A Warning on the Chakras and Energy

The subject of the chakras, kuṇḍalinī and the raising of energies has become a popular interest of people in our present day. The promise of enlightenment, visions sublime and ecstatic union are often given without due warning to the consequences of desiring such things for ones self.
The entire story of Creation, of evolution, and the meditative unfoldment of a person (or a Logos) lies hidden in the chakras and their unfolding. Spiritual seekers should be warned that such information is often veiled and therefore purposely misleading, contradictory, or else cursorily treated, because of the potential dangers awaiting the unwise in their premature attempts to awaken this force. This is because kuṇḍalinī in its most material aspect will burn and destroy the form or wreak havoc upon the psychic constitution of the person who has not developed the wisdom, or the moral and psychic purity to rightly direct it. Whatever subtle, uncontrolled desire, or base quality exists in a person will be exacerbated distorted and enflamed by the energies awakening.
In this talk given by Bodo Balsys in Kalimpong India the consequences of premature awakening of the chakras and important details are discussed.


38 thoughts on “A Warning on the Chakras and Energy”

  1. I opened mine and now Im in torment. Your actually opening yourself up too demonic activity. Its all eastern religion stems from egypt. Buddha was before christ. His story is not truth. Buddha was created by fallen angels for new age deception. I am a Christian and got decieved by it. Please dont do it.

  2. How do you go about learning of your inner energy if everything can harm or endanger you . Me personally I want to open my chakras to better my being no bad intended but I’m not trying to jump head first I want to learn can someone help ?

  3. Does he ever say something nice? With all respect, even though there is some truth, instead of speaking negatively about “others” why not give practical advice insights on the chakras, spiritual awakening which happens beyond books but as an experience to the many as we go through the shift of the Ages, that would be much more helpful than negatively speaking about others being ignorant, whom is the ignorant here? In all unconditional love. And wisdom is not about comparing oneself to others…:) all is ONE 🌹

  4. those practicing in the so called "Dark Arts" is nothing new it has been around as long as there's been life on this planet…the universe is a balance of both dark and light forces, opposites, etc…disinformation or false messages for profit, personal gain and power is part of this reality. You see it everywhere, religions, politics, etc. That said, not everyone has malicious intentions on passing this kind of knowledge on to others. If one listens to his or her heart the true path will be opened to them…have the wrong thought forms and energy and beings attracted to these same thought-forms or energy will come to you…peace.

  5. With total respect to you Sir…. I feel your trying to keep your path to enlightenment a secret and ring fenced ….. ! Seems selfish and it’s like you’re saying ‘ this is our club!!! Stay out’!!!!!!
    Rather than do a moan video …. do a video to help those like me that want peace, alignment and to help heal others
    God bless

  6. "Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth." – Hosea 6:3The soul aspires to realize Wisdom and Love, and looks for the Divine oupouring which is sure to follow the prayer of the earnest soul. And the Divine nature will come in Truth that shall rain down from above, the fuller Truth that makes fruitful the lower nature (earth).

  7. Little wisdom…whole bunch of judgement. This is an elite trickery…my stuff is so powerful I must hide it from the world…because only I can know best what to so with it. 13minutes of me worthlessness and second on practice…He waste your energy with psuedo judgements of his own displeasure on life…sad to watch

  8. I admit it took me too long to realize he's addressing total morons. I guess he's exaggerating the warnings in the beginning, though. I know my chakras and how hard it can be to get the glands moving. would think it's neither that wide spread nor that dangerous. except maybe to really bad morons. but I think you can't go through "magick" without evolving.

  9. Purification of mind and body is the absolute foundational first step to the spiritual path. If one has not first inspected the psyche of their own mind and then mastered them. If you then start to bring in prana or spiritual energy you will enhance your positive qualities and your negative qualities. This is why we see so many Gurus, yoga teachers spiritual teachers that sexually abuse their students. They have not purified themselves. This sad but true power in the wrong hands will have a negative effect on others. Even if they have not intended to harm they no longer can control themselves.

  10. Im not interested in power. I just want to controll all humans on this planet to do my bidding. Also i want a hamburger, like right now 😂

  11. If your intention is to better youself inside then outside reactions to that are unavoidable. They shouldnt affect your internal being negatively but to gain wisdom to rise beyond the limitations therefore telling about this and that to people shouldnt even be in your interest unless someone really wants to hear but if theyre against you and youre reactionally against them then talking about spirituality is just another weapon to arguments. And also a tool to seem wise in youtube comments

  12. Chakras are energy rings or circuits. This is all that nation states and market places are – Power circuits. Just imagine an agrarian society transported into a modern urban setting, sans the almighty radio tower and its all reaching beams and broadcasts (except one that is discretely used for security monitoring, that does not raise paranoia among citizenry simply because there is no such thing as crime or prohibition, because if there were actions that ran contrary to larger master plans, it would not exist).

    Versus an arms race where child citizens run behind one leg to another (mother or father, government or business, parliament or police, dark skin or light skin, family or state) to pit and play off each other, while hiding acts in total, with plenty of nooks and crannies (conflicting rules and positions) to steal, cheat, lie, trick, self and others

    Where the job of the patriarchs of such a state is to ensure that every citizen is paired up and coupled, to generate thermal as well as psychodynamics forces for the nation, on top of the physical duties of procreation and child rearing as well as productive labor and duties of state and market function, synced to level of food production and food security.

