All 7 Chakras Vibrations – Spirit Ascends.mp4

The Historical Vedics have for a very long time had a system of particular Vibrations for every of their 7-Chakra system.. It’s also confirmed by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his ebook The Historical Secret of the Flower of Life that the Sandskrit language is an extremely exact mathematical system and in all probability the vibrations of the phrases are emulations of the True Vibrations of Supply!

LAM- Root

VAM- Sacral Plexus

RAM- Photo voltaic Plexus

YAM- Coronary heart Chakra

HAM- Throat Chakra

AUM- Third Eye Chakra

OM- Crown Chakra

Sit again in your chair, in a snug place together with your again straight ideally or mendacity down if you want, and easily let the vibrations soak by means of you, utilizing the colour chart as a sympathetic correspondence or simply visualizing the spheres in your physique or each!

In the event you prefer it please price, remark and go to this web site/weblog : the place you will get entry to tons and tons of those sort of Activations/Mild Transmissions and Alchemy Meditation! Do not forget to share with your mates. Take pleasure in


5 thoughts on “All 7 Chakras Vibrations – Spirit Ascends.mp4”

  1. How do you see thought (think) in this and get annoyed? The uploader in no way is forcing you to watch it and neither is youtube. You have the power to close the page and your mind so feel free to do so.

  2. IF you watched attentively and actually meditated to this video, you would hear the wisdom in the sounds you are hearing, but obviously you are too unhappy and closed-off to understand. Your fault, so be annoyed as fuck.

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