How TWIN FLAMES Recognize Each Other | (Watch This!) ❤️ | Ralph Smart

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39 thoughts on “How TWIN FLAMES Recognize Each Other | (Watch This!) ❤️ | Ralph Smart”

  1. Stop waiting for the one and start being the one.

    [NOW AVAILABLE] The New Book: Feel Alive By Ralph Smart:

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  2. Its just not the right time for me. I still have issues with insecurities. I guess I'm the runner. I'm not happy with myself physically and spiritually. I have so much to do. I wanna be secure in myself i don't wanna depend on anyone. I'm scared to open up. I'm weird but i can tell she wants me to. She wants to see the other side of me behind the mask. But Shania is not ready to pour into someone else.

  3. Can someone tell me how is called this beautiful music?
    Peace everybody, love yourself everyday, take care of yourself before anything else. You’ll see then the changes.

  4. Bloody hell in the weirdest stage of separation and kept thinking and feeling my twin today and this just happened to pop up!
    I found out about twin flames through your channel, was slightly skeptical but then the reunion happened shortly after when I moved to another country, his country and he came out the blue one night. The weirdest most overwhelming out of this world experience and I actually panicked and ran. So strange, we even live in the same part of the city. Unaware if we're actually going to meet again.
    Anyone else have an experience like this?

  5. Of you still can't imagine the twinglame connection, just pray to have a dream about what it SHOULD FEEL LIKE, so you want mistakr someone for your twin flame.

  6. I meet my twin flame. We woke up together at the same time and embraced our wake. He was my best friend I never met anyone who made me feel the way he did. We were twins… but he’s a drug addict and I feel so lost because after years I had to let him go. He wasn’t healthy to be around anymore. I don’t know what to do. It’s hard to wake up every morning without him.

  7. hes the runner, he was going ne for exactly a year then messaged me.. separated 11/24/18 spoke again 11/24/19. he ran again exactly a month after that 12/24/19. i was dreaming about him so much before he messaged me again

  8. I run away from mijn twin flame Ralph 😥I never stop thinking about him from 6 oktober 2018 till know🙏I feel like he is eveywhere i go.i am reday to love now.I am seeing him back soon i hope to tell him that i missed him so much and to tell him i am sorry 😥🙏what meant to be will be!

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