    Only possible for a relatively fertile population, sans exhausted human growth mediums that have depleted capacity for productive growth, in exchange for technological power and cultural domination. And thus now still serve the same expansive (explosive?) network in a corrosive deleterious capacity. As the only opportunity left open to them.

    As these groups blow up and break into one safe house and storage silo after another. releasing citizenry and freeing them with choices galore, that only amount to enslavement at the end of the day. Trapped in those self same nooks and crannies, created due to numbers and figures that don't add up. Creating nothing but insect hovels, that this self same (trash talking) culture than calls other groups.

    Where taunting and jeering, goading and instigating, entrapment and sabotage has been turned into a science and art. The plight of those are not willing to play this game of giant energy ring, because their position in the circular labyrinth energy ring is not secure. When seeds and players they are required to cough up to this larger world order, is skimped, welched with, cheated with, bounced. subverted, degraded.

    Because this game itself, and their commitment to it, is the enemy. A game that demands that everyone turn crooked at the end of the day. Cheating self and others, allies and rivals alike. While the system itself drains and depletes all countries part of such unions (energy rings or power chakras), leaving individual state shorter and shorter and left with an insurmountable debt at end of day.

  13. let go, realax, eat well, practise kindness and the body will balance itsef and the energy willl flow and you will feel it.
    i have no idea what this guy is talking about when he is saying the dark ones, sounds like spiritual drama to me.
    but what do i know about that stuff, nothing what do i want to know abou that stuff, nothing
    peace, contentment, joy and clariity is what i am looking for, everyday in my life.
    and i know its possable.
    also i know that if you dress up and follow rituals you are more lost than the average man on the street. by trying to make yourself specail and surround youself with spiritual objects you become a Cliché
    a freind of mine used to say what did the buddah find was it budisim or enlightenment ?

  14. In my estimation, he's right on almost everything, except that I don't belive that our chakras receive their power from food, but that they can be inhabited or enhanced by what we intake. Everthing else sounds right on to me.

  15. the psychoes already run the planet, thats plain to see,,,is it not ,, in these times of revealing surely knowledge needs to be revealed ,,, the black art mages will be weeded out by their own hand ,, the awakening is already in full swing , wisdom is falling into wise ears and the eye is opening ,,,,, secrets and secretions , does he mean secrets like the one revealed in the two following videos , gate keepers have done their job well but now its time .

  16. My intentions are the purest. I wish only to understand better and to be a deciple of love. I'm a blank slate, or opposite of actually. Where do I begin, the right way?

  17. Good speach but most if these guys dont tell you cant be in this energetic state for to long cause the body wasnt meant to be energised with this kinds of power it will burn you out literally also these others saying its about love and light i haven't once heard anyone say dark two its a balance there people all these dudes and gals are wrong you cant be in ballance if you pick a side i say fouls to all even to these people who say you need yogi or a master its another form a control as far a fear is concerned no it falls away like sexual desire even greed the greatest deception if all is these people getting rich trying to get you to fall in line if it was intended for you in this lifetime it will not be prevented because one doesn't know how to meditate or put their body thru poses. All i see is the masses following blind ambition you think our world be safe with everyone with powers to rip the earth apart or this immoral people that are doing drugs cause they want the experiences designed to give a medicine man his rituals sometimes old saying have truth like curiosity killed the cat fools all of you .you all get what you deserve

  18. This video appeared in my YouTube recommended videos feed today after watching and commenting on a video about parapsychology. The host and the guest, both whom have western doctoral degrees, were essentially blabbing about a lot of dangerous stuff and to them it was like talking about some interesting bit of geology. I really wonder about a civilization that essentially thinks shamanic plants are okay to be used recreational, and psychic powers are something you can monetize and speak freely about, and hands out chemicals calling them medicine with absolutely no real regard for or knowledge of the well being of those that consume them –just as long as they get to play round of golf and have a nice steak dinner on a pharmaceutical junket. I hate what is happening to western civilization, because I am citizen of it, and care not only about my family and friends in it, I even care about my called enemies and their souls!

  19. So it was ok for this gentleman to learn this information because he can handle it but not for others? How does one find the right information in order to ascend? Not everyone cares about siddhis.

  20. This is Kali Yuga – Prakriti's Maya is on Full Spin, Live We all, share We all, dance We all together, whether we share or not the TAO or Prana Energy, we all are under Karmic Law, Matrix Law. This Creating that we do in Prakriti's LILAH, we can't be free from it, we were born in it, our first cell was the first Creator of our Heart organ, So don't let anyone hold you back, as long we move from the Purest Intentions of our Hearts, and teach and give Compassion, and forgive and forget, we won't be paying any prices from teaching Chakra Prana Energies etc,. since it is for everyone to learn in this Yuga and that is why we are here, to awaken. This Dark Age has mostly dark roads, but Devotion, Prayer, Love, Compassion will always protect YOU, that is Divine Law its guarantee . Symbols are meaningless, Reality will be gone too.
    Trust and consult Your OWN Inner GURU, MASTER, TEACHER. That Guru is always in the Heart Chakra, the Heart Center, the Inner Heart, The non-physical pure Heart that never misleads.
    Divine Light empowers US ALL.

  21. One must aplaude the inguninity of DeepMind. Why the fuck would I wanna see this just because you (Google) bugged EVERYTHING (Google). I've been talkin about this with a relative that is all. And I get recomended this by your AI algorithm. But its retarded. And very dangerous. For the videos become biased.

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