Chakras Sleep Meditation Music: Solar Plexus (MANIPURA) Activation & Healing, Kundalini Sleep Music


The 6th Ray of “Devotion” governs this chakra. This chakra symbol connects us with the energy to “act” and is the seat of self-esteem and expressing our personal power. Our relationship to the world around us, and our beliefs about our place within it come from this the third of the seven chakras.

Self-honoring starts here. A healthy third chakra honors emotions, warmth, intellectual understanding, and self-confidence. A keen awareness of your personal power comes from this chakra. It is at this chakra that balance becomes possible through harmony between the upper three and lower three chakras.

Blocks in this chakra symbol cause fear of rejection, over sensitivity to criticism, the need to exert power over others, hot temper, demanding and blaming, judgmental attitudes, feelings of lack of recognition, aloofness, fear of something new, low energy, confusion over which direction to go, and low self-esteem. It is here we learn of self-empowerment, integrity and self-respect.

Health Issues: diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallstones, nervousness, low energy, muscle cramps, stomach problems, lumbar spine, liver disorders.

Is passive-aggressive manipulation of others something you do to get your way?
Do you feel like a victim?
Do you compensate from low self-esteem and shame based feelings by being overly responsible?
Can you follow your heart to break through blocks and fears?
Are you afraid of change?
What causes you to lose your power and why?
Do you maintain your integrity by following through on what you say?
Do you respect yourself and others too?

Transcendence of the unloving imprints of this chakra:

“Balance between intuition and intellect.”

NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:


A collection of chakra meditations for balancing & healing all the chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown chakra). This playlist also includes Healing meditations.


A collection of Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy. These mixes are very peaceful and include monk chants of buddhist monks. We also use Tibetan Singing Bowls and these mixes are influenced by Zen Meditation Music.


A great resource for Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. The influences of this playlist come from relaxing ambient music, space music and binaural beats. This is also a sleep music playlist.


We use binaural beats several times for this kind of sleep meditations. Our music is also written with the Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies like the powerful 528 Hz. These frequencies will induce deep states of relaxation and the binaural beats will stimulate deep meditation states.


We love shamanic music, specially Tuvan Throat Singing and Native American Shamanic Music. These healing meditation tracks will definitely take you on a spiritual journey.


These are simple meditations for beginners or when you don’t have much time to meditate. We include Mindfulness, Zazen and Awareness meditations in these mixes.




Nu Meditation Music


Photo by Jan under the Creative Commons license

“Our mission is to write music that can impact you in a positive way because we believe music can change people’s lives! We hope you enjoy, and we hope to connect with you again in the near future!”


31 thoughts on “Chakras Sleep Meditation Music: Solar Plexus (MANIPURA) Activation & Healing, Kundalini Sleep Music”

  1. 😳🙌🏼🌌Only made it 6hrs b4 I HAD2 get up & Pee 🤦🏽‍♀️😂👏🏼 BUT UNTIL THEN…was astral projecting AND sleepin LIKE a baby!🙏🏼😁
    THAAANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! I feel SO relaxed this morning!
    I will be BACK! Namasté💫

  2. This track is amazing. Very well done. I feel my solar plexus very strongly, and understand it's unique sensations. I feel so much confidence, drive, and powerful self-esteem.

  3. I had such a great day. Your meditations never fail to make my days better. Thank you for letting me get vulnerable with these meditations!

  4. So I slept last night with this on and i felt the very pit of my tummy vibrating, idk how to describe it, but it was only after I felt this sensation and woke up from it that I googled what the solar plexus was and where it’s located, the pit of ones yummy !!!! Wow! Thank you 🙏🏼!

  5. This is awesome! They actually have the music at 528hz, which is the exact correct Solfeggio Frequency for the Solar Plexus Chakra. Great work!

  6. I have been stuck on this same guy in an unhealthy relationship for 4 years… I struggle with making a decision with him because I feel like, if I had tried harder, our relationship can work, and I didn't want to let go of my first relationship, something and someone that I attached meaning to. But the reality is, we always break up for a reason, and I can't blame myself. He has borderline personality disorder and is unstable in many ways. I can't change that… I can't fix him. Just because I once had felt something for him does not mean we are meant to be soulmates. He is just a distraction from what is really out there. My solar plexus may be blocked but his is even worse, and I doubt he will ever open it. He could never love me because he hates himself. I don't want to be consumed by his negative energy anymore.

  7. Last night when listening to this I kept waking up every few hours I was hallucinating and slipping into sleep paralysis I also kept thinking “I’m scared” but I never felt scared I was just looping that sentence in my head, aside from that I was rather comfy 🤷🏽‍♀️

  8. Relatively speaking, nothing much along "such lines" is to happen, before, say, late in 2047 AD., more or less. But, THEN, be prepared. Italy and France will be invaded from the exactly adjacent east. Afterward, those who, from the east, had judged, will be judged. Then, Russia and China will respond in a fashion that no one should choose to see. Oddly, Rome will eventually recover. Oddly, France will not fall. There will be no more Popes, and the LAST one will have been resurrected, and ascended, as I have recently been noting. (JMB has never been Pope, hence, #111 is the last, within a remarkable, numbered sequence, yet isn't quite last of all. Say, "one and eleven plus one, equals 11 11.") So, bishops will become more free than ever, to worship as they might choose, from one bishop to the next. And, of course, after Petrus Romanus, transubstantiation belief support will cease to be mainstream, within Roman Catholicism. The world will hardly even notice, or be interested, at first. But, it will mark the beginning of the next age. It's somewhat about the impact that Petrus Romanus will be continuing to have, upon this world – Free Stonemasonry; Catholicism; music like this, etc.. (Software being one of a number of his key side interests, Romanus even invented the internet, at a most fundamental level, somewhat secretly, and perfectly casually.)
    Petrus Romanus needs this third chakra music, which fact makes it clear to me, that everyone does. We all would teach of 7 chakras, in grade school, if it were up to me, and ultimately, it likely IS to be, more or less.
    {{ Romnasu/Ogm/… }}

  9. I put this on my tv last night, because I suspect that I've had a blockage in this chakra that's been there for a long time. It sounds really nice, and I woke up this morning really refreshed and confident. Then I thought while listening that it sounds a lot like the background music in the final world level in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! I used to play that game obsessively when I was a kid and I always loved the soundtrack in it, more like ambient noises really than what's normally considered music. Anyway I just thought to share that. This is awesome. 🙂

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