Chakras 101: How 7 Body Points Can Balance Your Life

Beyond your physical body is an “energy body” that contains crucial information about who you are. Part of that “energy anatomy” are the seven chakras, which can be developed to create complete physical and spiritual balance.

Reiki master and healer Jonathan Hammond joined HuffPost Live to explain what exactly the chakras are and how they substantially influence every part of one’s life.

“The chakras really contain all of who we are, every aspect of ourselves — our sexuality, our careers, how we think, what our beliefs are, whether or not we listen to intuition,” Hammond said.

People often sense that their chakras are out of balance when their lives feel slightly off kilter, Hammond explained. For example, if you’re feeling very emotional but find yourself incapable of expressing those emotions, your chakras may need work.

Learn more about the seven chakras and how to use them to restore balance in the HuffPost Live video above.
