Divine Union – Twin Flame God/Goddess Deep Purification, Therapeutic & Activation

Welcome to my Channel & Activation. This gentle language therapeutic activation assists within the harmonisation of the Divine Masculine & Divine Female energies to progress into Divine Union. It can clear all blockages & realign your area to the best frequency & timeline doable. It then assists within the merging between female & masculine, unifying & therapeutic collectively. It anchors the mission collectively & true soul goal for coming to Earth. It additionally assists the whole soul group & past to heal any tears within the masculine & female templates in addition to upgrading & integrating them. As well as, it brings all sub-personalities to the sunshine for therapeutic so that they not hinder the soul to finish this course of. Gentle Language will maintain going deeper every time you hook up with it.

I look ahead to sharing extra of my therapeutic work. Please keep in mind to love, subscribe & press the notification button so that you don’t miss out on my therapeutic work. ~ 𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑎ℎ ♡

My Web site: https://quantumlightcodes.com/

My YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/c/AbigailLoveLight11

I’ve a strong some highly effective clearing protocols out there on my web site retailer: https://quantumlightcodes.com/retailer/

Supporting my work with a donation permits me to proceed providing to the collective: https://www.paypal.me/abigailw11

#twinflames #twinflamehealing #lightlanguage
#lightcodes #lightlanguagehealing


31 thoughts on “Divine Union – Twin Flame God/Goddess Deep Purification, Therapeutic & Activation”

  1. I opened YouTube and this just popped up. It was exactly what I needed. I’ve been crying all day and this just calmed me and was even falling asleep sitting up. And now I’m crying again. Thank you 💖

  2. There's some moments in life You feel the loving embrace of a thousand hands at once and yet You are the only person in the room🙏💫👤 so glad we're all together for this I love you ☺

  3. No words to Thank You 💗 Your Each & Every Healing is Blessings to Us 💫🙏 Thank You So Much Mam 🤗Lots of Love 💗 n Blessings to you… 💖✨

  4. How can we miss out your healing work Abigail.. you are the only one and unique in your healings.. you give very powerful and intricate healings that no-one else gives..
    Sending you lots of love and light to you and your daughter.. ♥️♥️♥️
    Thank you.. 🙏💞

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