Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Root Chakra | Seed Mantra ‘LAM’

We are introducing a new series of Chakra Meditations – Magical Chakra Meditation Chants.

MP3 Available NOW: | Links to all the videos from this series is in description below.

We have seven chakras, each chakra resonates with the most with a particular sound frequency and each chakra has its own seed mantra, reciting that seed mantra in the musical note that resonates with the chakra’s vibrational frequency is the most effective way to balance and open the chakra through meditation.

In this ‘Magical Chakra Meditation Chants’ series, we will feature videos with their seed mantra chants, in the exact vibrational frequency that resonates with Chakra. Starting with the first and most important Root Chakra to the Seven and highest chakra – the Crown Chakra.

This video features Root Chakra Meditation Chant. The seed mantra for the Root Chakra is ‘LAM’ and the elementary frequencies associated with this chakra are 194.18, 256 & 396 Hz The Chanting and music has only the pure resonating frequencies, which help to easily go into a meditative state and stimulate the chakra to bring it to balance.

Few things to know about Root Chakra or Muladhara
The Color Associated with this Chakra is Red. Wearing Red, eating red fruits and veggies, and visualizing Red while meditating really helps in awakening this chakra.
And this chakra is located at the end of your spine. You can imagine a red disc of energy at the end of your tailbone, which is stabilizing you, and energizing your entire body.

Chant ‘LAM’ along with this Video can increase the effectiveness of this meditation multiple times.
As you meditate, close your eyes, and visualize that you are taking Red energy in with each breath, that red energy is getting to every part of your body, and energizing it.
Also, note that this is the primary chakra, the fundamental chakra which needs to be balanced first, before moving to any other chakra.

So make a daily routine, to meditate on this chakra, to balance it first, before moving to next chakra.

Entire Magical Chakra Meditation Chants Series

1. Root Chakra – LAM Chants :
2. Sacral Chakra – VAM Chants :
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – RAM Chants :
4. Heart Chakra – YAM Chants :
5. Throat Chakra – HAM Chants :
6. Third Eye Chakra – OM Chants :
7. Crown Chakra – AH Chants:

Entire Playlist of Magical Chakra Meditation Chants :

NEW CD-ALBUM: Album “7 Chakras Magical Chants” is now available for sale on

►For more Chakra Meditation Music, Chakra Guided Meditations, Chakra Chants and Healing Music please subscribe our channel:

►Meditative Mind music:


☯30 Days of Chants – Playlist

☯Chakra Healing Meditations – Playlist

☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music – Playlist

☯Gurbani Meditation Music – Playlist

☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras – Playlist

☯Healing Frequencies Music – Playlist

Credits :
Music Production, Composition and Vocals : Dilpreet Bhatia

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20 thoughts on “Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Root Chakra | Seed Mantra ‘LAM’”

  1. This was so strong for me I honestly had to stop. I've never been able to feel a mediation so physically and it was so so nice but just caught me off guard! I'll definitely be practicing this more often. Meditation is like medicine

  2. I keep trying to push pass negative situations with Narcessists doctors away from my thoughts as i meditate. Then worried about the future of my root chakra health . How to explain it to my future doctor.

    Yes, i have fear of doctors and losing my insurance, because they don't take the time to understand this disorders.

    I focus on the color red and deep breath, but i am still wrestling with the thoughts.

    My urge incontinence from Pundenal Neuralgia don't help either. 😧😔

  3. I suffered Ptsd on December 2016, then on may 2017, then another Ptsd on December 2017 and another Ptsd on September 2018 where my mom died

    To be honest, i became a wreck, my Head is pulsating in high speed, nerves are so under pressure

    I started study vedic science o October 2017 and started with Mantras and Vedic Astrology to understand why it happened to me in such a brutality. It was because Ketu Mahadasha, alot of enemies, diseases, financial losses, fights… and always i standed up again, i became another hit, always much worse then before, which leaded to Depression, because at some point you cant stand up anymore. The hits started weak and builded up and up.

    Since i listen Mantras, the hits tried to hit me, but i was under protection, i listened alot of Mah mritunjaya and Mahakali. Mahakali is so far the most protective Mantra i used.

    But i was still depressed because all the shit happened before, i knew my Chakras are fucked up.

    Yesterday i listened the first time

    This Mantra here is the best Root Chakra Video i tried, even my Anus hurted which is a very good sign. Today was a good day, my head feels light and i walk more confident.

    Thank you very much

  4. Thank you so much for this!!! It really does help me so much! I often live with my “head in the clouds,” so to speak — I am a writer, so I’m often guided by my imagination and love of stories. But although that is beautiful, it’s equally as beautiful and important for me to take time to ground myself and appreciate my body and its connection to the earth. I need to love myself as I am in the now and in the reality of the present moment, knowing that all unfolds in time into greatness. Thank you again, so much, and amen, my friend. 😌🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🌲 🌳 😊☺️😍😘❣️

  5. Hi. I have been practising chakra chanting using your 7 videos for about one month and a half. Last Monday, I felt a terrible chest pain and some slight back and abdominal pain, and I couldn't breathe properly. I went to the doctor, took an X-ray image of my chest, and she told me that I had nothing. I wonder whether this have something to do with Chakra chanting. Chanting might have triggered something psychosomatic, but please don't take my explanation for granted; I would like to know your take on this. Now, I have stopped chanting and I feel better. I wonder what could be the reason for this? Any advice?

  6. Hello beautiful souls. Lately i have been invreasingly airy and ungrounded. Bit fearful as well. Increased slowly the last 10 years with some normal times. This is very strange. I am vata dosha.

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