to teach you lessons. Twin Flames are usually separated to learn their lessons from karmics including wife or husband before we meet and unite with our Twin Flame. This way we can read and understand the signs from GOD.

  13. Hi, I really appreciate your story. I mean no disrespect, but I think you have either mislabeled this woman or you have yet to awaken spiritually. You asked the universe, as did my twin flame, and the universe answered. Your job now is too awaken, be in union with your souls counterpart, and raise the vibration of the planet by being in union. My husband is a very good man too. And he will find his way. the purpose of these unions isn’t just for you and your twin. It’s for all of humanity.

  14. My journey was started in September 2017…I see they were coming together, OMG I said the same thing about me and my husband at the Time 😱

  15. God that left me speechless. What a man you are to be honest and truthful with clarity. If most men are like that in the world wouldn't be where we are today in this chaoticness. And turbulence life. Bless you for being honest. With truth and clarity. It is a blessing to hear that coming from a masculine a true masculine

  16. Thank you 👋I have never been so crazy about my journey till now since my twin flame changed my whole life. It's such a weird experience since I met him the first time in 2001 but he got scared of our similarities and drove away💔In September 2008 we bumped into each other again on the corner of the street and I ran away from fear😭My experience seems the worse since I never find out his name and 20 years of separation brought me to the point that nothing can't be compared to the twin flame love ❤️

  17. A twin flame relationship is the sacred union! Regardless of religion or any other thing you cannot reach your full potential with a twin flame if you are married or in open relationships because everything is energetic and you are muddying the waters you're just going to cause yourself more pain but maybe that's what you need to grow a catalystJust a question because I'm curious why would you get married if you're want an open relationship?

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