How to Recognize Your Twin Flame (10 Secret Signs)

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41 thoughts on “How to Recognize Your Twin Flame (10 Secret Signs)”

  1. Great video agree 100% thnak you. Much light love💗❤💜💙💚💛💗❤💜💙💚💛💗❤💜💜💚💛💗❤💜💙💚💛👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  2. So does this TWIN FLAME transcend death? What if 1 of you dies? Or is killed? Is that a TWIN FLAME?
    He was like the part of me that loved me, when I didn't love me. But I loved him!! He was so proud of me. He gave me a promise ring in high school, he talked about how we would raise our kids, etc when he was 16 & I had a really deep psychic relationship to him.
    We never had a argument. He said I had "fulfilled" him & we always understood each other. We went to college & then were going to get married…. His step Mom hated me, we had our problems, just not with each other.
    He was my "family" since 10th grade when we went from best friends to dating.
    Then he was killed.
    I had at least 10 premonition dreams about his death getting more & more specific ( I found them later in a dream diary).
    2 yrs after he died he came to me in a dream. He said everything was OK in the past, OK now, & would be OK in the future.
    But more tragedy came.
    My Gdaughter's Mom got on drugs, she abused, neglected, & abandoned her, & I took over, then Mom's bf sexually abused her, who it turned out had AIDS! I had to get "my" 3 yr old baby tested for HIV!. This is a LITTLE of what happened. I had to stabilize her. This had required ALL my energy & attention, I was grieving over what happened to her, surrounded by very low vibration people to do so. Totally draining.
    So 6 yrs after this….she is thriving now.
    But I'm back to grieving, blaming myself, everyone else, anger, grief, all this really low vibration stuff….and I'm ALL ALONE! When I cut the negative people (family) out….there's no one left!
    And I'm sick now, 8 yrs of one trauma after another. No one understands me or what I'm going through or been through.
    Then 2 weeks ago, I had another dream where he visited me. In the first dream, it seemed he was struggling to communicate…but it was me who couldn't RECEIVE it. He was in total peace.
    This dream I was strong & healthy. It was in a gym (raised in gymnastics, former Elite gymnast, & worked there all my life… choreographer & child sports psychologist).
    So this was a VERY important part of ME gone, destroyed, lost.
    I tumbled and FLEW! ( My body, spine, joints are all messed up now from RA, etc).
    There was INCREDIBLE amount of unconditional love & peace, the most I've ever experienced times 100! All at once EVERYTHING negative was gone, all guilt, grief, anger, and I was given a tremendous amount of knowledge.

    I am totally healed & received so much knowledge seemingly all at the same time. Time didn't exist in my dream, We didn't have a conversation. It was this huge telepathic experience of knowledge, SOOO much unconditional love and peace. I instantly forgave myself, instantly understood it didn't matter how or why he was killed, if I could have stopped it……none of it mattered.
    And after crying a ocean of tears, I cried in joy! I haven't cried one tear in sadness since then.
    He, or God, or the Universal consciousness….healed me. I was shot out of a cannon from the lowest place to feeling like I'm walking on air. I'm not even in physical pain!!! It's there, but there's a buffer between me & it, it doesn't consume me like before.Constant physical pain kills your soul.

    I can't explain how or why, because I just KNOW…… he's been here all along.
    I just got lost in the fog of trauma & negativity. And I'll never be lost again, because he's here making all those harsh things I say to myself learned from my blood family JUST GO AWAY.
    Just like when we met, I knew HE was my family & he knew I was HIS family, & we would leave them to their controlling, selfish ways & create the life we both seemed to envision simultaneously.
    I know death is a phase that doesn't separate us, I can meet on his plane, he hears & sees everything. I can FEEL him watching me sometimes, when things are quiet & I'm at total peace.

    I started watching these videos to try to understand if/how people understand these connections.
    I'm learning!!!
    He chased the ghost of grief that was haunting me away, & replaced it with his ghost of love & peace!
    I guess I had to go through all that negative before I could receive it from him, because he would have given me this self love (forgiveness) & peace from the beginning if had been able to accept it.
    Peace & Love from me….to EVERYONE!


  3. I am so overwhelmed and finally realizing what is the difference between soul mate and twin Flame relationship I am so very thankful and humbled…I am in a soul mate relationship but I feel that I have found my twin flame my soulmate relationship our conversations are yes definitely shallow and feel there is no connection…where just recently I was chatting away with this person and before we even talked together for the very first time I was completely drawn to them without even trying to pursue it it just hit me like lighting…lol we just had our real first intense conversation it almost took my breath away…and they are also in a relationship so as of right now just seeing them and greeting them gives me so much peace I feel I don’t have to struggle with them at all..I am so grateful that I was lead to this particular video it saved my life thank you thank you 🙏❤️

  4. Is it possible for you to be someone else's soulmate, but they aren't yours? The guy I most recently tried having a relationship with, looking back I did so only because he had spent so long trying to convince me we were right for one another, and I'd started to believe him (being inexperienced with relationships myself I thought he had better judgement). He seemed to think I was amazing, wonderful etc, and even said meeting me was "life-changing" at one point. He called me his best friend. While I enjoyed spending time with him as a friend, it is clear to me that we weren't really on the same level of feeling for each other. This is probably why things broke down after we started dating and the layers got peeled back more. I often felt like he was unable to meet my emotional needs (it was not his fault, and he did do a lot of other caring things for me, but I was not 100% happy, something was missing for me). And in the end I think he got tired of trying so much. So is it possible that he felt like I was his soulmate, but I didn't feel he was mine?

  5. Twinflame relationship is not at all romantic and fluffy clouds and hot sex. Its spiritual and hard personal work and life purpose work.. but the world around is becoming so high and helpful and almost lifting you, when you walk down the street. Energy flow. There is no attachment and there is no separation…

  6. Thought i'd met mine years ago, but think it was more on my part than theirs. Became very tiring and they clearly wanted something else of a lower vibration which is exactly what they moved from me to.

  7. So true theres alot of relationship that is about taking from each other and that leads to bad states make sure your are in your higher self if you want to be able to attract someone who is also in higher self. Peace

  8. How to time you twin flame something this fake won't tell you

    1 only rh negative royal BENEVOLENT ANGELIC bloodlines incarnated are incarnated with there twin flames in these non negotiable times so if you are not a rh negative you aren't incarnated with your twin flame why because the rh negative royal BENEVOLENT ANGELIC bloodlines are the oldest most evolved soul's in creation The only ones though enough to be in there last incarnation and only a being in its last incarnation can possibly be incarnated with its twin flame
    2 wherever rh negative you are your twin flame will be the yin to your yang so to speak for example if you are a O rh negative your twin flame will be a AB rh negative not another O rh negative that would not make sense spread the word

  9. Can we have more than one Twin flame? Because I think I’ve already met a twin flame and she’s my best friend but I’m hoping to one day meet my romantic twin 🔥

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