29 thoughts on “Twin Flames Violet Flame Meditation”

  1. Cory beloved brother of light don't give up on your videos others have yet to come, love and light from the Angelic Host retreat on Venus.

  2. what an absolutely beautiful mediation, my heart chakra was on fire and the visualization I received was unforgettable, thank you. Namaste, sending much Love and Light 💫

  3. what an absolutely beautiful mediation, my heart chakra was on fire and the visualization I received was unforgettable, thank you. Namaste, sending much Love and Light 💫❣️💞

  4. I am listening to this for the first time and I am excited: The choice of music is perfect. I like Yanni's music very much. Thank you for your wonderful video, Dear 💜

  5. wow,this is so powerful,i brought tears to my eyes,i never thought this one person all along is my twin flame,though at this moment shes married.Thank you

  6. I AM Ascended Master's Joy and Happiness of union, reunion and communion with my twin flame.
    Thank you, blessed Cory, for this very beautiful meditation. You are touched by the Love of God and guided by His Light. Every video that you create is the open door to the Highest Truth, Love and Reality for all of us. May the blessings of our Lord be upon you always!

  7. Very beautiful video. I love this meditation. It really captures the sacredness and the infinite eternal connection with twins. Well done cory.

  8. Deeply moving and charged with Divine Love in this sacred and humbling activity of recognition and gratitude for the opportunity and blessing of being in embodiment and together in Pure Love and Devotion to the Heart Flame of each one and The Great God Flame of both. Thank you <3 <3 <3

  9. Most Twin Flames are fraught with and influenced by mortal consciousness so they do not realize the Opportunity before them, as I can personally attest to…
    Thank you  for this beautiful video and example you have placed before the world's eyes and Consciousness.

  10. It is just Beautiful.  It captures the Perfect Essence of Twin Flames as they should be when they have come together in embodiment – in Service to The Light, not pursuing a selfish human relationship which can happen so easily.  Very inspiring.

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