HIGHER CHAKRS Alignment 》Coronary heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown 》Chakras Alignment Sequence

HIGHER CHAKRS Alignment 》Coronary heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown 》Chakras Alignment Sequence

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#MeditativeMind #Chakras #ChakrasAligned


36 thoughts on “HIGHER CHAKRS Alignment 》Coronary heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown 》Chakras Alignment Sequence”

  1. Frequency Heals. EveryThing Is ALWAYS Moving. Changing Your Vibration To A Higher One, Attracts Higher Frequency Experience, Into Your Vibrational Field. Thank You For Making This 💗

  2. Your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know that you are special and capable of incredible things. I wish you lots of love, health and success on your way 🧘‍♂️💚🌼💖🍀🌸

  3. If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success ❤️

  4. This green heart 💚 Chakra emotions Sphere all of these have the same effect light on them shining on them.Nice music 🎶 barely even touching the ground. Anahata, take your time typing, like eating an elephant 🐘 one bite at a time; Namaste 🙏.

  5. Si sigues trabajando tan duro en el futuro, seguramente lograrás lo que quieras. No te estreses. Solo haz lo mejor que puedas y olvídate del resto. ¡Buena suerte!

  6. Such an incredible soothing heavy rain with thunder sounds you have shared which i would love to listen, and it helps me to low my temper down , relieve my stress and lets me stay calm with peace.

  7. Jesus Christ the son of God who came from heaven and was crucified for the forgiveness of our sins is coming back very soon to bring fiery judgement upon this wicked world and to gather his faithful ones with him to paradise just like it is prophesied. Seek him now and come to him while there is still a little time left for your soul. Read the gospels for yourself in the bible to know him and the path of Salvation. No one comes to God but by him and by his precious blood which was shed for all our sins when He was crucified. Heaven and hell are real places and there are countless testimonials of people who have had near death experiences that witnessed them firsthand. The bible is a real book. Everyone shall be judged by their hearts and actions in this life. Only Jesus Christ before whom everyone will give account of their lives, is able to set you free from your sins. The time is very short. You have been warned. God bless you all that seek the Truth!

  8. The key is not putting the law of attraction on a pedestal. You don’t put oxygen on a pedestal, you just use it. The same with LOA. Just be chill! 

    ~Much Love from a Law of Attraction YouTuber💜

  9. I’ve been listening to every single track for last one year and yeah it does make changes on energy fields as Einstein once said the future medicine will be sound!

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