All Chakras – Meditation, Balancing and Tuning

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Clear the negativity from your self and your life with this beautiful Chakra tuning music and colors.

The audio frequencies and colors in this video are for meditating and tuning all the Chakras. All seven Chakra videos have been condensed into one video for daily meditation and balancing of all Chakras.

Watch or listen to this video in the evening before bedtime, in the morning when you awake, or at any time of the day when you feel the need to relax, recharge or retune your being.

Personally I sometimes listen while doing my Yoga, and sometimes I watch and listen meditatively staring into the middle of the “mist.”

Note: Finger cymbals’ ring between each segment to allow you to recompose yourself for a moment before the next segment starts.

We can’t all live in the Himalayas, and let’s face it, stress is in our lives and there is little time to get in tune with the world around us, the natural world we rush past. There is a solution though, and you are here because you know that solution: tuning and aligning the 7 Chakras, the “spinning wheels of energy.”

Balance can return into your otherwise chaotic life. Face it, humans are not supposed to live this way, totally detached from the natural world, shut off from reality. But we can have that contact again, for what are we ourselves if not natural beings? Getting in touch, in tune with your natural self, is within your grasp.

We, like all natural things, from the smallest single celled entity, to the universe itself, resonate on a frequency, exist within a frequency. And as with all natural things, different parts of us resonate at slight variations of that frequency.

We can get “out of tune” like a musical instrument, and in being out of tune, the world around us can seem resistant, and indeed it is. But in tune, with all our parts harmonizing with the other parts, suddenly the world itself will be in sync with us. Your drive down the freeway will feel different, standing in line, work; everything will feel different.

Like the strings of a harp, if they are not in tune, in the proper pitch, they will vibrate like an unbalanced wheel; but tuned, in the proper pitch, the strings will vibrate smoothly, waves touch each other, crossing over each other and back again, like fluid, like water in a stream passing softly over the pebbles it encounters along its path.

Chakras are wheels of energy, and they must be balanced. This video will help you find that balance. You can’t just balance one, you must balance them all if you are to find synchronicity within yourself and the world around you.

The seven Chakras:

1: Muladhara or Root Chakra
2: Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra
3: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
4: Anahata or Heart Chakra
5: Vishuddha or Throat Chakra
6: Ajna or The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra
7: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra


Visit my channel to watch each Chakra’s video (long versions) separately for deeper meditation and tuning and for each Chakra’s information..

Complete playlist. (all 7 full length videos in order)



39 thoughts on “All Chakras – Meditation, Balancing and Tuning”

  1. the chakra stuff is good. punchy. to be fair i think why most of the people listen to the chakra stuff out of taos is because of keywords chasing. taos if u can make ur other music with key element of effects like deep relax, inner peace, motivating etc i think u will find one of your edge and more listeners!

    feel really energy upgrade
    Help diseeases cronic fadigue
    This especific all chakras medidation??

    I have cronic fadigue syndrome im 24 hours faded no energy pain
    Trying this
    Who fan someone recomend any subliminal really works for that??

  3. Ive been listening to this meditation for quite awhile now and it finally dawned on me that they use the tones from Star Trek the Next Generation on here…I was wondering why I kept having visions of the empty Halls of the Enterprise. LMAO!

  4. 1; Lam
    2: Vam
    3: Rom
    4: Yam
    5: Ham
    6: Aum
    7: Ah

    7: Ah Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
    6: Aum Ajna or The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra
    5: Ham Vishuddha or Throat Chakra
    4: Yam Anahata or Heart Chakra
    3: Rom Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
    2: Vam Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra
    1: Lam Muladhara or Root Chakra

  5. what I love about this is that it's only 15 minutes but it literally feels like am eternity I feel like I mediated for at least an hour. perfect for someone on the go

  6. ive been honestly trying to get a headache or some sort of sign to know that my third eye has opened but i dont feel anything anymore. have i already opened my third eye? since ive got the headache before but now i feel no more sensation of it opening….😢

  7. I was in the ocean playing sudoku with mermaids male and female and the mermaids were a colorful maze with their bodies. they we're entwined in each other along with beautiful seaweeds and other contents of the ocean. they we're tumbling around in patterns I couldn't grasp it was sensational. at first I. was moving slow but. then i was moving fast. playing. the. game. when I. took. too long. or. pressed the incorrect button they would lick me with long. tongues. in awkward places. some felt. funny others felt sexual. my. aunt. disturbed me. while. I. was playing to tell. me. she. plays. the. game. too. as. I. was hiding it.. my stupid phone. keeps adding periods while I type.. that was fun.. first time

  8. i am feeling good when i listen to your music everyday and i feel like my 2 chakra is so balanced but i can not heal my 4 chakra and when i stop listening my 2 chakra gets bad again….): any idea?

  9. just found this since I haven't done anything with aligning my chakras in a very long time. Ive been depressed, angry anxious, cloudy minded since I I lost my son and my life want to hell. As soon as it started everything want away and just peace and happiness was felt running threw my body. thank you man I feel great my minds clearing up and since listening to it everything seems better and more vivid. thanks again keep up the phenomenal work and ill be looking at your other videos.

  10. I have been looking for answers but I have only found outdated forums noone post on anymore and websites marketing classes or books. I have aphantasia which is the inability to visualize. I have no minds eye, I cannot see anything in my head, when I close my eyes I see darkness. I can dream vividly but during my waking hours I cannot see any mental pictures. So I was wondering how I can move my chi/qi/life energy without the ability to visualize, for practical applications such as healing. Thank you in advance for any information you maybe be able to share. Love and peace.

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