How are Astrological Indicators of the Zodiac, the Chakras and Religious Ascension Associated?

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29 thoughts on “How are Astrological Indicators of the Zodiac, the Chakras and Religious Ascension Associated?”

  1. Why is the heart chakra related to Venus and not the Sun? Isn't the heart center the greatest chakra and isn't the Sun the greatest in our solar system?

  2. Thank you so much. I really appreciate finally to hear someone as nice than you explaining me as clear than you the knowledge of the chakras, planets and the sings relationships to each other. Very enlightening experience to watch <3

  3. Ryan truly appreciated your lectures. Found your classes a few days ago, they are clear . Love your calm voice nature , breath and sincere approach . Chakras has nothing to do with symbols , neither religion, chakras mystery is nature it self. The fascinating thing is that the being microcosms has many layers , of unfoldment consistently can be activated by an enlighten master that carries a higher pure vibration .. Ones the higher centres are activated is just the beginning of a natural mutation in the human being organism . It is nature at work .It seams that the karma seeds are burn out are not just our DNA data but planetary or cosmic collective data as well. Thanksssssss

  4. Quite profound… I must say… the session I had with you was perhaps the most illuminating, and I've been to many of the well known astrologers both in the US and of Indian origin. I hardly know what to say about.

  5. very informative, hats off to you Mr Ryan. what I love about you is that you are wisely using vedic astrology to enhance people consciousness. you help people to evolve spiritually. very practical yogi you are. no bla bla with you 👍
    if every astrologer would have use astrology as a divine map of our life. then even Pychiatrist could use this tool to help people with mental illness providing that the patience is aware and open to the treatment.
    you are an excellent astrologer complimentary yogi ☺

  6. I will contemplate more this video. Medical Jyotish states the tenth house is related to the thighs. When going up and down, when walking, we mostly use muscles that attach along the femur; and the 10th house represents most of our activities in this world. Anus is the 8th house, according to Medical Jyotish. So far I feel better reading from this relationship: 1st house (7th chakra), 3rd house (5th Chakra), 4th house (4th Chakra), 5th house is called Budhi in Snaskrit which means intellect which is made of perceptions located on the 6th chakra, 6th house (3rd Chakra); 7th house (2nd chakra); 8th house (1st Chakra); 12th house (feet chakra). I do can relate to this information when I apply my own medical issues accordingly to Medical Jyotish Chakra-House relationship.

  7. Thank you for taking your time to make these videos to inform us. There are other things you you can be doing with your time but you decide to educate us in this field so thank you!

  8. The greatest video that has helped a lot. My personal theme is to stop justifying bad actions knowing that it is wrong because I asked for clarity.

  9. The auspiciousness of time of death depends on the place the person was in when they die right?(northern hemisphere vs southern)?

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