Binaural Beats – The Chakras.mpg

I made this video utilizing delta waves combined with Indian Sitar and Flute. Chakras are psychic facilities that lie alongside the axis of the backbone as consciousness potentials. The chakras will not be materially actual and are to be understood as located, not within the gross physique, however within the delicate or etheric physique. Repositories of psychic energies, they govern the entire situation of being. They’re often represented as lotuses.

7. Sahasrara Chakra
6. Ajna Chakra
5. Vishuddha Chakra
4. Anahata Chakra
3. Manipura Chakra
2. Svadhisthana Chakra
1. Muladhara Chakra


17 thoughts on “Binaural Beats – The Chakras.mpg”

  1. i sleep listening to this music, it actually found it really helpful. these days i only get about one to three hours of sleep because of all my stress and thoughts. however when i listen to this music i seem to lose train of thought and sort of drift off into my own world and eventually a nice long sleep. i love the fact that i discovered this music. many thanks to all the up loaders.

  2. i was riding on the back of an eagle and i asked him where he was taking me and he said "into the depths of your mind" he showed me my parrents and told me the truth about my life…i couldnt take n e more of it so i threw of my headphones and wrote this comment….

  3. WOW. i had my eyes closed for almost this entire experience. i began envisioning a spiral, galaxy type shape. then i opened my eyes and there was a spiral on the screen. WILD. I am a believer. you, nik, make these very… wonderful videos. and the music is just perfect. you see something most do not, i take it. ♥ so much. take care.

  4. LOVE love love …. what you have done. I have just started working with sound for personal healing while writing an article about it for OMTimes Magazine. I will be sharing your work over there! We'd love to hear your take on what you do and how it has helped you and others. Sound is so elemental and now that science and religion are considering to play nicely : a greater understanding into how much we can do to empower our SELF and manifest beautiful creativity. Much Love & Light, deZengo

  5. I lit incense, closed my eyes, and listened to this. I felt like I was floating and my body become warm and almost tingly. I feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Thank you!

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