Chakras: Heart Chakra

This video is best when watched in high quality. It is a continuation from the “Multidimensional: Chakras” video. Watch the rest of the series for more.

I would highly recommend the “Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka” by Amorah Quan Yin for techniques on grounding, self healing, clearings (includes clearing of the chakras), Ka activation, cellular reorientation and repatterning, and more. It really is an amazing book with techniques that help and work.

About the Pleiadian Workbook: The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light–Light beings from the Pleiades–who say it’s time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our ” Ka Channels, ” which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.


39 thoughts on “Chakras: Heart Chakra”

  1. Can you tell me what is the song and who is singing it. I have seen the mix on itunes and purchased :),however i also love this womans beautiful voice. Can you please advise who sings the song. BTW Great Video.

  2. I used to get random heart bliss so deep and beautiful but i don't anymore and i don't know why…still i get allot of third eye energy at least but i miss that feeling.

  3. so i fell in love with your higher self video… i looked at about 5 heart chakra videos i did not like than clicked on this and was like… alright this is more like it… and looked up and it was your channel again bahaha

  4. I also feel such resentment, wanting to anihilate all of consciousness to end experience because it pisses me off so much. Resentment at god or something just this deep deep resentment. So why was was my heart stolen?

  5. Without any technique just pure will and so i ended up in these fields…drawn there from my house and this experience happened. The humour and energy rising up through me felt so familiar it felt like me its an odd thing to describe and i felt content i didnt want energy anymore, i went home and later on lying in my bed my crown chakra went off like a brain orgasm again hard to describe. Still confused as to what it was all about such a surreal experience.

  6. I think i saw my higher self once, i wont go into detail. I was in some fields behind my house, breathing in and raising my arms over my head as i looked up a white ball of light thousands of feet up flew over my head, i looked down and repeated this 2 more times each time this ufo flew over my head from a different direction. Its hard to describe i thought it was my higher self, i felt great energy within and humour..i'd been meditating earlier because i wanted to generatic some kind of chi

  7. Thank you for this video! I just want you to know that as a follower of Christ the wounded heart resonates with me significantly for the Bible tells us Jesus Christ came to bind up the broken hearted. Also man is at emnity with GOD who loves mankind with a Love beyond comprehension, thus Christ came to show us who GOD is and His Love.
    Thank you again and GOD bless….JB

  8. I cannot adequately express how much I enjoy your videos + how excited I always feel when I notice that you have posted a new one to be viewed!
    I always enjoy, the music, the visuals + the message!
    Would you please be kind enough to post who the music is by because I always enjoy it and would very much like to know where I can obtain it?
    Thank you so much for you loving creations! ((♥))

  9. sub sub… simply…. beautiful!!!!!! oh… oh my my my…. i am in awe… the hearts shall be my home and the mind my mirror of silver dreams, without the heart what is soul… a soft gust as wind in the breeze, listen softer still to the breath we breathe, from root to the crowning thousand petal leaves, love… live… believe.

  10. Awesome ! The information presented here is enlightening and pertinant to humanity. I love the way that you present it. It resonates with me on many levels. Thank You…Love and Joy to Yamze

  11. Actually, I would highly recommend the book, "The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka" by Amorah Quan Yin for techniques on grounding, clearings (including clearing of chakras), ka activation, healing and more. It really is an awesome book. I had recommended it in the Entities video but I will be posting under More Info for all the videos.

  12. I'm honored to know you. Thank you for sharing these video's with the world. May I ask if you plan on sharing how people can unblock their Chakras?? I think that would also be very helpful. Sending much Love and Light

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