Dr. Joe Q&A – "Chakras" (energy centers) and frequency

This question/answer is about the relationship between the frequency of the energy centers and the frequency of the brain and body.

Recorded at the Berlin Week Long Advanced Retreat in May 2018


49 thoughts on “Dr. Joe Q&A – "Chakras" (energy centers) and frequency”

  1. " Everything in our known universe is made up of, or emits light and information, or energy and consciousness. That means your body is not only made up of these energies, but it is consistently and continuously sending and receiving light and information or energy and consciousness. The energy centers in your body are centers of information. Each center has a plexus of neurons that is correlated to a particular gland in your body. Whenever these plexuses of neurons become incoherent, it is because the brain has become incoherent. When this happens, the plexuses of neurons begin to change the hormonal expression and nerve conductivity of the different corresponding organs, tissues, and cells throughout the body."
    (from: https://drjoedispenza.com/products/blessing-of-the-energy-centers-i-download )

    Pondering Possibility…

    Until one Finds & Lives in–Becomes a Being of–Coherence & Harmony, one slowly dis-integrates…
    individual human Beings, collective humankind

    (a Reality of Time giving one space & opportunity to Find, to Become)

    as if the Universe, Creation, is Sustained only through Harmony & Coherence, and otherwise, matter is dis-integrated & re-integrated into new forms

    Creation gradually Building–from Pure Energy–a Diverse material Reality that coexists in Coherence & Harmony

  2. Thank you for the information, I was awoken from a rather powerful and significant "bad" dream at 3:30 and I know creator wants something FOR me when that happens….. i watched THIS, hmmmm…. and my dream was about extreme powerlessness.

  3. stones and crystals have properties namely vibrations and frequency and they can also store information..everything is energy and everything moves has vibration including us..this is why crystals stones and gems can connect and help balance our chakras.

  4. Joey Joey Joey. "it's the obvious-unobviouse." the Daze of the Weak for the Emergent sees /Seas / C's. …. Luna Sea, moon eye, Money. Science is Seance. rational reason= Ra son El ray of the son

  5. This is dangerous…whilst listening to Joes energy centre cd….i had a feeling of energy running up my back …it stopped at my neck….after the session I had a really bad aching neck …that was 3months ago….ive spent alot of money on chiropractors trying to get rid of it

  6. Dr. Joe,
    Hi it’s Stacy I just want to know how you retain everything it seems like you just retain everything you could ever have learned have so much information stored in your brain or in the cells in your body I don’t know but you just are valiant hi it’s Stacy I just want to know how you retain everything it seems like you just retain everything you could ever have learned and have so much information stored in your brain or in the cells in your body I don’t know but you a genius

  7. As I listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza, avail myself of his writings, I feel that we each have been guided by a knowing beyond ourselves… his story, his explanations, his teachings, are those I can readily identify with, and hold as my own. Thank You Dr. Joe  .

  8. i just want to notice something, during the whole presentation you stand in the middle of the room, the people in front they didn't see you, i think they missed a lot of the presentation and they have payed their places too to get something new, is just a remarque and goodwill for both sides mybe it will serve .

  9. I love Dr.Joe but when he starts talking about awakening the Kundalini that scares me!!!….I want that healing & I want my body to use its innate ability to heal itself but once again I’m scared of the Kundalini!!!…

  10. I am mostly aware of what is going on, I can name it, but I can not move it I am so so stuck in daily life
    Too hard and tough it gets so you learn to live with it in some of a compromise
    …and in the other way at home, you get it out…
    I would want to be in that place..

  11. Interesting that there are 7 basic "chakras" and the electro magnetic spectrum contains 7 different labelled wavelengths and in this chart either horizontal or vertical they've used a corresponding colour system with the "chakras" as we know it. Does it mean that if someone can see, hear, feel waves that are either (in variations and layers horizontal and vertical) slower or faster or both simultaneously, they are not in the "normal" "visible" "auditory" "sensory" range and therefore can label what they see, hear, feel as defined by chart which could then help sort out what might cause confusion in the every day? And is it even possible one could "feel" an x-ray based on your studies if the person was on the day of said x-ray in gamma? Just wondering. "Are you with me still" That was for Dr. Joe 🙂

  12. I teach Kundalini yoga so have done the body locks with breath a lot. I haven’t had a Kundalini experience yet. I’m stuck in the pass with regret from an unresolved love. Can’t seem to move forward. Hope this helps.

  13. DR Joe Dispenza: I have a Testimony of Life and Death after being conscious and changed my environment for the Better and after constantly listening to Your Powerful And true fullness Studies of Your Wonderful Powerful Conscious Teachings ,My Life Force is Highly Honor,……Sincerely Yours🌏👩🏿‍🌾

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