Healing Chakra Meditation: Sleep Meditation, Meditation Music to Sleep & Heal Seven Chakras

A complete healing and balancing sleep chakra meditation to heal the seven chakras. Made based on the healing solfeggio frequencies of each chakra, starting on the Root and ending on the Crown Chakra.

In recent years, a powerful healing tool has been re-introduced to the World! The Ancient Solfeggio Ascension Frequencies thanks to Dr Leonard Horowitz and Dr Joseph Puleo (authors of Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse).
Every living cell within our body, every organ, every tissue, every thought, every mental state, is alive with a vibrational frequency, or energy. Just as plants need the proper balance of water, our body systems need the proper balance of energy. It is up to our chakra system to maintain this balance and when properly balanced and maintained, our chakras will deliver exactly the correct amount of energy required to keep our bodies, minds and spirits in perfect harmony.

There are many powerful sound therapy tools and energy balancing techniques available to us in this day and age. Our own brain being the most powerful of all healing instruments! Each of the Ancient Solfeggio tones listed below contain the exact frequency required to balance our energy, ultimately facilitating the transformations that correspond with each frequency.

396 Hz Root Chakra – Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz Sacral Chakra – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz Solar Plexus – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz Heart Chakra – Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz Throat Chakra – Awakening Intuition
852 Hz Third Eye Chakra – Returning to Spiritual Order
936 Hz Crown Chakra – Solfeggio Higher Frequency

Pay close attention to Solfeggio 528… you read that right! It says Transformation and MIRACLES! Is it possible that we can be capable of miracles and transformation (at will) just by raising our frequency and vibration? Hmmmm…something to ponder! 😉 (BTW, that’s a rhetorical question…yes, we are capable of healing on all levels by raising our vibration). 
Each of these Solfeggio frequencies are said to correspond directly to each of the seven major chakras. When delivered, will reinforce the balance required by each chakra to maintain perfect energetic balance.

There is great controversy regarding these Ancient tones and their healing power. There is evidence to support  how, when and why these tones were lost…or “locked away”. Many who have tried to research the Solfeggio Frequencies have been told to “drop it and forget about it”. We won’t go into that here. The good news is they have now been re-discovered and are readily available for the World to utilize for personal and collective healing.

NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:


A collection of chakra meditations for balancing & healing all the chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown chakra). This playlist also includes Healing meditations.


A collection of Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy. These mixes are very peaceful and include monk chants of buddhist monks. We also use Tibetan Singing Bowls and these mixes are influenced by Zen Meditation Music.


A great resource for Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. The influences of this playlist come from relaxing ambient music, space music and binaural beats. This is also a sleep music playlist.


We use binaural beats several times for this kind of sleep meditations. Our music is also written with the Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies like the powerful 528 Hz. These frequencies will induce deep states of relaxation and the binaural beats will stimulate deep meditation states.




Nu Meditation Music


Photo by Spirit-Fire under the Creative Commons license


24 thoughts on “Healing Chakra Meditation: Sleep Meditation, Meditation Music to Sleep & Heal Seven Chakras”

  1. This works for me, but sometimes I use herb pills in conjunction with this slow climb though the chakras. Sometimes, at the heart chakra position, the healing is do strong, that I stay awake, to be better healed. The so-called bell tone is a fully needed part of the healing process. If healing isn't needed, then there is the list of 21 or more sleep videos from this good supplier. But, you can just turn volume down low, and think "love and mercy to me," each time that you hear the tone, and then cruse your way across the tone.

  2. I just woke up and I remember having a very violent dream. The first thing I remember is that people were getting murdered. It was an apartment setting and you could tell people were killed because of the doors open and you could see blood everywhere. And I remember seeing the inside of one apartment where everything was covered in plastic so that when the person gets killed the blood wouldn't get all over the things. There was a father sitting in a chair waiting for the child to enter the house and just waiting to fool him to think that everything was safe then kill him. But the child knew better because of the weird change of decor in the house and sensed by intuition that the father was possessed and was trying to kill him. Then there was a group of people left. Slowly each person was killed off. With only one remaining because her mother sacrificed her last breathe to ensure her daughter would survive hiding under the freezing water of the bottom of a pool/lake. But her mother's breathe made some type of protective bubble/shield. Then the 2nd part of the dream I had to keep making sure I had a set of really sharp swords to defend myself. I would get so irritated when I couldn't find the right pair. I remember the first set I picked up the blades were too short and the swords weren't heavy enough. It was like in Sword Art Online how Kirito had to find his perfect twin blades made to perfection by the girl at the sword shop.

  3. I would be able to fall asleep if the BELL/bowl/what ever that "ding" is every 15 seconds. It was fine in the beginning but come on… 🙁

  4. I had a dream I went on a bathroom where I was paralised. I woke up in 5th dimension and went in kitchen to drink some water. Than I came back to my bedroom and look throug the window where I saw a sky full of stars and spaceships. One spaceship landed in front of me and the lady appeard in front. She told me to drink a lot of water. Soon I woke up. The next few days I couldn't eat that much. I was just not hungry. I was really thirsty, so I drank ALOT of water.

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